Blood, blood and more blood. The Jewish experiment has failed and should be terminated.

That's because the Palestinians have no, unoccupied, state . The point you refuse to see, in your ignorance, is that it is the Zionist scum who wish to maintain the friction that they originally caused.
No occupation = no resistance to occupation.

Again, Israel must recognize Palestine in order for peace to progress.
You just made my point for me. The only way this will end is when the last Palestinian terrorist is D-E-A-D.
So- how can the ' Jewish experiment ' be terminated ? For starters, Israel is NOT a ' Jewish state '. 25% of Israelis are NOT Jewish. Demand proportional representation for Israel's population.

It is a Jewish state in the same sense other states are theocracies in whole or part. Few Muslim states are wholly populated by Muslims but they remain Muslim states. There are still some countries that are officially Catholic too. Same thing.
Reject apartheid in Israel. Insist upon equality for all citizens.

Israel does that already. The best example of apartheid outside of S. Africa that got rid of it is actually in the US with the Native American reservation system. That is an example of true apartheid. Apartheid, as defined, doesn't exist in Israel. It's just the misuse of a word by the Left because it's convenient for their limited mental capacity to latch onto and grasp.
Cease to provide blanket support for Israel's actions. View Israel's policies in the light of international law.
Reject all the squats. They are illegal and they are enabling ethnic cleansing.

Israel isn't doing "ethnic cleansing" either. Again, a misuse of the word. International law is only as good as any particular nation wants to use it or enforce it. It has no particular standing within the borders of any nation.
Apply BDS until the Israel complies with all of the above.
Go for it. Likely won't work, and to date hasn't worked.
Good for them! Maybe this time will be the last war they fight with the Palestinians. That's what I'd like to see.
From the River to the Sea!

It is a Jewish state in the same sense other states are theocracies in whole or part. Few Muslim states are wholly populated by Muslims but they remain Muslim states. There are still some countries that are officially Catholic too. Same thing.

Israel does that already. The best example of apartheid outside of S. Africa that got rid of it is actually in the US with the Native American reservation system. That is an example of true apartheid. Apartheid, as defined, doesn't exist in Israel. It's just the misuse of a word by the Left because it's convenient for their limited mental capacity to latch onto and grasp.

Israel isn't doing "ethnic cleansing" either. Again, a misuse of the word. International law is only as good as any particular nation wants to use it or enforce it. It has no particular standing within the borders of any nation.

Go for it. Likely won't work, and to date hasn't worked.
A ream of prosemitic nonsense from a genocidal racist. Begone.
You call that a ' point', do you, pimp ?

Haw, haw........................................................haw.
Yes, Ms. Moon, I do.

Why do you call me a "pimp"? In America, that's a person who manages prostitutes. I'm retired and don't manage anybody.
What does pimp mean in your country?
Clearly, ending USA support for the genocidal Jews is a requirement for the eventual delegitimization of the foul Zionist doctrine, a doctrine that has already been declared RACIST once by UN resolution 3379. That needs to be revisited and reinforced. There is growing condemnation of blanket US support among US voters and it is simply a matter of time before anti-Zionists outnumber the sort of scurrilous prosemitic genocide supporters that we see here in JPP, lining up for their club kippas and free foreskin removal. When Evangelicals no longer form the US government, when the separation of church and state are enforced- Israel will fall.



The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law › content › article › ho...
IHL is clear: taking and executing hostages is prohibited. Such acts are war crimes in both international and non-international armed conflict.

If the cowards in Hamas did not hide behind women and children, civilian deaths would be at a minimum.

More than a thousand Israels were slaughtered by Hamas on Oct. 7, many of whom were civilians. Many of those children (civilians) were burned alive and be-headed.

Hamas does not give a tinker's damn about women and children, even their own women and children. They are fanatics who put Islam above the lives of their own women and children.