Black adults, children brawl during chaotic kindergarten graduation ceremony

The place is full of five-years-olds and the “grown ups” can’t even take that into account and control themselves for however long it might take to get through the ceremomy. The good news is that the the melee ended before Dantavious could shoot Tyesha in the face.
Poor Voles. All his bigoted clap trap about Kamala Harris just blow up in his face (or under the pointy hood, so he defaults to his standard trolling: scanning the net and racist sites that also scan for any and all detrimental reporting on black folk in Amerca regarding crimes.

Of course, old Voles is dead silent about the near daily indictments, arrests and such of MAGA/LIBERTARIAN/TEA PARTY/NEW CONSERVATIVES/LIBERTARIAN preachers, reverends, boxing instructors, local state politicos, teachers, etc. FOR EITHER POSSESSION OF CHILD PORN OR BEING CAUGHT IN A STING OPERATION ON STATUATORY RAPE/PEDOPHILA.

Nope, just cricket chirps from our resident right wing wonks and bigots. Not surprising.
Poor Voles. All his bigoted clap trap about Kamala Harris just blow up in his face (or under the pointy hood, so he defaults to his standard trolling: scanning the net and racist sites that also scan for any and all detrimental reporting on black folk in Amerca regarding crimes.

Of course, old Voles is dead silent about the near daily indictments, arrests and such of MAGA/LIBERTARIAN/TEA PARTY/NEW CONSERVATIVES/LIBERTARIAN preachers, reverends, boxing instructors, local state politicos, teachers, etc. FOR EITHER POSSESSION OF CHILD PORN OR BEING CAUGHT IN A STING OPERATION ON STATUATORY RAPE/PEDOPHILA.

Nope, just cricket chirps from our resident right wing wonks and bigots. Not surprising.
Seems to be normal for blacks to have mob Popeyes ..malls..airports etc
Of course, old Voles is dead silent about the near daily indictments, arrests and such of MAGA/LIBERTARIAN/TEA PARTY/NEW CONSERVATIVES/LIBERTARIAN preachers, reverends, boxing instructors, local state politicos, teachers, etc. FOR EITHER POSSESSION OF CHILD PORN OR BEING CAUGHT IN A STING OPERATION ON STATUATORY RAPE/PEDOPHILA.

Nope, just cricket chirps from our resident right wing wonks and bigots. Not surprising.
So if a black post about that,,,it makes him a racist?

And u idiots are dead silent about the mass shootings of blacks EVERY wkend in Chicago ....but a white teen shoots 10 at a super market its non-stop coverage for a week
Black Americans are disproportionately represented on sex offender registries compared to white Americans:

In 2016, the registration rate for Black Americans was 501 per 100,000 adults, more than double the rate of 238 per 100,000 adults for white Americans.

They found that Black people were more than twice as likely than whites to be on sex offender registries.

Today, about 900,000 people are on public sex offender registries with about one of every 100 Black men on a registry, a rate double that of white men.

I guess thats racist
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So if a black post about that,,,it makes him a racist?

And u idiots are dead silent about the mass shootings of blacks EVERY wkend in Chicago ....but a white teen shoots 10 at a super market its non-stop coverage for a week
1. No stupid, its crimes reported by local & national media that sheet wearing schmucks like you ignore.
2. Stop lying! Every mass shooting gets national coverage via print, radio or TV...has been that way since the sunset of the AWB in 2004. You're pissed because the majority are done by white guys.
Black Americans are disproportionately represented on sex offender registries compared to white Americans:

In 2016, the registration rate for Black Americans was 501 per 100,000 adults, more than double the rate of 238 per 100,000 adults for white Americans.

They found that Black people were more than twice as likely than whites to be on sex offender registries.

Today, about 900,000 people are on public sex offender registries with about one of every 100 Black men on a registry, a rate double that of white men.

I guess thats racist
Per the U.S
Black Americans are disproportionately represented on sex offender registries compared to white Americans:

In 2016, the registration rate for Black Americans was 501 per 100,000 adults, more than double the rate of 238 per 100,000 adults for white Americans.

They found that Black people were more than twice as likely than whites to be on sex offender registries.

Today, about 900,000 people are on public sex offender registries with about one of every 100 Black men on a registry, a rate double that of white men.

I guess thats racist
Per the U.S. SENTENCING COMMISSION: Sex crimes - 57.5% white 16.1% black 12.1% native 11.8% hispanic 2.5% other.
74.6% possession of child pornography - white
Guess again, sheet wearer.
Per the U.S

Per the U.S. SENTENCING COMMISSION: Sex crimes - 57.5% white 16.1% black 12.1% native 11.8% hispanic 2.5% other.
74.6% possession of child pornography - white
Guess again, sheet wearer.

possession of child pornography


Today, about 900,000 people are on public sex offender registries with about one of every 100 Black men on a registry, a rate double that of white men.

Disproportionate Minority Presence on U.S. Sex OffenderRegistries

a rate double that of white men.

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Per the U.S

Per the U.S. SENTENCING COMMISSION: Sex crimes - 57.5% white 16.1% black 12.1% native 11.8% hispanic 2.5% other.
74.6% possession of child pornography - white
Guess again, sheet wearer.

African Americans disproportionately represented on sex offender registries

It shows conclusively that in every state in the union except one – Michigan – African American citizens are disproportionately represented on Megan’s Law registries. The disparity ranges from 1.08 in Texas to 10.99 in Minnesota. Only five states fall between 1 and 1.4. Seventeen states are between 1.5 and 2; twenty-three are between 2 and 4. The outliers on the upper end are Connecticut at 4.32, Washington at 4.26, Oregon at 7.20, and the already mentioned 10.99 in Minnesota. Michigan is 0.82.

African Americans are 1.08 times more likely to be included on the sex offense registry than their white counterparts, and in Minnesota they are 10.99 times more likely to become registered.

Minnesota’s numbers are staggering. While the white population of that state is 84.1%, white Minnesotans make up only 54.74% of those on the registry. The black population of Minnesota comprises only 6.8%, yet 38.6% of the state’s registry is black.

This is for ""ALL"" sex crimes ..not just child porn pics...that u cherry picked out of all sex crimes to show white led in one category

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Blacks are disproportionately represented in all violent crimes ...including brawls like in the OP car jackings... drive by shootings etc

African Americans are highly overrepresented in murders and gun assaults, the disparity in arrests is smaller for the most common form of assault not involving any weapon or serious injury; blacks are arrested for non-aggravated assault at 2.7 times the white rate.

According to the FBI 2019 Uniform Crime Report, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3% in cases where the race was known.

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws, and drunkenness.

And blacks are just 13% of the population
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White Adults Brawl During Chaotic Little League Game

How come you and Murdoch didn’t think this was newsworthy
blacks are even disproportionately represented in that


Maybe u can find whites are disproportionately represented in bad ck writing
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blacks are even disproportionately represented in that

But the little league brawl did happen, in fact they happen frequently across America, yet you, and Murdoch, only felt it was necessary to accent the black violence, now why is that?
But the little league brawl did happen, in fact they happen frequently across America, yet you, and Murdoch, only felt it was necessary to accent the black violence, now why is that?
Libs CNN and MSNBC accent the whites/cop on black violence. .they can scream racist racist racist

One 82 yo white man can shoot a black teen on his porch at 11pm...and it would get more prime time coverage on CNN MSNBC than 21 black teens and a 5 yo shot and killed in Chicago over a wkend
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