Bob Woodward brands Biden debate performance a ‘political h-bomb’

Kinzinger said if a conservative says Trump is unfit for office, say that people should vote for Biden. Only two options.
Biden's job was to show the people that he is a solid choice for 4 more years. He failed. Biden needs to withdraw.
Trump was the blustering buffoon he always is. He gave a rally performance that was embarrassing. We all knew how he would clown it all up
We cannot have a felon on chief for 4 more years. Trump will take more if he feels like it. Trump has no respect for the Constitution or the law. Trump will eventually have 90 some felonies on his record. How anyone could vote for him is a mystery.
Biden needs to explain his debate performance, as in what happen?!! Is Biden is having cognitive issues?!! The voters deserve an answer too!

Watergate reporter and long-time Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward said President Biden’s debate performance was a “political hydrogen bomb” and the public deserves to know what really happened. (Damn Right!)

Woodward joined MSNBC’s Air Melber on Friday following the debate, where he said the performance was “so bad, so awful” that reporters must be looking for some explanation from his staff.

“I think the answer here is in reporting, in seeking very aggressively, an explanation — what happened here?” Woodward said. “We don’t want it to come out in some book or some memoir in a couple of years or a decade. We’d need to know now.”

Woodward speculated that during preparations ahead of the debate — a likely strategy for the Biden campaign, given it proposed the debate in the first place — that the president got into a “knock down, drag out fight” with his staff.

Either way, the public should know, Woodward argued.

The President appeared on stage with a hoarse voice and a slight cough. He stumbled with answers and at times didn’t finish his sentence. Sources familiar with Biden said he had a cold.

Biden’s debate performance sparked widespread fear among Democrats about his ability to beat former President Trump in the polls this fall. Some even are calling for him to step aside and let someone else attempt to defeat Trump.

Woodward said the calls for Biden to suspend are “inevitable” because of how bad his performance was.

“I sat there and watched it and I could not believe it. I said, not only is this a political hydrogen bomb for him and the Democratic Party, it, you know — what happened? What happened?” he said.

Calls for the president to drop out are not hasty, Woodward said, but more energy should go toward seeking an explanation behind the debate performance.

“Look, let’s step back. If a building blows up in downtown of some city, the story will be what happened and then the story will be how did this happen, why did this happen? And that’s where I’m very, very curious because this was a mega disaster,” Woodward said.:thinking:
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This was his speech at a rally in NC the day after the debate. He needs to bring this energy to the next debate with trump. There's nothing slow or demented in this speech. So I believe the debate was just a one off.

h/t : nakedhunterbiden
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That could have been written by the Trump Campaign.
Except Trump was a buffoon. He did not answer questions and repeated his rally talking points. Biden works with the government staff and his administration. Trump controlled his. If Biden got back in, America would be safe. He would continue governing as he did for the last 4 years. Trump could blow it all up and not care.
Given that there is almost nobody more inside the Regime than Woodward this is something to notice.
Biden needs to explain his debate performance, as in what happen?!! Is Biden is having cognitive issues?!! The voters deserve an answer too!

Watergate reporter and long-time Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward said President Biden’s debate performance was a “political hydrogen bomb” and the public deserves to know what really happened. (Damn Right!)

Woodward joined MSNBC’s Air Melber on Friday following the debate, where he said the performance was “so bad, so awful” that reporters must be looking for some explanation from his staff.

“I think the answer here is in reporting, in seeking very aggressively, an explanation — what happened here?” Woodward said. “We don’t want it to come out in some book or some memoir in a couple of years or a decade. We’d need to know now.”

Woodward speculated that during preparations ahead of the debate — a likely strategy for the Biden campaign, given it proposed the debate in the first place — that the president got into a “knock down, drag out fight” with his staff.

Either way, the public should know, Woodward argued.

The President appeared on stage with a hoarse voice and a slight cough. He stumbled with answers and at times didn’t finish his sentence. Sources familiar with Biden said he had a cold.

Biden’s debate performance sparked widespread fear among Democrats about his ability to beat former President Trump in the polls this fall. Some even are calling for him to step aside and let someone else attempt to defeat Trump.

Woodward said the calls for Biden to suspend are “inevitable” because of how bad his performance was.

“I sat there and watched it and I could not believe it. I said, not only is this a political hydrogen bomb for him and the Democratic Party, it, you know — what happened? What happened?” he said.

Calls for the president to drop out are not hasty, Woodward said, but more energy should go toward seeking an explanation behind the debate performance.

“Look, let’s step back. If a building blows up in downtown of some city, the story will be what happened and then the story will be how did this happen, why did this happen? And that’s where I’m very, very curious because this was a mega disaster,” Woodward said.:thinking:
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We saw Biden in Raleigh the day after the debate,a 180 change
Its important to know that removing Nixon was a CIA operation, and that Woodward was a huge part of it.
This Revolution is extremely secretive, information is compartmentalized and dispensed on a strict need to know basis.... but as to who exactly is running America right now there is a 100% Woodard knows.....he simply is not telling.
Trump is a serial liar and doing the debate and the mod's or Biden didn't address Trump's lies?!!

CNN seems to have learned its lesson from the Candy Crowley disaster in the Romney - Obama debate. It IS NEVER the moderator's job in a debate to debate or critique the participants. The moderator's job is to see the rules are followed as far as time allotted, ask questions, and keep things moving along. It IS NOT the moderator's job to inject themselves into the debate and start debating the participants regardless of what they might say.

But the Left doesn't get that. All they want is for their side to win at any cost and by any means. They--like you--don't give a shit about playing by the rules, being neutral, or discussing anything logically or on its merits. They want their side to win and if that means shouting down the other side, that's fine by them.
CNN seems to have learned its lesson from the Candy Crowley disaster in the Romney - Obama debate. It IS NEVER the moderator's job in a debate to debate or critique the participants. The moderator's job is to see the rules are followed as far as time allotted, ask questions, and keep things moving along. It IS NOT the moderator's job to inject themselves into the debate and start debating the participants regardless of what they might say.

But the Left doesn't get that. All they want is for their side to win at any cost and by any means. They--like you--don't give a shit about playing by the rules, being neutral, or discussing anything logically or on its merits. They want their side to win and if that means shouting down the other side, that's fine by them.
No, they are agents of the Regime, and the mission here was to remove Biden....that is why the thing was done to begin with.