Blackflag: The left is coming for your job...

And condoms help prevent deadly disease spread Dano, why did you ignore that one ?
ahs no adverse reactions and no bad side effects.
I dunno I don't really care or spend much time thinking about it.

Well there is no question some jobs would be lost over this, hopefully you won't be affected but it's always easier to stop government from doing something than to repeal it once they have done it and the left brainwashes people into thinking they could never live without it.
And condoms help prevent deadly disease spread Dano, why did you ignore that one ?
ahs no adverse reactions and no bad side effects.
Uh because I was responding to your cigarette post?
I'll make a deal with you, I'll agree to fight for condom ads being allowed, you agree to fight against Dems proposing limits on other ads.
Dano I do not make deals with "the devil".

You are so limited in your view....
Of couese if condoms were advertised theyre would be fewer abortions, less STD including Aids, etc.
But then the drug comapnies would not make money off of the diseases....

Prevention is the key, stop it before a medicine is needed to fix it.
More Dano bullshit:

Let's see what Dano PURPOSELY left out:

"The two-year delay would prevent television ads from driving consumers to drugs that HAVEN'T BEEN PROVEN SAFE, said Edwards, who also would require drug companies to GET FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION APPROVAL BEFORE LAUNCHING MAJOR AD CAMPAIGNS."

GOD FORBID we have a decent degree of confidence in a drug before allowing a manufacturer to attempt to brainwash the public into believing they need it.
Oh, by the way, Dano...

Only a partisan scumbag would pretend that FREELY CHOOSING TO USE the inclusive "Happy Holidays", rather than exclusive "Merry Christmas", is a "War On Christmas".

You scream "freedom of choice" all day, then buy into the "War on Christmas" bullshit, when Social Hegemonists cry that they are being attacked, because not everyone does things exactly the way they want them to be done.

Fundamentalists cry that they are being oppressed whenever someone says "no, I will live my own life, and will not do things as you insist I must"

The "War on Christmas" farce is a product of such ridiculous thinking...

"If you don't do things as I want you to, despite the fact that you are not doing anything to me, or restricting me in any way, you are attacking me"
Ridiculous. Edwards plans to force drug companies not to market or advertise for new drugs for 2 years, because hey it lures people into trying to buy the more expensive drugs.

"Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards said Sunday that prescription drug companies should wait two years to begin advertising their new products to consumers. ";_ylt=AgyWf8tzoThRbNgC11DoG45h24cA

Apparently people need government to protect them from advertising and marketing now.
So begins the leftwing "War on Advertising and Marketing", and I'm sure like all government programs it should expand to cover more and more, should throw a lot of innocent people out of work too...

Healthcare shouldn't be allowed to advertise. There is no social utility to healthcare advertising. Healthcare corporations themselves would probably be relieved by this, as it means they can spend more on research instead of competing by advertising.
Let's stop advertisements and marketing for food, after all it just increases the price of food and that is "bad". Nevermind that advertisements are the number one way that new companies get word of their product out to survive and keep fresh and more competition alive which helps lower prices in the long run.
More Dano bullshit:

Let's see what Dano PURPOSELY left out:

"The two-year delay would prevent television ads from driving consumers to drugs that HAVEN'T BEEN PROVEN SAFE, said Edwards, who also would require drug companies to GET FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION APPROVAL BEFORE LAUNCHING MAJOR AD CAMPAIGNS."

GOD FORBID we have a decent degree of confidence in a drug before allowing a manufacturer to attempt to brainwash the public into believing they need it.
Ads are not brainwashing, companies have NO power to make anyone pay for a goddam thing they want, maybe you are confusing them with government...

And you omit that people can DIE waiting for government to approve new drugs they need and ads that let them know about it and pressure faster approval can help them.

"According to George Hitchings, co-winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in medicine, FDA's five-year delay in approving the antibacterial drug Septra cost 80,000 lives." – Sam Kazman
Let's stop advertisements and marketing for food, after all it just increases the price of food and that is "bad". Nevermind that advertisements are the number one way that new companies get word of their product out to survive and keep fresh and more competition alive which helps lower prices in the long run.

Hmm most of the "food" commercials are for junk food anyway. Perhaps you have a good idea Dano.
Yeah faster approval for drugs that can kill as well. Are you familiar with the history of approved drugs pulled from the market and how much the number has accelerated in recent years ?
Hmm most of the "food" commercials are for junk food anyway. Perhaps you have a good idea Dano.

Yep, yep ban it all, we are too weak to have to endure the burden of advertised choice, save us O government from the marketing racket - before it's too late!
Yeah faster approval for drugs that can kill as well. Are you familiar with the history of approved drugs pulled from the market and how much the number has accelerated in recent years ?

No I'm not, please post some facts and enliven me. We'll see if it comes anywhere close to the 80,000 that died waiting for the FDA to approve Septra.

The FDA does good for sure, but by the numbers it is unquestionable that it does more harm. If you don't want to try newer drugs for trust issues, than no one is forcing you, personal responsibility is key AND you can save tens of billions that the FDA costs.
Wow, lets just do away with the FDA. We love killer drugs, poision spinich, and most of all poision pet food :shock: