Boomers and lead

U R over thinking it!

Shut Up and do as you are told!

I will do as I damn well please

This is something I've been seeing pop up and it's fascinating to me. I was born in 1984, mostly after leaded gas was used and after lead paint was outlawed. Yes I turn 40 this year and I'm about as happy about that as one could imagine. -_-

Anyway, to sum up the theory as I understand it:

Lead, both atmospheric and in concentrated things such as paint or plumbing can cause drop in IQ (I dont put much faith in IQ ratings anyway but still), irritability/increased aggression, fatigue, joint pain, basically a whole host of negative PERSONALITY and physical effects.

Lead also gets stored in the bones for decades. As people get older, their bones start to break down a bit which can cause lead to be released BACK into the body.

So when I see how many boomers either just flip their shit in public, act in such manners as to cause their family to want nothing to do with them, become Trump sycophants, or generally just act in bizarre ways, I've started to wonder to what degree lead is playing a part.

So again this is fascinating to me, if you're a boomer or even the upper end of Gen X you may want to ask your doctor about the possibility of lead being in your system.

Do test scores back up your claim? Begin looking at the numbers that come back from anyone born in say 1940 and then go forward. You may just find out that those test scores show the exact opposite of your claim. ;) I have not even taken the time to look up the numbers and I would still venture to say they will shoot down your claim fairly handily.
We have a new leader in the clubhouse. Two posters on this board under 50. Alright Damo, we need some more age diversity please. Get your DE&I cranking on that marketing.

I don't see too many young posters on political message boards. Maybe on Debatepolitics since it's well-regulated. Maybe it's because they are a little too green and innocent to trolling and shitposting.
This is something I've been seeing pop up and it's fascinating to me. I was born in 1984, mostly after leaded gas was used and after lead paint was outlawed. Yes I turn 40 this year and I'm about as happy about that as one could imagine. -_-

Anyway, to sum up the theory as I understand it:

Lead, both atmospheric and in concentrated things such as paint or plumbing can cause drop in IQ (I dont put much faith in IQ ratings anyway but still), irritability/increased aggression, fatigue, joint pain, basically a whole host of negative PERSONALITY and physical effects.

Lead also gets stored in the bones for decades. As people get older, their bones start to break down a bit which can cause lead to be released BACK into the body.

So when I see how many boomers either just flip their shit in public, act in such manners as to cause their family to want nothing to do with them, become Trump sycophants, or generally just act in bizarre ways, I've started to wonder to what degree lead is playing a part.

So again this is fascinating to me, if you're a boomer or even the upper end of Gen X you may want to ask your doctor about the possibility of lead being in your system.

So what is your excuse?
I don't see too many young posters on political message boards. Maybe on Debatepolitics since it's well-regulated. Maybe it's because they are a little too green and innocent to trolling and shitposting.

My first thought is they are busy living their lives and don't have time to spend hours every day talking and dissecting the daily words and actions of Trump and Biden. The only people that really do are paid pundits and retirees. But then I remembered young people spend hours on their phones each day on Instagram and TikTok (especially). They much prefer that over sitting on some internet political chat board.

Young people know all about trolling. They are the ones who come up with (trolling) memes for everything. I'm more surprised so many Boomers are into trolling. It's not something they grew up doing for the most part (people have trolled since the begining of time I'm sure but hard to imagine anywhere near the extent it is present today simply because of technology).
My first thought is they are busy living their lives and don't have time to spend hours every day talking and dissecting the daily words and actions of Trump and Biden. The only people that really do are paid pundits and retirees. But then I remembered young people spend hours on their phones each day on Instagram and TikTok (especially). They much prefer that over sitting on some internet political chat board.

Young people know all about trolling. They are the ones who come up with (trolling) memes for everything. I'm more surprised so many Boomers are into trolling. It's not something they grew up doing for the most part (people have trolled since the begining of time I'm sure but hard to imagine anywhere near the extent it is present today simply because of technology).

I have no problem believing teens and young adults can troll with the best of them. I don't see them dealing well with unfettered race trolling like from TDAK. Posters like him are a major turn-off to places like JPP. Me being more used to it I just bop him around like a clown punching bag.
I have no problem believing teens and young adults can troll with the best of them. I don't see them dealing well with unfettered race trolling like from TDAK. Posters like him are a major turn-off to places like JPP. Me being more used to it I just bop him around like a clown punching bag.

There is racial/racist sh*t all over the internet. The internet is not a “safe space”. I don’t buy for a second that people don’t post here because of TDAK. Young people are probably like “why do I want to talk politics with a bunch of Boomers?”
There is racial/racist sh*t all over the internet. The internet is not a “safe space”. I don’t buy for a second that people don’t post here because of TDAK. Young people are probably like “why do I want to talk politics with a bunch of Boomers?”

Well, I can't speak for all younger people but I can tell you JPP is the kind of place with a stench you have to get used to. It's also kind of an unknown unless you are specifically looking for a politics forum. The reviews from ex-posters aren't that great either. Some are about the racism that I've seen.
Well, I can't speak for all younger people but I can tell you JPP is the kind of place with a stench you have to get used to. It's also kind of an unknown unless you are specifically looking for a politics forum. The reviews from ex-posters aren't that great either. Some are about the racism that I've seen.

If we're being honest it's pretty much the same 20 to 25 posters on here day after day discussing basically the exact same thing. It is highly tribal and you can pretty accurately predict how 90% of the people here will respond to almost all issues. Very little heterodox thinking. That has appeal to some but not everyone. (And hard to take seriously people who get banned from here then go put reviews about the place.)
It is pretty insane what NM costs these days. Copper is currently around $4/lb, about twice as high as it was before Covid.
So NM cable, along with any copper wire, is much more expensive these days.

You're just talking about 14/2G. When you need the 12/2G, then you REALLY get to pay for it!
It almost makes those CAFCI breakers look cheap.

Drywall is pretty cheap at least, it's mostly labor there.

Houses that use this stuff are pretty old (and of course underwired for today's needs). Usually what happens eventually is the house is razed and a new one built on the lot. That's the end of that old wiring.

No, the insane stuff starts with 8 AWG and up. I had to buy 75 feet of 2/2G NM (yes they make that) for a tankless hot water heater install. 75 feet of #2 AWG (two runs with a #6 ground wire) ran me just shy of $1000. The customer nearly fainted hearing the price. It was something like $12.75 a foot.

At least in most residential, you do the stove and A/C with aluminum to save some cash as that's allowed. But I'd say to wire a hole average sized house, you're looking at between $2000 and $3000 in wire alone. GFI's will set you back (my cost) about $30 apiece. If you want the "Decora" (paddle) switches and receptacles (very popular these days) they'll run you about $5 each instead of $2 for the older style type.

Saving an old house is a lot of work. It's usually better to take it to the studs and fix everything one time than do it piecemeal. The other home to avoid is one that is owner-builder where the owner really did the work, not a professional contractor. It's really rare that an owner knows enough to avoid ending up with shitty work. The other issue comes when what they thought it would cost and what it really will cost collide and they start cutting corners to get things done. OMFG does the work get bad!
No, the insane stuff starts with 8 AWG and up. I had to buy 75 feet of 2/2G NM (yes they make that) for a tankless hot water heater install. 75 feet of #2 AWG (two runs with a #6 ground wire) ran me just shy of $1000. The customer nearly fainted hearing the price. It was something like $12.75 a foot.
Yup. The thicker the wire, the more it costs! Of course, even the 14/2G is insane as well. I don't see the price of copper coming down in price anytime soon either.
At least in most residential, you do the stove and A/C with aluminum to save some cash as that's allowed. But I'd say to wire a hole average sized house, you're looking at between $2000 and $3000 in wire alone. GFI's will set you back (my cost) about $30 apiece. If you want the "Decora" (paddle) switches and receptacles (very popular these days) they'll run you about $5 each instead of $2 for the older style type.
I was referring to the CAFCI breakers.
Saving an old house is a lot of work.
Yes it is. And after all that, you still have an old house.
Which is why some people choose to simply raze the thing and rebuild.
It's usually better to take it to the studs and fix everything one time than do it piecemeal.
True, if you're going to try to save anything at all.
The other home to avoid is one that is owner-builder where the owner really did the work, not a professional contractor. It's really rare that an owner knows enough to avoid ending up with shitty work. The other issue comes when what they thought it would cost and what it really will cost collide and they start cutting corners to get things done. OMFG does the work get bad!
I've seen some excellent built homes by the owner. I've also seen some really shitty stuff built by contractors. Inspectors see this stuff too, you know.

That said, yeah a fair number of owner installed stuff is really scary.
I recently put in a Tesla home charging station for somebody. The biggest circuit I could stuff in was 80 amp, so that's what I went with. The breaker was $350 alone, and I had to go to my specialty wholesaler for breakers to get it. (It's down a side street in the middle of a rundown industrial area in S. Phoenix in a big tin shed)
