Blood, blood and more blood. The Jewish experiment has failed and should be terminated.


Satire for Sanity
Insane Jewish throwback demands the death penalty for the director of the Israeli peace organization, B'T'Selem.

It has to stop. These brainwashed sub-human extremists, illegally occupying the territories of Palestine , Syria and Lebanon, murdering people by the thousand- including 20,000 children, ignoring the implorations of its ' allies ', scorning international law, trashing the human rights that millions have died for over the past century and laughing at the Geneva Conventions stand in mockery of the civilized world on the back of Zionist scum in Washington who have sold out their morals and their own country in order to appease the pariah state.
Thousands of Americans have perished for ' Israel's security ' which has also robbed all of America of trillions of dollars . Why ?
The entire Jewish culture is built upon lies and myth. Cease the support and the handouts right away- before they push the US into war with Iran- and ultimately into WW3. They are children with nuclear weapons. We created this monster- it's up to us to put it down.


The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law › content › article › ho...
IHL is clear: taking and executing hostages is prohibited. Such acts are war crimes in both international and non-international armed conflict.

If the cowards in Hamas did not hide behind women and children, civilian deaths would be at a minimum.

More than a thousand Israels were slaughtered by Hamas on Oct. 7, many of whom were civilians. Many of those children (civilians) were burned alive and be-headed.

Hamas does not give a tinker's damn about women and children, even their own women and children. They are fanatics who put Islam above the lives of their own women and children.
comparing the current status of Hamas and Israel I think it may be a bit premature to claim Israel is a failed experiment.......Gaza failed first.....
Insane Jewish throwback demands the death penalty for the director of the Israeli peace organization, B'T'Selem.

It has to stop. These brainwashed sub-human extremists, illegally occupying the territories of Palestine , Syria and Lebanon, murdering people by the thousand- including 20,000 children, ignoring the implorations of its ' allies ', scorning international law, trashing the human rights that millions have died for over the past century and laughing at the Geneva Conventions stand in mockery of the civilized world on the back of Zionist scum in Washington who have sold out their morals and their own country in order to appease the pariah state.
Thousands of Americans have perished for ' Israel's security ' which has also robbed all of America of trillions of dollars . Why ?
The entire Jewish culture is built upon lies and myth. Cease the support and the handouts right away- before they push the US into war with Iran- and ultimately into WW3. They are children with nuclear weapons. We created this monster- it's up to us to put it down.


Ms. Moon, your idiocy and bigotry is on full display here: You claim Gotliv "demands the death penalty" when the reference states "requested the death sentence or life imprisonment".

IDK the laws of Israel, but as a democracy, it's likely they have a court process before sentencing. IMO, Gotliv is just making noise.
Using the Hamas rhetoric of 'driving the Jew scum into the sea' isn't going to win you any allies.
You'll be surprised. Times have changed - the Israelis are on a path of self-destruction. Let's not stand in their way.
Ms. Moon, your idiocy and bigotry is on full display here: You claim Gotliv "demands the death penalty" when the reference states "requested the death sentence or life imprisonment".

IDK the laws of Israel, but as a democracy, it's likely they have a court process before sentencing. IMO, Gotliv is just making noise.
The reference states ' requested'- Gotliv made a demand. You are a naive pimp. Begone.
You'll be surprised. Times have changed - the Israelis are on a path of self-destruction. Let's not stand in their way.
They have nukes. If they destroy themselves, they'll take out all Iran and your other friends with them, Ms. Moon.
There a winner yet? Let me know when there is.

Aside from that, if Israel didn't exist and Palestine did, there'd be perpetual war and conflict throughout the region. Syria is in the middle of a civil war. Lebanon is divided into warring factions. Yemen, Iran, Iraq, etc., all have internal and external conflicts.

If Palestine didn't exist and Israel did there'd be far more peace between the immediate nations surrounding that country. Egypt wouldn't have to maintain a closed border like they do with Gaza now. Jordan and Israel would get along without the worry of internal revolt.

Before Israel existed, the Palestinians were a violent problem throughout the region. They are the majority of the problem today.
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You'll be surprised. Times have changed - the Israelis are on a path of self-destruction. Let's not stand in their way.
I've seen enough of your "Jew Scum" posts in the past, that I know you have always supported Hamas' goal of driving the 'subhuman Jews" back into the sea. The Gaza conflict didn't just suddenly make you a hater of Israel.
I've seen enough of your "Jew Scum" posts in the past, that I know you have always supported Hamas' goal of driving the 'subhuman Jews" back into the sea. The Gaza conflict didn't just suddenly make you a hater of Israel.
You're fixated . There's no point in arguing with you. You're wrong. Enjoy getting off on your error.
So- how can the ' Jewish experiment ' be terminated ? For starters, Israel is NOT a ' Jewish state '. 25% of Israelis are NOT Jewish. Demand proportional representation for Israel's population.
Reject apartheid in Israel. Insist upon equality for all citizens.
Cease to provide blanket support for Israel's actions. View Israel's policies in the light of international law.
Reject all the squats. They are illegal and they are enabling ethnic cleansing.
Apply BDS until the Israel complies with all of the above.