Bill was there, where was Melania

Wait,, evince is saying that Joes WIFE is actually a HUSBAND just like The French Libtard Macrons old child molester HUSBAND is?
To you morons a typo is the height of humor .
Come on...that was funny....
"Bill" had to lead Joe off stage and then lie to him about how well he did ...he apparently Can't appear without her more than 10 feet away..."Bill" has a "job" to do...Melania does not...
And Babysitter...
I'm sure he is thankful that he has someone to clean up after him and lead him around... now it's her wifely duty to stop lying for him, and help him step down...if she truly loves him more than she loves power...
Joe is legally the President but I have been told that if Joe needs to do something then the order is given to Jill, who makes it happen....she is the interface.