Bob Barr is a Douchebag

The Libertarian Party is the most successful third party we have.

Nationwide, there are more elected officials from the LP than from all the other third parties combined.

Telling people that they are wasting their time and unless they vote for one of the Big Two (which are responsible for the mess) they are wasting their time and votes is the biggest reason those bloated parties are still in control.
There are a lot of cons like me who often see libertarians as people who would go in and do a lot of good considering how out of control the American bureaucracy has grown over the years. I don't agree with them accross the board ideologically, but I did caucus for Ron Paul because I agree with him on a lot of issues and because we both look fondly on the old GOP of Taft and Lodge.
Stringy, you have to realize, the whole LP party is lazy. From the reformers to the purists. Don't get me wrong about what I mean by lazy, but they just don't put much effort into 'gaining power'. To me the LP is just a group of guys in a Barbershop bitching about government. They'll go great lengths to describe the problems, and they love getting together to bitch, but as far as applying a solution, well, our whole philosophy is... just leave us alone, so what do you expect?

This is correct.

I was talking to someone the other day who has been active in the movement as both LP and non-LP for decades and this person said to me something that I really agree with: And that is that the number of people in this country who are in any way libertarian or inclined to vote for a candidate with generally libertarian policies is exponentially greater than the number of people who would ever vote for the Libertarian Party.

That fact in itself should indicate a fundmental flaw of positioning, branding, and effort. It is not libertarian ideas that are rejected in our country. It is a political party that demands we swallow an entire of cow made of Libertarianism, rather than preparing a juicy steak with the appeal of a "Maverick" or "Yes We Can".

The Libertarian Party has been ineffective in doing much of anything libertarian in America at all, much less winning libertarian voters.
It isn't wasting your time to vote for the Libertarian Party, it is worthless to vote for a recycled religious right republican hiding under the mantle of Libertarian Party.

I agree with you in this instance. Barr is not a libertarian. He just wanted the recognition and they wanted a name that was known.

I was a libertarian because the party, for the most part, followed my personal beliefs more closely than did the Dem or Repubs.

Barr does not fit that description.
I was trying to warm up to Bob Barr, but then I saw him on Glenn Beck and pretty much lost any hope of voting for him when he basically lied about "Russian aggression" in Georgia. There's a complete separation from Bob Barr's website "positions" and from the ones he takes on television. I'm thinking that his website is essentially designed for Ron Paul supporters and internet-traveling libertarians. The real Bob Barr shows up on T.V. and snubs Ron Paul's attempts to actually try to support third parties.

I'm just going to write-in Ron Paul this November. It will probably mean the vote won't get counted, but I just can't vote for any of these clowns.