Blacks in inner cities, seem to be their own worst enemy.


Only in the USA, can a poor black individual get out of the ghetto, and make something of themselves--just like the rest of the nation. The problem is, much of the dependant population also suffers from wealth envy. With wealth envy--may opportunities are not recgonized. Many black kids only think of drugs or rap to get them outof the ghetto. Not to many think of education, and it's unlimitited boundries as a way to advance. it is considered "selling out to the white man". If your a black kid, in a inner city school in Chicago or Detroit (any city really), and you get straight A's---your going to have a problem. if your a black kid who dressses nicely in grade school, your going to have a problem. If your a black kid who speaks perfect English, your going to have a problem!

Is it possible to charge a hate crime against a black group who beats up a achieving black student because they feel he is acting too white?

Hey you guys in school, knocking your class mates down. KNOCK IT OFF!!! and beat that kid where he hates to be beaten and where it will do every body good--in the class room. Just be ready to think for yourself--and question your teachers often. These progressives want to own us Americans one way or another.

To my black neighbors of human spirit. I know this obama guy and his administration are modern day communists. But you and I, damn it,--Damn it---we are Americans! So is that pride of your own race you just beat up--and you did it to hold him down. I don't think a white man has done that in a while--accept the progressives you vote for.
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Its not just blacks but most inner city schools are like that; bet they white, brown or red. Anyone who tries to succeed is at best shunned. The only solution is to put your kid in private school which requires vouchers for poor parents but of course the Democrats will have none of that. And in return for messing up their kids the parents continue to vote for the Democrats "because the Republicans never done nothin' fo' me."
Its not just blacks but most inner city schools are like that; bet they white, brown or red. Anyone who tries to succeed is at best shunned. The only solution is to put your kid in private school which requires vouchers for poor parents but of course the Democrats will have none of that. And in return for messing up their kids the parents continue to vote for the Democrats "because the Republicans never done nothin' fo' me."

You say you have two degrees and post this juvenille crap. You racist cracker.

Racism is when you see somebody of a different race, and think negative of that person. I do not do that. Since I bashed individuals of a race that tends to hold their own race down, I am not sure how your conditioned mind full of race cards to throw could think that is racism. You are so full of race cards, with most not being applicable, you can not even see the difference between racism, and encouragment. You sir-(like most)-do not understand what true racism is becauses progressives use it as a tool so much in situations that do not apply. You probably think the USA, who has the most diverse population on the planet with people from each race getting their dream--is a racist nation.

WE ARE ALL OPRESSED--in the USA today, but it is taught only the white man is oppressive. Tell that to the citizens of Iran.
Keep throwing that race card, like the progressives want you to do at any and every opportunity--and you will see the progressives divide the minority groups from middle America so we can be reduced to a third world nation full of infighting.

It is just a fact that there are differnt races on the planet--but I am with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr on this one--all men should be created equal. Telling a race to stop beating the achievers up in their race---is not racism. You have become a progressive tool, and thinking has stopped in your head. The race card is a dead give away.

When I see a person who readily throws out the race card, I see a person who was educated by progressives---who think only the white man could be racist--because blacks were the only ones oppressed. I got news for you. My Polish grand parents moved here during WW2, because the Germans were making lamp shades out of their skin!!!! To this day--I do not blame todays germans for what their grand parents did to my people.

Just like the election of 2008 in the USA, the German people, in despair, elected a leader on hope and change for a new society that took them down a bad road. The only difference is, obama will let Iran whipe out the Jews for him. Because obama is also a racist anti Semite---you will see Isreal defend them selves within the next year--max two. They have no choice if they want to survive.
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But you bitched about blacks like poor white trash doesn't suck the gov tit.

I have plenty of ex white friends that think our population owes them something. Your absolutly correct. It is a race independant attitude--but blacks in the cities do tend to beat up other blacks much more often than whites beating up whites for being achievers. and I would like to see that stop for good achievments of the black race, and the good achievments for our nation.

Believe me--I know it is easy to give up when our government out sources our wealth making capabilities, and don't dout me when I say this crises is purposly created to gain the dependant vote based on welfare, instead of opportunity. I was there myself, before I found some success. I am 100% confident that most of the people that we see as a problem---simply gave up. My thought is---if we get opportunity back--we will flourish like we know how to do--no matter what race you are from---as it should be.

Just remember that our government did not give our small and med sized business a tax break for growth last week---China did.
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<<<Another uscitizen creating trolls to have conversations with...:palm:>>>

I have plenty of ex white friends that think our population owes them something. Your absolutly correct. It is a race independant attitude--but blacks in the cities do tend to beat up other blacks much more often than whites beating up whites for being achievers. and I would like to see that stop for good achievments of the black race, and the good achievments for our nation.

Believe me--I know it is easy to give up when our government out sources our wealth making capabilities, and don't dout me when I say this crises is purposly created to gain the dependant vote based on welfare, instead of opportunity. I was there myself, before I found some success. I am 100% confident that most of the people that we see as a problem---simply gave up. My thought is---if we get opportunity back--we will flourish like we know how to do--no matter what race you are from---as it should be.

Just remember that our government did not give our small and med sized business a tax break for growth last week---China did.

Originally Posted by Buffalo Soldier
But you bitched about blacks like poor white trash doesn't suck the gov tit.
I agree with that. It makes me sick when I hear about blacks beating up the smart ones. A 14 yr old was killed in the Midwest just a couple months ago by thugs cause he was a smart kid.
I agree with that. It makes me sick when I hear about blacks beating up the smart ones. A 14 yr old was killed in the Midwest just a couple months ago by thugs cause he was a smart kid.

I did not hear about that one. How tragic. May be that kid could have really done some good change---for a change. Now--hummanity will never get a chance to advance from this kids growing mind. 14 years old, and killed because he wanted to improve and grow up to be a proud man. It is hard enough to find a 14 year old that wants to improve of any race. His family must be devistated about their loss. I feel devistated for their and our loss.

Peace and strength be with that family, but others will have to carry on where this young man got cut short, and I hope those parents have other children, that are destined to make them proud.
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I was talking with some of my ski buddies two weeks ago that our sport was one of the last bastions of the white man. We came to the conclusion that we hope blacks don't discover this shit because they'll be kicking our asses at it if they did. I told them if I had some money when I retire I'd like to sponsor a half dozen or so black kids from AAU track- sprinters. I'd make a team out of them and make some serious hardware in some of these leagues.
I was talking with some of my ski buddies two weeks ago that our sport was one of the last bastions of the white man. We came to the conclusion that we hope blacks don't discover this shit because they'll be kicking our asses at it if they did. I told them if I had some money when I retire I'd like to sponsor a half dozen or so black kids from AAU track- sprinters. I'd make a team out of them and make some serious hardware in some of these leagues.

The more competition, the better man kind will be. But those kids from the AAU track probably already know how to win. I would go for the kids who lack perspectives on how to learn to be a winner. With a nation 1/4 full of progressives---winning should be pretty easy, since progressives have no marketable talent.

I remember Glenn beck picking on "cup stacking". He pissed me off when he said "Cup stacking is for losers!"

I had to write the man, but I am sure he did not listen.

Mr. Beck----It does not matter what you do to learn how to win (as winning is a state of mind with action). What matters is learning how to win--at anything you do. The attitude is transferable, if we have a winning attitude left after this progressive administration.

Happy new year Southern man. I think I remember you here as one of the good Americans.
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The more competition, the better man kind will be. But those kids from the AAU track probably already know how to win. I would go for the kids who lack perspectives on how to learn to be a winner. With a nation 1/4 full of progressives---winning should be pretty easy, since progressives have no marketable talent.

I remember Glenn beck picking on "cup stacking". He pissed me off when he said "Cup stacking is for losers!"

I had to write the man, but I am sure he did not listen.

Mr. Beck----It does not matter what you do to learn how to win (as winning is a state of mind with action). What matters is learning how to win--at anything you do. The attitude is transferable, if we have a winning attitude left after this progressive administration.

Happy new year Southern man. I think I remember you here as one of the good Americans.

I don't think you can teach someone how to be competitive, but you can certainty teach them how to ski. My point was that black sprinters possess an ideal body type for alpine ski racing. A coach that capitalizes on that would be successful.

Back at you with the great American and Happy New Year. :good4u: