Black's Dilemma With Obama

Ah, but you wanted to have a debate about a specific topic...and here you resort to ad hominem. Barack saying it, is not the same as you saying it. Back to ignore, because you are ethically and morally insolvent. Don't point fingers at anyone ever. Better, never ask for that which you are unwilling or unable to give. What a crock.

lol...yurt wins

it is ok for obama to call poet a mongrel, ok for poet to say he is a mongrel, but how dare anyone else say what poet just said he is and what he said is ok for obama to call him...when yurt does the same thing = ad hom, when poet and obama do the same thing = good

Fuck you. I'm not bothered by being called a "mongrel" by Barack stop your displaced false outrage. I am mixed. I am a mongrel (Spanish, French, Native American, English, African). He told the truth...but you better not say it. And didn't you get the memo? Lincoln freed the slaves. I don't take orders from your kind anymore...I can tell you to go fuck yourself. And your mama.
You're one of the first ones I placed on ignore because of your blatant racism and bigotry. And some whites here, have called you the everybody can't be wrong. Hello?

Yes, you were bothered by it enough to ask for a link because you didn't believe me. Lincoln was a Republican.

The rest of your pathetic feeble post is just more pissing and moaning about "the man". You're a pathetic cowardly pissant.

Yes, Lincoln was a Republican...who would be viewed as a liberal Democrat, were he alive today. And quit talking about your mother like that.
Ah, but you wanted to have a debate about a specific topic...

true.....and you've avoided it by first criticizing his spelling and then talking about Obama's use of the word about discussing the result of the Obama administration on blacks expectations......
true.....and you've avoided it by first criticizing his spelling and then talking about Obama's use of the word about discussing the result of the Obama administration on blacks expectations......

Too late. You, being a dishonest poster, offering up "cuts" and insults totally uncalled for, has removed you from the "pool". I could discuss the disillusionment that some blacks have with Obama, as I have had, personally, but it wouldn't amount to a "hill of beans", because despite his shortcomings, misguidance intitiated by his "over-willingness" to "work with Republicans", who have only bitten the hand that feeds them, there is no question that I will be voting for him again in Nov. 2012, as there is no Republican worth their salt, or who could "trump" him.
Mitt Romney was just ridiculed for "flip-flopping" again, on his positions, the very thing that cost him the nomination in 2008. Karl Rove is keen on reminding the "lock and step", that the Party can ill-afford to elect "the un-electable" (Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann), and the eventual fist fight that will come between Rick Perry and Mitt Romney, will determine which one will be the sacrificial lamb to Obama, who will destroy the nominee with his billion+ war chest, and incumbent status.