Blacks in Heaven


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There are 1.3 billion people of African descent in the world, third behind the Han and Indians. Heaven will be full of Black and Brown folk. If you have a problem with that, you may consider a much warmer place to spend eternity.
Of course? It’s absurd to think otherwise.

Acts 8:26-39 — pretty sure this guy was “black” (dark skinned) … and Philip might have been as well?
Heaven will be full of Black and Brown folk.
How is that possible? What is the volume of Heaven? Just give me the dimensions and I'll do the math. What are Heaven's length, width and height? Let's say we allocate 2 m^3 for each soul (which is far too much but let's go with that) then we're talking about 250 Billion m^3 for every 125 Billion people (a few billion more than the number of humans who have ever lived). That's just 373 km^3. That's 4 parts per ten-billion of the volume of the earth, i.e. all the souls who have ever lived would leave a volume equal to planet earth essentially empty for all practical purposes.

If Heaven is larger than planet earth then there's no way it will ever be full. What are the dimensions?
How is that possible? What is the volume of Heaven? Just give me the dimensions and I'll do the math. What are Heaven's length, width and height? Let's say we allocate 2 m^3 for each soul (which is far too much but let's go with that) then we're talking about 250 Billion m^3 for every 125 Billion people (a few billion more than the number of humans who have ever lived). That's just 373 km^3. That's 4 parts per ten-billion of the volume of the earth, i.e. all the souls who have ever lived would leave a volume equal to planet earth essentially empty for all practical purposes.

If Heaven is larger than planet earth then there's no way it will ever be full. What are the dimensions?
300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high.
There are 1.3 billion people of African descent in the world, third behind the Han and Indians. Heaven will be full of Black and Brown folk. If you have a problem with that, you may consider a much warmer place to spend eternity.

I don't understand the attraction of Heaven at all.
Who would want eternal life anyway?
It sounds terrifying.

What could be better than the perfect peace that comes with the cessation of existence?
I don't understand the attraction of Heaven at all.
Who would want eternal life anyway?
It sounds terrifying.

What could be better than the perfect peace that comes with the cessation of existence?
My family believes they automatically have a space reserved for them in heaven. They get upset with me when I ask what they did to deserve it. I tell them that Nelson Mandela and others like him have earned the right. The thought of having to spend eternity with other races and cultures is too much for them to process.
There are 1.3 billion people of African descent in the world, third behind the Han and Indians. Heaven will be full of Black and Brown folk. If you have a problem with that, you may consider a much warmer place to spend eternity.
Tomorrow, we will celebrate a year without one of Heaven's very best angels...hard to believe it's been a year...
I don't understand the attraction of Heaven at all.
Who would want eternal life anyway?
It sounds terrifying.

What could be better than the perfect peace that comes with the cessation of existence?
I'm going with Heaven, eternal life...and the Rainbow Bridge, of course...that is the perfect peace...
My family believes they automatically have a space reserved for them in heaven. They get upset with me when I ask what they did to deserve it. I tell them that Nelson Mandela and others like him have earned the right. The thought of having to spend eternity with other races and cultures is too much for them to process.
I'm pretty sure they don't think it's "automatic", and may even be a bit worried about a misstep here and there holding up the process...
God loves us all the heaven we are all the same...
If you are pure spirit after your meat space body dies, how would any other spirits know what race your body was when on Earth?