Black adults, children brawl during chaotic kindergarten graduation ceremony

possession of child pornography


Today, about 900,000 people are on public sex offender registries with about one of every 100 Black men on a registry, a rate double that of white men.

Disproportionate Minority Presence on U.S. Sex OffenderRegistries

a rate double that of white men.

By Jove, you simplistic sheet wearing, YOU'VE DONE EXACTLY AS I PREVIOUSLY STATED AGAIN! Right there you IGNORE the stat regarding percentages that conclusively shows who are the majority of folk being convicted and sentenced in favor of your usual myopic and dubious game of statistics.

I'll just pull the rug out from under you attempt at pseudo intellectual clap trap: Whenever the pointy hooded/goose stepping/zeig heil crowd sees a statistic they don't like, they say: it doesn't matter, because white people are the majority population, so if black people are making a percentage, that's really twice as bad. :rolleyes:

1. the victims of rape or assault or any crime are NEVER quoted as saying "Oh thank God I got raped/assaulted by a white man". By the stats, that's more likely to happen with white guys than with black guys in the raw numbers. And remember, the "cross over" of such crimes (black on white, vice versa) is VERY LOW given the raw population. But in case you're still sticking to the limited vision of your pointy hood's eyelets, here's a something else to ponder:

2. Disproportionate does NOT equate majority. THINK, stupid, THINK! By your "logic", black folk have a disproportionate representation in the military, law enforcement agencies (state & federal), the medical profession (doctors, nurses, etc), construction, farming, religious institutions, etc., etc., and therefore are more patriotic, religious and beneficial to society than folk who look like you! Of course that isn't a logical conclusion, but if we are to go by your "logic", it is ... unless you only apply it when it's beneficial to your dogma.

Now all you'll do is just parrot various version of the SOS we've seen in previous posts. But ALL the facts coupled with critical analysis and applied logic will always be your undoing.

Oh, and by the by I never said possession of child porn is a violent sex crime. It IS a sex crime, usually connected to registered pedophile groups. Are you excusing or down playing this?

African Americans disproportionately represented on sex offender registries

It shows conclusively that in every state in the union except one – Michigan – African American citizens are disproportionately represented on Megan’s Law registries. The disparity ranges from 1.08 in Texas to 10.99 in Minnesota. Only five states fall between 1 and 1.4. Seventeen states are between 1.5 and 2; twenty-three are between 2 and 4. The outliers on the upper end are Connecticut at 4.32, Washington at 4.26, Oregon at 7.20, and the already mentioned 10.99 in Minnesota. Michigan is 0.82.

African Americans are 1.08 times more likely to be included on the sex offense registry than their white counterparts, and in Minnesota they are 10.99 times more likely to become registered.

Minnesota’s numbers are staggering. While the white population of that state is 84.1%, white Minnesotans make up only 54.74% of those on the registry. The black population of Minnesota comprises only 6.8%, yet 38.6% of the state’s registry is black.

This is for ""ALL"" sex crimes ..not just child porn pics...that u cherry picked out of all sex crimes to show white led in one category

See the following, my babbbling goose stepper:
Blacks are disproportionately represented in all violent crimes ...including brawls like in the OP car jackings... drive by shootings etc

African Americans are highly overrepresented in murders and gun assaults, the disparity in arrests is smaller for the most common form of assault not involving any weapon or serious injury; blacks are arrested for non-aggravated assault at 2.7 times the white rate.

According to the FBI 2019 Uniform Crime Report, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3% in cases where the race was known.

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws, and drunkenness.

And blacks are just 13% of the population
Ahh, the sheet wearers stat game. So easily debunked: