Boy punished by school for wearing T-shirt with picture of gun


New member
Yup, the zero-tolerance folks have bagged another hardened criminal. Gee, I feel safer already.

Will these liberals EVER get tired of abusing power and violating people's rights in pursuit of their "perfect society", where nobody has to be scared by the guns liberals have tried to make us so scared of?

Probably the longest-lasting result of this incident: This boy will have complete contempt for authority, for many years to come. The saddest part is, he'll be right.


Boy Punished for T-Shirt With Gun Image

Monday, March 10, 2008

The family of a middle school student who was given detention for wearing a T-shirt bearing the image of a gun has filed a federal freedom of speech lawsuit against the school district.

Donald Miller III, 14, went to Penn Manor High School in December wearing a T-shirt he said was intended to honor his uncle, a U.S. Army soldier fighting in Iraq.

The shirt bears the image of a military sidearm and on the front pocket says "Volunteer Homeland Security." On the back, over another image of the weapon, are the words "Special issue Resident Lifetime License _ United States Terrorist Hunting Permit _ Permit No. 91101 _ Gun Owner _ No Bag Limit."

Officials at the Millersville school told him to turn his shirt inside out. When Miller refused, he got two days of detention.

His parents, Donald and Tina Miller of Holtwood, have accused the Penn Manor School District in a lawsuit of violating their son's First Amendment rights with a "vague Orwellian policy" that stifles both patriotism and free speech.

But an attorney for the school district said school must create a safe environment for students in the post-Columbine era, and bringing even the image of a gun to school violates the district's policy.

"There's a much higher level of sensitivity these days," Penn Manor attorney Kevin French said.
Yup, the zero-tolerance folks have bagged another hardened criminal. Gee, I feel safer already.

Will these liberals EVER get tired of abusing power and violating people's rights in pursuit of their "perfect society", where nobody has to be scared by the guns liberals have tried to make us so scared of?

Probably the longest-lasting result of this incident: This boy will have complete contempt for authority, for many years to come. The saddest part is, he'll be right.


Boy Punished for T-Shirt With Gun Image

Monday, March 10, 2008

The family of a middle school student who was given detention for wearing a T-shirt bearing the image of a gun has filed a federal freedom of speech lawsuit against the school district.

Donald Miller III, 14, went to Penn Manor High School in December wearing a T-shirt he said was intended to honor his uncle, a U.S. Army soldier fighting in Iraq.

The shirt bears the image of a military sidearm and on the front pocket says "Volunteer Homeland Security." On the back, over another image of the weapon, are the words "Special issue Resident Lifetime License _ United States Terrorist Hunting Permit _ Permit No. 91101 _ Gun Owner _ No Bag Limit."

Officials at the Millersville school told him to turn his shirt inside out. When Miller refused, he got two days of detention.

His parents, Donald and Tina Miller of Holtwood, have accused the Penn Manor School District in a lawsuit of violating their son's First Amendment rights with a "vague Orwellian policy" that stifles both patriotism and free speech.

But an attorney for the school district said school must create a safe environment for students in the post-Columbine era, and bringing even the image of a gun to school violates the district's policy.

"There's a much higher level of sensitivity these days," Penn Manor attorney Kevin French said.
The American School system is overrun with idiots. How the FUCK is the picture of a firearm going to create a LESS safe environment. Fucking NEA do gooder assholes.
The shirt advocated shooting people.

Do you really think this was not a scary shirt for any kid of mideastern ancestory to see?
The shirt advocated shooting people.

Do you really think this was not a scary shirt for any kid of mideastern ancestory to see?

you're making the assumption that all terrorists are of mideastern ancestry. We have white terrorists in our own country. Wouldn't it be scary for them as well?
The shirt advocated shooting people.

Do you really think this was not a scary shirt for any kid of mideastern ancestory to see?
Oh I didn't see the shirt said I am going to shoot Muslims or Arab Christians or even Bahai. I thought it said terrorists and since we are over in Iraq defending lots of people of mideastern ancestory, There should be no reason to fear just because you are of mideastern ancestory. It honestly shows that he was only hunting terrorists, Hell in my book that means white guys like McVeigh as well.
Anyway, the government should not be in the business of telling people to wear clothing ONLY if no one is made uncomfortable by it. By the way Desh, thanks for disproving my point that it is not usually the liberals that support censorship.
Yup, the zero-tolerance folks have bagged another hardened criminal. Gee, I feel safer already.

Will these liberals EVER get tired of abusing power and violating people's rights in pursuit of their "perfect society", where nobody has to be scared by the guns liberals have tried to make us so scared of?

Probably the longest-lasting result of this incident: This boy will have complete contempt for authority, for many years to come. The saddest part is, he'll be right.


Boy Punished for T-Shirt With Gun Image

Monday, March 10, 2008

The family of a middle school student who was given detention for wearing a T-shirt bearing the image of a gun has filed a federal freedom of speech lawsuit against the school district.

Donald Miller III, 14, went to Penn Manor High School in December wearing a T-shirt he said was intended to honor his uncle, a U.S. Army soldier fighting in Iraq.

The shirt bears the image of a military sidearm and on the front pocket says "Volunteer Homeland Security." On the back, over another image of the weapon, are the words "Special issue Resident Lifetime License _ United States Terrorist Hunting Permit _ Permit No. 91101 _ Gun Owner _ No Bag Limit."

Officials at the Millersville school told him to turn his shirt inside out. When Miller refused, he got two days of detention.

His parents, Donald and Tina Miller of Holtwood, have accused the Penn Manor School District in a lawsuit of violating their son's First Amendment rights with a "vague Orwellian policy" that stifles both patriotism and free speech.

But an attorney for the school district said school must create a safe environment for students in the post-Columbine era, and bringing even the image of a gun to school violates the district's policy.

"There's a much higher level of sensitivity these days," Penn Manor attorney Kevin French said.

And kids should feel free to wear clothes that say "I like crack" too. It's only fair.
It's not about zero tolerance. Kids generally aren't supposed to wear offensive shirts, or anything containing weapons or drugs. It's in the fucking dress code which he signed and agreed to as a condition of being educated at the school.
You can pretend Terrorist does not equate with muslims and arabic people all you want but you must face the fact that Americans attacked people wearing turban after 911 and still you can find Many Americans who say we are at war with the Muslim religion.

This kids shirt advocated that he was a volunteer terrorist killer. Do you really think kids who are of Arabic desent have not been unfairly treated by their fellow students at times. Kids dont need to be wearing shirts advocating killing people on a volunteer basis.
New low huh

Here is what the shirt said.

The shirt bears the image of a military sidearm and on the front pocket says "Volunteer Homeland Security." On the back, over another image of the weapon, are the words "Special issue Resident Lifetime License _ United States Terrorist Hunting Permit _ Permit No. 91101 _ Gun Owner _ No Bag Limit."

It is advocating shooting people you think are terrorists because 911 gives him the right to do so.

Its is advocating that a 12 year old has the right to shoot on sight anyone he deems a terrorist.
Are you really so fucking sick you cant see why other kids would feel unsafe arround such bullshit?

Kids shoot up schools every fucking day anymore you fool.
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Sorry guys. I have to side with Desh on this issue. The shirt would be inflamatory to anyone of middle-eastern descent. I have seen some such shirts and signs and usually there is a picture of a guy with a turban on it somewhere. Even if they removed the picture of the guy the wording is exactly the same and to pretend that it is not directed at middle eastern people is to ignore reality.

I would not have given the kid detention or punished him at all though....that is if he was cooperative when I told him to change shirts. If he was guilty of insubordination at that point then it is another story.
WOW .. what incredible idiocy.

Children with pictures of guns on their clothing should be protected "free speech" ??????

ASININE to the nth degree.
WOW .. what incredible idiocy.

Children with pictures of guns on their clothing should be protected "free speech" ??????

ASININE to the nth degree.
Yep cause that is what free speech is all about. Only free so long as NO ONE can be offended by it. You guys are equating wearing the shirt with actually running around with a gun going "be vewy qwiet. I'm hunting awabs". It is a Tee Shirt. And the school itself said it was because there was a gun on it. Not because it said he was a terrorist hunter.