Bloombergs gonna run folks. how does that change things

If hillary does get the nod, I may end up voting for him or Cynthia "Superstar" McKinney.
Why wouldn't he have run on the Repubican ticket though? I would have preferred that. All of the other Republican alternatives are pretty frightening.

Especially Ron "Klansman" Paul.
Where is he on the social issues, gay rights, abortion, that kinda stuff?

What about gun control?

Where does he stand on the Iraq war? Id consider him depending on where he stands on some of these issues.
He used to be a democrat and he was mayor of NYC. I think its safe to assume he's probably left on a lot of social issues and pretty fiscally conservative.
Although, I'd have to hear his stance onthe Iraq war and what he'd do to end it. that's actually the deciding end all factor for me.


"Mayor Bloomberg is inserting himself into the central debate of the 2008 presidential campaign, casting the legislation Democrats are backing in Congress to set a timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq as irresponsible."
I like what Ive just read about him. He is single and I dont belive a single man can get elected president, but... if he turns out to be a viable canidate, Ill consider voting for him... otherwise I am voting Democrat to keep the religous and social whackos out of office.
Looks like its going to be Cynthia "Superstar" McKinney in the general and Kucinich or Perhaps Biden in the primary (Neither of which will win)


"Mayor Bloomberg is inserting himself into the central debate of the 2008 presidential campaign, casting the legislation Democrats are backing in Congress to set a timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq as irresponsible."

none of the candidates on any side are going to withdraw from iraq. they built permanent bases there.. most of the dirty work is over. Its going to be the US military center of operations in the Middle east for the next 50 years.


"Mayor Bloomberg is inserting himself into the central debate of the 2008 presidential campaign, casting the legislation Democrats are backing in Congress to set a timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq as irresponsible."

It’s kind of shocking that the mayor of NYC, where support for this war runs about neck and neck with support for bleeding hemorrhoids, would have that position. Republicans defy all logic. Paul Krugman wrote a piece about just this today. About how if you look at the positions of the top Republicans running for President, save Huckabee on economics, they completely defy not only logic but public sentiment and approval. And he makes the case that it’s because movement conservatism calls all of the shots in that party, and they drop to their knees when they are told to by such scumbags as Grover Norquist on economic policy, and they say yes sir what do you want me to say today sir. And the same on the war. There is no such thing as a moderate republican, because they all get owned, by the movement masters.

And the only way they can get elected in a general is through a mixture of election fraud and fear of terrorists.
It’s kind of shocking that the mayor of NYC, where support for this war runs about neck and neck with support for bleeding hemorrhoids, would have that position. Republicans defy all logic. Paul Krugman wrote a piece about just this today. About how if you look at the positions of the top Republicans running for President, save Huckabee on economics, they completely defy not only logic but public sentiment and approval. And he makes the case that it’s because movement conservatism calls all of the shots in that party, and they drop to their knees when they are told to by such scumbags as Grover Norquist on economic policy, and they say yes sir what do you want me to say today sir. And the same on the war. There is no such thing as a moderate republican, because they all get owned, by the movement masters.

And the only way they can get elected in a general is through a mixture of election fraud and fear of terrorists.

How was your Christmas break?~ I haven't seen you online all week!
none of the candidates on any side are going to withdraw from iraq. they built permanent bases there.. most of the dirty work is over. Its going to be the US military center of operations in the Middle east for the next 50 years.

Cynthia McKinney will withdraw.
wasted vote.

I don't know. I'm thinking I'd rather cast the ballot for a "wasted vote" then have to live with BAU with Clinton and knowledge that I helped get her into office. There's no way in he** I'd vote for anyone in the repugnican party that is running now.
It’s kind of shocking that the mayor of NYC, where support for this war runs about neck and neck with support for bleeding hemorrhoids, would have that position. Republicans defy all logic. Paul Krugman wrote a piece about just this today. About how if you look at the positions of the top Republicans running for President, save Huckabee on economics, they completely defy not only logic but public sentiment and approval. And he makes the case that it’s because movement conservatism calls all of the shots in that party, and they drop to their knees when they are told to by such scumbags as Grover Norquist on economic policy, and they say yes sir what do you want me to say today sir. And the same on the war. There is no such thing as a moderate republican, because they all get owned, by the movement masters.

And the only way they can get elected in a general is through a mixture of election fraud and fear of terrorists.

They are not campaigning for the support of the majority of Americans. They are campaigning for the support of the people who hold the keys to our fixed elections. They cant win in a democracy so they have done other things over the years to avoid having to win a majority vote.