Blade runner gun nut blows away model

So explain why an eco warrior like Sting has at least seven houses around the world and has a huge carbon footprint. I don't begrudge him his money but I do protest when he acts in such a hypocritical manner. Bono is the same, he fights tooth and nail to avoid paying tax in his native country of Ireland yet is always telling governments to cough up for Africa. So call me old fashioned but when people ask others to behave a certain way is it too much to expect them to show a good example?

There are not a lot of Mother Teresas around. Not that I agreed with all her policies but you know what I mean.
Well lows on my ignore list. Besides, the point stands.

I'm on your ignore list? LOL. I dont even know who you are except that you are one of the immature ones who thinks its fun to keep changing your name. I'm sure we have never spoken.

Anyway this isnt for you its for everyone else.
You don't know who Billy is?
Heard the name, that's all. Anyway this is not Billy this is someone called Kel Tech 2000. He clearly does not wish to be Billy any more. I dont remember ever talking to Billy come to that.
Anyway if I have managed to insult him in one of his child like fancy dresses I'll not lose sleep.
Heard the name, that's all. Anyway this is not Billy this is someone called Kel Tech 2000. He clearly does not wish to be Billy any more. I dont remember ever talking to Billy come to that.
Anyway if I have managed to insult him in one of his child like fancy dresses I'll not lose sleep.

Yes, I agree that changing names all the time is childish but it is harmless enough. I find much more disturbing that someone like Grind says that he is willing to see thousands of children die so that his precious Second Amendment remains virgo intacta.
Yes, I agree that changing names all the time is childish but it is harmless enough. I find much more disturbing that someone like Grind says that he is willing to see thousands of children die so that his precious Second Amendment remains virgo intacta.
the founders considered immoral and depraved acts of violence a necessary price to ensure that 'the people' always remained able to fight off tyranny. grinds view is no different that washington, madison, jefferson, and mason as well as mine. I find it extremely disturbing that others find it 'reasonable' to surrender their ability to remain free in the name of 'safety'.
the founders considered immoral and depraved acts of violence a necessary price to ensure that 'the people' always remained able to fight off tyranny. grinds view is no different that washington, madison, jefferson, and mason as well as mine. I find it extremely disturbing that others find it 'reasonable' to surrender their ability to remain free in the name of 'safety'.

Not wishing to be particularly contentious but exactly who are you afraid of? What is the chance, do you think, of the American government turning on its citizens a la Syria? Are you so unsure of your country? If so, why the hell dont you live somewhere else? Freedom is an American mantra that has a meaning quite beyond the understanding of ordinary civilised people. We just don't need to keep tub thumping about something so basic and so understood.
Its a bit like going on a march to protect our right to breath. Its a given.
Not wishing to be particularly contentious but exactly who are you afraid of? What is the chance, do you think, of the American government turning on its citizens a la Syria? Are you so unsure of your country? If so, why the hell dont you live somewhere else? Freedom is an American mantra that has a meaning quite beyond the understanding of ordinary civilised people. We just don't need to keep tub thumping about something so basic and so understood.
Its a bit like going on a march to protect our right to breath. Its a given.

yes, I am unsure of all those things. Plenty of countries in world history have descended into tyranny. it is completely ignorant to assume it could never happen to yourself. History has shown us time and time again this isn't the case. What makes us so special? What makes our time different from any other time in history? Power corrupts, people have their own interests and goals, everyone is human... our freedom and liberty is NEVER a guarantee.

Only recently in the last decade has our government now gone with warrantless wiretapping and the president can now assassinate american citizens with no trial or justification. "Terrorists" can be looked up indefinitely.

Vigilance is a small price to pay to ensure eternal liberty. Those that think like you have lead to the fall of civilizations countless times in the past.
yes, I am unsure of all those things. Plenty of countries in world history have descended into tyranny. it is completely ignorant to assume it could never happen to yourself. History has shown us time and time again this isn't the case. What makes us so special? What makes our time different from any other time in history? Power corrupts, people have their own interests and goals, everyone is human... our freedom and liberty is NEVER a guarantee.

Only recently in the last decade has our government now gone with warrantless wiretapping and the president can now assassinate american citizens with no trial or justification. "Terrorists" can be looked up indefinitely.

Vigilance is a small price to pay to ensure eternal liberty. Those that think like you have lead to the fall of civilizations countless times in the past.


Exactly. Freedom is paramount to the survival of our civilization.

Exactly. Freedom is paramount to the survival of our civilization.

That's because no one has ever told you that '1984' was a fiction. You have been manipulated into believing that your freedom is greater and better than anyone elses. It's not.
You just cant live your life assuming that your government are planning to shoot you in your beds.
You are a democracy for chrissakes. You achieve stuff. You count in the world. You are NOT a 3rd World republic with a population of 20 million run by a dictator.
Why cant you see the ridiculousness of this 'freedom' argument.
You are losing freedoms (we are all losing freedoms) every day, they not being taken by government, but by big business without whom the governments are emasculated. Our governments have been feeding us crap for a hundred years and of all the countries in the civilised world America has done the least to try to prevent this erosion. Why? because you have been bred to be gullible.
You chant your 'freedom' constantly, you say you will fight to preserve freedom in all oppressed nations, you invade countries and kill people in the name of freedom....but you have no idea what freedom actually means. But, by golly, it all keeps you governable, doesn't it.
You wont rise up and fight tyrrany. Its 2013.
That's because no one has ever told you that '1984' was a fiction. You have been manipulated into believing that your freedom is greater and better than anyone elses. It's not.
You just cant live your life assuming that your government are planning to shoot you in your beds.
You are a democracy for chrissakes. You achieve stuff. You count in the world. You are NOT a 3rd World republic with a population of 20 million run by a dictator.
Why cant you see the ridiculousness of this 'freedom' argument.
You are losing freedoms (we are all losing freedoms) every day, they not being taken by government, but by big business without whom the governments are emasculated. Our governments have been feeding us crap for a hundred years and of all the countries in the civilised world America has done the least to try to prevent this erosion. Why? because you have been bred to be gullible.
You chant your 'freedom' constantly, you say you will fight to preserve freedom in all oppressed nations, you invade countries and kill people in the name of freedom....but you have no idea what freedom actually means. But, by golly, it all keeps you governable, doesn't it.
You wont rise up and fight tyrrany. Its 2013.
maybe you can explain 'no knock raids' on wrong addresses that result in the deaths of innocent people and no police officer that killed the innocent is held accountable, sometimes even decorated for 'bravery'. Maybe you can explain the hundreds of other cases of government misconduct where noone is held accountable, sometimes even promoted, for their misdeeds.
Maybe you can explain how we imprison thousands of people a year for possessing a weed, something that is considered a victimless crime, when nowhere in the constitution does it authorize the federal government to have that kind of power. Maybe you can explain how a government can 'steal' your cash and property with nothing more than a claim of drug involvement, forcing the citizen to spend money they don't have to try to recover it. Maybe you can explain the government ignoring the 4th Amendment by claiming national security, having the courts rubber stamp it, thereby denying the citizens right to redress of grievance as guaranteed by the constitution.

we might be a democracy, but we've been ignoring that for a long time now. some of us know what freedom is and it sure isn't here right now.
maybe you can explain 'no knock raids' on wrong addresses that result in the deaths of innocent people and no police officer that killed the innocent is held accountable, sometimes even decorated for 'bravery'. Maybe you can explain the hundreds of other cases of government misconduct where noone is held accountable, sometimes even promoted, for their misdeeds.
Maybe you can explain how we imprison thousands of people a year for possessing a weed, something that is considered a victimless crime, when nowhere in the constitution does it authorize the federal government to have that kind of power. Maybe you can explain how a government can 'steal' your cash and property with nothing more than a claim of drug involvement, forcing the citizen to spend money they don't have to try to recover it. Maybe you can explain the government ignoring the 4th Amendment by claiming national security, having the courts rubber stamp it, thereby denying the citizens right to redress of grievance as guaranteed by the constitution.

we might be a democracy, but we've been ignoring that for a long time now. some of us know what freedom is and it sure isn't here right now.

Not for me to explain, but none of that can possibly be described as 'tyranny'. If things are that bad why don't you march to Washington and use your false dicks to shoot whoever you think is responsible.
All governments con. All governments lie. All governments need overthrowing at some point. And in most democracies, yours and mine, we have the opportunity to change governments at least every four years. It still doesn't make tyranny. You say you have guns to prevent this sort of thing from happening yet for a hundred years you have done nothing with those guns (coke cans have never really been a threat). Frightened to act or do you know you are wrong?
The polarisation you and your mentally challenged right wing god fearers have wrought on the US is preventing many of the things you want. Still, what the hell, he's black isnt he, and commie, and Kenyan, and has no birth certificate, and has big teeth and black...did I say that before? .. well he's not American is he? Bloody foreigner, jumped up black sitting in your whitehouse. Time to get angry. Put the wheels back on your house and drive up to
god fearers

where does god enter into this equation?

have wrought on the US is preventing many of the things you want. Still, what the hell, he's black isnt he, and commie, and Kenyan, and has no birth certificate, and has big teeth and black...did I say that before? .. well he's not American is he? Bloody foreigner, jumped up black sitting in your whitehouse. Time to get angry. Put the wheels back on your house and drive up to

now you are going completely off the rails.
You just cant live your life assuming that your government are planning to shoot you in your beds.

First, don't tell us what we can and can't assume in our lives, fascist. Secondly, none of us do that. The point you miss is we look at the 2nd amendment as a protector for the ultimate last resort. It's there if we need it. We will hopefully never need to fight tyranny on such a massive scale. But it's good to have that option.

You are NOT a 3rd World republic with a population of 20 million run by a dictator.

That doesn't mean anything. Germany before hitler took over wasn't a 3rd world nation either. Population size or economic status are not the be all end all in regards to preventing tyranny.

Why cant you see the ridiculousness of this 'freedom' argument.

Fuck off fascist. You clearly are very comfortable with tyranny. Probably because it will be your kind instituting it. We aren't.

You chant your 'freedom' constantly, you say you will fight to preserve freedom in all oppressed nations, you invade countries and kill people in the name of freedom....but you have no idea what freedom actually means. But, by golly, it all keeps you governable, doesn't it.

Now you are just standing on your soapbox ranting off useless bullshit none of us have advocated for. Most all die hard libertarians on this site are against imperialist agendas. P.S. some of those countries we've had a very fucking tough time in, because the citizens are armed.

You wont rise up and fight tyrrany. Its 2013.

it's not 2013 we are necessarily worried about dipshit. Maybe it's 2030. Maybe never. We want the option to make sure freedom takers like yourself can never feel too comfortable. The fact that you are on edge just in this thread is a very good start. We WANT you to be scared, we WANT you to be worried of our 300 million guns waiting in the wings. BE AFRAID. BE TERRIFIED. They aren't going ANYWHERE and we'll be sure to always keep them locked, loaded, and ready to go.
First, don't tell us what we can and can't assume in our lives, fascist. Secondly, none of us do that. The point you miss is we look at the 2nd amendment as a protector for the ultimate last resort. It's there if we need it. We will hopefully never need to fight tyranny on such a massive scale. But it's good to have that option.

That doesn't mean anything. Germany before hitler took over wasn't a 3rd world nation either. Population size or economic status are not the be all end all in regards to preventing tyranny.

Fuck off fascist. You clearly are very comfortable with tyranny. Probably because it will be your kind instituting it. We aren't.

Now you are just standing on your soapbox ranting off useless bullshit none of us have advocated for. Most all die hard libertarians on this site are against imperialist agendas. P.S. some of those countries we've had a very fucking tough time in, because the citizens are armed.

it's not 2013 we are necessarily worried about dipshit. Maybe it's 2030. Maybe never. We want the option to make sure freedom takers like yourself can never feel too comfortable. The fact that you are on edge just in this thread is a very good start. We WANT you to be scared, we WANT you to be worried of our 300 million guns waiting in the wings. BE AFRAID. BE TERRIFIED. They aren't going ANYWHERE and we'll be sure to always keep them locked, loaded, and ready to go.

LOL. Struck a nerve or two there, didn't we? What are you so scared of? Someone going to come along and take all your bang bangs and your 'candies'. Thank you for proving the absolute stupidity of the American right.
You big baby. LOL.
I am not afraid of you, you only kill brown and yellow people, fuckin' chicken shit yank. LOL.