Blank Pages?



Is anyone else getting blank pages?

When I logged in with my old account, I got a blank page. Is this a malfunction or a new way of blocking people?:)
Yes, and I don't appreciate this. I've already been complaining about the service around here, but this is too much!
Grind? Can you fix the problem? Aren't you a computer wiz? Don't say who I am yet, it's funny how bad people are at figuring these things out, plus I might want to say a few things. For instance, and i'm not making this up! jehovah fucking witnesses knocked on my door this morning! Carrying watchtower magazines! Well, I could not have been more horrified if it had been desh and bac carrying "Why It Wasnt Sexism" pamphlets. I couldn't even believe it! Jehovah witnesses! At my door! Well, I told them "get out of here" and slammed the door. But just the sight of them on my doorstep. shudder!
Same problem here, I have tried deleting cookies and trashing temp internet files, but no luck. I figured Beefy blocked me since he doesn't like me, and Damo gave him authority to do such things. Can we please have an explanation? It appears some people are having no trouble at all.
Same problem here, I have tried deleting cookies and trashing temp internet files, but no luck. I figured Beefy blocked me since he doesn't like me, and Damo gave him authority to do such things. Can we please have an explanation? It appears some people are having no trouble at all.

Who isn't having trouble have you noticed? Blackascoal, Desh, Care...left wing extremists. Need I say more?
I didnt say it wasnt sexism.

I guess I too inartfully explained my position on How the right has treated Hillary in this election.

I really dont remeber Kuchinich , Edwards ,Biden or Obama doing anything much that was sexist. I will assume you are talking about what the right and people here have said.

Yes calling Hillary a witch is sexist and shouting shit like "Iron my shirt" is so sexist that one almost wonders if she didnt pay someone to do it?

She has been treated in a sexist manner. There are times you raise the roof about this shit and times ....well..... not so much. The Iron my shirt thing could have been used in such a constructive why if she was really felt it mattered. If it were me I would have had shirts made up with "My daughter has bigger dreams than Ironing your shirt".

But Hillary handled it wrong.You dont let them use the "whining" word. You have to with your response to these things crush the line of thought and not just point your finger and say "Thats not fair".

Now admitt it you would have bought one of those shirts just like I would have.
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I didnt say it wasnt sexism.

I guess I too inartfully explained my position on How the right has treated Hillary in this election.

I really dont remeber Kuchinich , Edwards ,Biden or Obama doing anything much that was sexist. I will assume you are talking about what the right and people here have said.

Yes calling Hillary a witch is sexist and shouting shit like "Iron my shirt" is so sexist that one almost wonders if she didnt pay someone to do it?

She has been treated in a sexist manner. There are times you raise the roof about this shit and times ....well..... not so much. The Iron my shirt thing could have been used in suck a constructive why if she was really. If it were me I would have mad shirts made up with "My daughter has bigger dreams than Ironing your shirt".

But Hillary handled it wrong.You dont let them use the "whining" word. You have to with your response to these things crush the line of thought and not just point your finger and say "Thats not fair".

Now admitt it you would have bought one of those shirts just like I would have.

Oh desh i was just joking with you about the Jevohah Witnesses. But I have to admit I cracked up at it. lol
I couldn't even believe it! Jehovah witnesses! At my door! Well, I told them "get out of here" and slammed the door. But just the sight of them on my doorstep. shudder!

Awww... they don't come to my house any more! I miss them too! Last time they visited, we had a nice 4 hour Bible study lesson, where I think I almost converted them to Southern Baptists! They promised to come back, but never did. :(
It's a Liberal hack job!:gives: anymore?

Someone, I don't want to say who, Private messaged me claiming that Damo had sold this site to Tiana. I didn't believe it, but now i'm wondering? She hates me too. Could this be a coincidence?
she doing that evil laugh right now, I can hear it in my head. Oh my god shes in my head.

heheheheheh Now tell them its not me. No dont type it from me, type it from your persective. Damn desh you idiot stop typing everything I say. Here get the fuck out of the w.................

No Dar...I mean, Temp is lying. It cant be lady T she just pm'ed me its not her.
Everything should be working. The update didn't take as well as I had thought. I've fixed it.
she doing that evil laugh right now, I can hear it in my head. Oh my god shes in my head.

heheheheheh Now tell them its not me. No dont type it from me, type it from your persective. Damn desh you idiot stop typing everything I say. Here get the fuck out of the w.................

No Dar...I mean, Temp is lying. It cant be lady T she just pm'ed me its not her.

Same problem here, I have tried deleting cookies and trashing temp internet files, but no luck. I figured Beefy blocked me since he doesn't like me, and Damo gave him authority to do such things. Can we please have an explanation? It appears some people are having no trouble at all.

Oh for crying out loud Dix. I didn't ban you nor would I ever do such a thing. And its not that I don't like you, its just that you don't know what you're talking about a third to half the time.
I didnt say it wasnt sexism.

I guess I too inartfully explained my position on How the right has treated Hillary in this election.

I really dont remeber Kuchinich , Edwards ,Biden or Obama doing anything much that was sexist. I will assume you are talking about what the right and people here have said.

Yes calling Hillary a witch is sexist and shouting shit like "Iron my shirt" is so sexist that one almost wonders if she didnt pay someone to do it?

She has been treated in a sexist manner. There are times you raise the roof about this shit and times ....well..... not so much. The Iron my shirt thing could have been used in such a constructive why if she was really felt it mattered. If it were me I would have had shirts made up with "My daughter has bigger dreams than Ironing your shirt".

But Hillary handled it wrong.You dont let them use the "whining" word. You have to with your response to these things crush the line of thought and not just point your finger and say "Thats not fair".

Now admitt it you would have bought one of those shirts just like I would have.

You have to with your response to these things crush the line of thought and not just point your finger and say "Thats not fair

This is your favorite weapon Desh. How could you suggest someone not use it? oh wait--never mind :rolleyes:
Dillo you are a doozy.

Can you tell me what line of thought I was refering to in that post?