Bob Woodward brands Biden debate performance a ‘political h-bomb’


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Biden needs to explain his debate performance, as in what happen?!! Is Biden is having cognitive issues?!! The voters deserve an answer too!

Watergate reporter and long-time Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward said President Biden’s debate performance was a “political hydrogen bomb” and the public deserves to know what really happened. (Damn Right!)

Woodward joined MSNBC’s Air Melber on Friday following the debate, where he said the performance was “so bad, so awful” that reporters must be looking for some explanation from his staff.

“I think the answer here is in reporting, in seeking very aggressively, an explanation — what happened here?” Woodward said. “We don’t want it to come out in some book or some memoir in a couple of years or a decade. We’d need to know now.”

Woodward speculated that during preparations ahead of the debate — a likely strategy for the Biden campaign, given it proposed the debate in the first place — that the president got into a “knock down, drag out fight” with his staff.

Either way, the public should know, Woodward argued.

The President appeared on stage with a hoarse voice and a slight cough. He stumbled with answers and at times didn’t finish his sentence. Sources familiar with Biden said he had a cold.

Biden’s debate performance sparked widespread fear among Democrats about his ability to beat former President Trump in the polls this fall. Some even are calling for him to step aside and let someone else attempt to defeat Trump.

Woodward said the calls for Biden to suspend are “inevitable” because of how bad his performance was.

“I sat there and watched it and I could not believe it. I said, not only is this a political hydrogen bomb for him and the Democratic Party, it, you know — what happened? What happened?” he said.

Calls for the president to drop out are not hasty, Woodward said, but more energy should go toward seeking an explanation behind the debate performance.

“Look, let’s step back. If a building blows up in downtown of some city, the story will be what happened and then the story will be how did this happen, why did this happen? And that’s where I’m very, very curious because this was a mega disaster,” Woodward said.:thinking:
No, I'm not voting for Trump or any third party candidate under any circumstances?!! I just want to know without any doubt, is Biden up to the job?!! I will vote for the democrat candidate, no matter who it is?!! These are legitimate concerns about Biden's debate performance and his fitness to run for office?!!
Yet Trump performed well, yes?
No, I'm not voting for Trump or any third party candidate under any circumstances?!! I just want to know without any doubt, is Biden up to the job?!! I will vote for the democrat candidate, no matter who it is?!! These are legitimate concerns about Biden's debate performance and his fitness to run for office?!!
Of course you will. You have been brainwashed by tom hartman.
The debate started out with CNN asking Biden a misleading and insinuating question, to begin with- "President Biden, since you came into office, a $100 basket of groceries now cost $130, and Housing is 30% higher. What do you have to say to people who say they are not better off now, than when you came into office"?

First of all, by the time Biden was sworn into office, Inflation was already out of control! The cost of beef, Lunch Meat, canned soups, Butter, Chicken, Eggs, Bread, Toilet Paper, all paper products, and all meat products, PET FOOD, Fast Food, Restaurant food, doubled under the Trump Regime, long before Biden took the reins! I can't speak for your neck of the woods, but in my town it certainly did. And housing rental and used and new housing costs had already accelerated at record breaking increases, long before Biden took office.

But it seemed the question itself was worded in such a way that intended to blame Biden directly for the inflation, and hold his feet in the fire to answer the question in only 60 seconds. and instantly put him on defense and under pressure from the get go! It would take an economist 1,000 words or more to explain why there were even runaway inflation at that time in the first place.

And then 60 seconds later, they asked Trump a question- THAT HE DID NOT EVEN ANSWER, but rather instead started lying about Biden on several fronts. And this became the norm for the rest of the debate. As Trump did not answer any of the questions asked of him, but rather used his 60 seconds of time to lie about his own accomplishments, and hurl insulting lies and insane accusations at Biden instead of answering the questions asked of him for the entire 90 minute debate.

When you are being attacked from both the moderators and your opponent for over 90 minutes, and having to answer accusatory questions, and your opponents LIES, that needed far more than 60 seconds to answer or respond properly, I am not sure most people wouldn't show signs of being very uncomfortable, unprepared, and not knowing even where to start with an answer.

There were times in the debate that looked like CNN was intentionally trying to gin up a dogfight, as if they were thirsty for some blood and setting Biden up for failure.

They seemed to be perfectly OK for Trump to use his time to get as many lies and insults in as he could!

If anyone saw it any differently, say so, but I know what I saw!

Biden just seemed to be damned if he did, and damned if he didn't no matter what, during that SO-CALLED debate.

Biden just seemed to be tied to a WHIPPING POST and he was getting it on both ends. This was a PUBLIC lashing- IT WAS NOT A DEBATE.

Real Debates are fair, where both candidates are asked the very same questions on Policy, and ask how each candidate would handle problems into the future.

BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! CNN wanted to make this about the past, as if to embarrass both candidates.

I would have probably walked out after the first question, had it been me!
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Biden needs to explain his debate performance, as in what happen?!! Is Biden is having cognitive issues?!! The voters deserve an answer too!

Watergate reporter and long-time Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward said President Biden’s debate performance was a “political hydrogen bomb” and the public deserves to know what really happened. (Damn Right!)

Woodward joined MSNBC’s Air Melber on Friday following the debate, where he said the performance was “so bad, so awful” that reporters must be looking for some explanation from his staff.

“I think the answer here is in reporting, in seeking very aggressively, an explanation — what happened here?” Woodward said. “We don’t want it to come out in some book or some memoir in a couple of years or a decade. We’d need to know now.”

Woodward speculated that during preparations ahead of the debate — a likely strategy for the Biden campaign, given it proposed the debate in the first place — that the president got into a “knock down, drag out fight” with his staff.

Either way, the public should know, Woodward argued.

The President appeared on stage with a hoarse voice and a slight cough. He stumbled with answers and at times didn’t finish his sentence. Sources familiar with Biden said he had a cold.

Biden’s debate performance sparked widespread fear among Democrats about his ability to beat former President Trump in the polls this fall. Some even are calling for him to step aside and let someone else attempt to defeat Trump.

Woodward said the calls for Biden to suspend are “inevitable” because of how bad his performance was.

“I sat there and watched it and I could not believe it. I said, not only is this a political hydrogen bomb for him and the Democratic Party, it, you know — what happened? What happened?” he said.

Calls for the president to drop out are not hasty, Woodward said, but more energy should go toward seeking an explanation behind the debate performance.

“Look, let’s step back. If a building blows up in downtown of some city, the story will be what happened and then the story will be how did this happen, why did this happen? And that’s where I’m very, very curious because this was a mega disaster,” Woodward said.:thinking:
Woodward is a Republican.
So, why not call for Trump to withdraw?
That's up to the Republicans. The very fact they're supporting a criminal maniac like the orange clown speaks volumes about how cowardly and unpatriotic the Republicans have become. At least the Democrats are having a conversation now about whether Biden should stay in the race.
Why do you think he's a Republican?
I believe he calls himself a Republican.

“Woodward, a registered Republican, did not vote. He couldn't decide whether he was more uneasy with the disorganization and naïve idealism of McGovern's campaign or with Richard Nixon's conduct. And he believed that not voting enabled him to be more objective in reporting on Watergate - a vier Bernstein regarded as silly. Bernstein voted for McGovern, unenthusiastically and unhesitatingly, then bet in the office pool that Nixon would win with 54 percent.

-- Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward”​

I believe he calls himself a Republican.

“Woodward, a registered Republican, did not vote. He couldn't decide whether he was more uneasy with the disorganization and naïve idealism of McGovern's campaign or with Richard Nixon's conduct. And he believed that not voting enabled him to be more objective in reporting on Watergate - a vier Bernstein regarded as silly. Bernstein voted for McGovern, unenthusiastically and unhesitatingly, then bet in the office pool that Nixon would win with 54 percent.​

-- Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward”​

Ok. Liz Cheney, Adam Kitzinger, and Micheal Steel are Republicans as well, but I seriously doubt they and Woodward will vote for trump.