Boycott these anti-Americans

It's for the anti-American comments that they made that I boycott them, as is my right.

Let some of these musicians start to see the impact of trashing us on their bottom lines and you will be surprised at how fast attitudes will begin to change.
1) “Kill those f*cking Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives
Kill those f*cking Yankees who ordered them to torture
Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law, and fathers
Kill them all slowly and painfully.” — Psy
2) “My main concern is that (The Tea Party is) really fear-based. What’s coming out of the Tea Party most often, especially if you go onto YouTube, and you see some of the interviews with these people who really don’t even know what the issues are, they’re just swept up in the fear of it and the anger of it. They’re not sure what they’re angry at; they don’t understand what’s happening on Wall Street. They haven’t educated themselves, but they’re just pissed off. And I understand that, I’m pissed off too. But knowledge is power, and anything less than that when it comes to anger can be dangerous.” — Sheryl Crow
3) “Just so you know, we’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.” — The Dixie Chicks on George Bush at a London concert
4) “This presidential election is different than the last one because President Obama has a four year record to run on. Last time around, he carried with him a tremendous amount of hope and expectations. Unfortunately, due to the economic chaos the previous administration left him with, and the extraordinary intensity of the opposition, it turned into a really rough ride. But through grit, determination, and focus, the President has been able to do a great many things that many of us deeply support.
…Right now the opposition’s resort to voter suppression in so many states is not receiving as much attention as it deserves. I believe that all of us, of whatever views, should be opposing these anti-voter, anti-citizen efforts.
Right now, for the President to be effective in his next term he needs our increased support and he needs support in the Congress, where some sterling candidates, such as current Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, challenger Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts, and so many others, are fighting to make their constructive voices heard.
…Right now, we need a President who has a vision that includes all of our citizens, not just some, whether they are our devastated poor, our pressured middle class, and yes, the wealthy too; whether they are male or female, black, white, brown, or yellow, straight or gay, civilian or military.” — Bruce Springsteen
5) “No one’s talking about how to keep the other side home on Election Day. It’s a lot easier than you think and it doesn’t cost that much. This election can be won by 200,000 votes. You target (Bush’s) natural constituencies. For example, you can go on all the pro-life chat rooms and say you’re an outraged right-wing voter and that you know that George Bush drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and paid for her to get an abortion.” — Kerry supporter Moby explains his unique political strategy — just making things up.” — Moby
6) “I don’t care who you vote for as long as you vote for Obama.” — Madonna
7) “House Republicans state firm opposition to any new limits on firearms or ammunition. How much more death will we have at their hands?” — Bette Midler
8) “Republican Super PACs are pounding President Obama and Democratic candidates with millions of dollars of vicious attack ads. And, they could tip the balance of the election for Tea Party extremists.
That would be a disaster for America and we can’t let it happen. We must close the funding gap.
That’s why I’m urging you to donate $3 or more to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) today.” — Barbra Streisand
9) “Don’t mistake me, I clearly see that (Paul) Ryan has a whole lotta “rage” in him: A rage against women, a rage against immigrants, a rage against workers, a rage against gays, a rage against the poor, a rage against the environment. Basically the only thing he’s not raging against is the privileged elite he’s groveling in front of for campaign contributions.” — Tom Morello from Rage Against The Machine after Paul Ryan said he was a fan of their band
10) “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.” — Kanye West

Those, maybe with the exception of the first, were all anti-Republican/Tea Party/conservative, not anti-American. If your definition of anti-American is applied to the whole country, most Americans are anti-American.
Then employees in that situation must take care not to offend their boss. People can always make up an alias name like Conservative or Rose Captain to take positions on line.

What gives the boss the right to exert control over the employee's livelihood, especially if this boss isn't actively producing capital? Also, I believe that if the statements weren't made inside the workplace, some courts would consider that wrongful termination.
What gives the boss the right to exert control over the employee's livelihood, especially if this boss isn't actively producing capital? Also, I believe that if the statements weren't made inside the workplace, some courts would consider that wrongful termination.

Then a fired worker could sue and have his or her day in court, couldn't they?
It's for the anti-American comments that they made that I boycott them, as is my right.

Let some of these musicians start to see the impact of trashing us on their bottom lines and you will be surprised at how fast attitudes will begin to change.
1) “Kill those f*cking Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives
Kill those f*cking Yankees who ordered them to torture
Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law, and fathers
Kill them all slowly and painfully.” — Psy
2) “My main concern is that (The Tea Party is) really fear-based. What’s coming out of the Tea Party most often, especially if you go onto YouTube, and you see some of the interviews with these people who really don’t even know what the issues are, they’re just swept up in the fear of it and the anger of it. They’re not sure what they’re angry at; they don’t understand what’s happening on Wall Street. They haven’t educated themselves, but they’re just pissed off. And I understand that, I’m pissed off too. But knowledge is power, and anything less than that when it comes to anger can be dangerous.” — Sheryl Crow
3) “Just so you know, we’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.” — The Dixie Chicks on George Bush at a London concert
4) “This presidential election is different than the last one because President Obama has a four year record to run on. Last time around, he carried with him a tremendous amount of hope and expectations. Unfortunately, due to the economic chaos the previous administration left him with, and the extraordinary intensity of the opposition, it turned into a really rough ride. But through grit, determination, and focus, the President has been able to do a great many things that many of us deeply support.
…Right now the opposition’s resort to voter suppression in so many states is not receiving as much attention as it deserves. I believe that all of us, of whatever views, should be opposing these anti-voter, anti-citizen efforts.
Right now, for the President to be effective in his next term he needs our increased support and he needs support in the Congress, where some sterling candidates, such as current Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, challenger Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts, and so many others, are fighting to make their constructive voices heard.
…Right now, we need a President who has a vision that includes all of our citizens, not just some, whether they are our devastated poor, our pressured middle class, and yes, the wealthy too; whether they are male or female, black, white, brown, or yellow, straight or gay, civilian or military.” — Bruce Springsteen
5) “No one’s talking about how to keep the other side home on Election Day. It’s a lot easier than you think and it doesn’t cost that much. This election can be won by 200,000 votes. You target (Bush’s) natural constituencies. For example, you can go on all the pro-life chat rooms and say you’re an outraged right-wing voter and that you know that George Bush drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and paid for her to get an abortion.” — Kerry supporter Moby explains his unique political strategy — just making things up.” — Moby
6) “I don’t care who you vote for as long as you vote for Obama.” — Madonna
7) “House Republicans state firm opposition to any new limits on firearms or ammunition. How much more death will we have at their hands?” — Bette Midler
8) “Republican Super PACs are pounding President Obama and Democratic candidates with millions of dollars of vicious attack ads. And, they could tip the balance of the election for Tea Party extremists.
That would be a disaster for America and we can’t let it happen. We must close the funding gap.
That’s why I’m urging you to donate $3 or more to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) today.” — Barbra Streisand
9) “Don’t mistake me, I clearly see that (Paul) Ryan has a whole lotta “rage” in him: A rage against women, a rage against immigrants, a rage against workers, a rage against gays, a rage against the poor, a rage against the environment. Basically the only thing he’s not raging against is the privileged elite he’s groveling in front of for campaign contributions.” — Tom Morello from Rage Against The Machine after Paul Ryan said he was a fan of their band
10) “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.” — Kanye West

I read it on the link.

The first one is anti-American. But I defy you to tell me how artists 2-9 are anti-American. You deny what I say is true, so tell me how any of the rest is anti-American.
I consider the public statements made by all these TurboLibs to be anti-American. That's my right. You don't, and that's your right.
I consider lies and attempts to degrade America anti-American. If you think that's wrong we will just have to disagree.
Then a fired worker could sue and have his or her day in court, couldn't they?

Maybe. But there was a court case a few months back: Basically, the employer's wife saw an employee that she found attractive. Jealous that the husband and employee were spending the day together (working at the office) she brought it up with the husband, who promptly fired the woman. This was not deemed wrongful termination.

So I have no problem believing that a fair share of courts would agree with you on what're acceptable practices when it comes to termination. The legislation is also a bit light when it comes to these kinds of things. This quote does a good job at describing it:

Wrongful termination or wrongful discharge laws vary from state to state. Some states are "employment-at-will" states, which means that if there is no employment contract (or collective bargaining agreement) which provides otherwise, an employer can let an employee go for any reason, or no reason, with or without notice, as long as the discharge does not violate a law.
So that would be a 'No' then, as far as pointing out specific lies?


That figures. Typical of your ilk to make wild accusations and then bail or run for cover when pressed for facts.
A musical legend tells it like it is.

Country-music legend Charlie Daniels isn’t buying the White House line that President Obama simply “didn’t know” about the scandalous actions plaguing his administration.

From the gun-running “Fast & Furious” debacle of 2011 to recent revelations the Internal Revenue Service has been targeting tea-party groups, Obama has denied knowledge of his underlings’ actions, even stating he only discovered the improprieties after the evening news reported them.

But in an exclusive interview with WND, the ever-outspoken Daniels blasted the president’s “excuses.”

“If I had a drunk bus driver, for instance, and I told everybody, ‘Don’t tell me about that, I don’t want to know about it,’ and that way if we get sued I can say, ‘I didn’t know it,’ basically that’s got to be what’s happened,” Daniels said. “[But] when you hide behind plausible deniability, that is not leadership. That is cowardice. You’re not leading the country, you’re misleading the country.”

Daniels further charged the blame-shifting is “pervasive” throughout the Obama administration.

“Look at the so-called attorney general, who should have been held to task a long time ago, for one thing, not prosecuting the Black Panthers standing in front of the polling place,” Daniels said. “Then we have Fast & Furious, then we have this thing in Benghazi, then we have the IRS thing – it’s one thing after another. This administration is out of control!

“People have, with reason – regardless of whether they support the presidential administration or not – lost any kind of trust,” Daniels said. “If someone says something, you don’t know if it’s true, if they mean it, if they don’t mean it. As far as what’s going on right now, we don’t have a leader.”

And don’t even think about defending Obama by pointing back to George W. Bush.

“Going back and saying what Bush or Reagan – or for that matter George Washington – did is a total and complete waste of time,” Daniels told WND. “It makes no difference what they did. This guy was supposed to be in to fix the mistakes any president in front of him made, and he’s not doing it. Making excuses for him is not going to help him. He needs to be held to account, he needs to come clean. He needs to get that IRS woman to go back in front of Congress and tell the truth.”

The IRS scandal in particular, appears to have piqued Daniels’ ire.

“Somebody deserves some jail time out of this thing with the IRS,” Daniels told WND. “It’s like the Gestapo. It’s like having your own, private, secret police force to sick on people. It’s dirty.

“I am not comparing Obama to Hitler; I’m comparing politics to politics,” the singer explained. “In the 1920s and ’30s Germany erred in that direction, giving a little bit here, a little bit there, giving the government more and more until they had it all, then all of a sudden the government turns around and says you can’t have guns and you can’t do this, you can’t do that. … This is a dangerous, terrible situation we have going on in this country right now.”

Watch Charlie Daniels’ message to America about the loss of U.S. sovereignty and the rise of a New World Order in the riveting new video “Behold a Pale Horse” on DVD!

Since the 1950s Daniels has been a country singer and famed fiddler, perhaps best known for his hit song “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.” He was inducted into the Grand Ole Opry in 2008.

But he also writes frequently on culture and politics, no stranger to bold statements in defense of God and country, and maintains a “soapbox” blog on his website,

“I have never in my life seen the United States of America in the kind of shape it’s in right now,” Daniels told WND. “It’s time for somebody to do something to bring this country back together.”

But who’s that somebody, and what can they do?

Daniels decried that so many people in our country are unaware of the severity of the scandals rocking Washington and unwilling to be educated about their own government or the freedoms being slowly sapped from them by the very people they voted into office. Far too many, Daniels lamented, “don’t even know who the speaker of the House is” and “couldn’t find New Jersey on a map.”
“How much more are we going to let stupid get away with?” Daniels asked. “The Bible says, ‘My people perish for lack of knowledge’ – it’s what’s going on in this country. If people knew what was happening, it would scare them to death. But they don’t know. They’ve got their head in the sand; they don’t want to know. It’s just like, ‘Send me my check every month and the h— with everything else.’

“Who are they going to vote for?” he asked rhetorically. “They’re going to vote for the guy that gives them the most.
So can anyone make a difference in Washington?

“The true power in this country is the House of Representatives. That’s our people,” Daniels said. “That’s the people that the people put in every two years. We need to put people there that hold people accountable. The Senate’s a d— lost cause. In my opinion the House of Representatives needs to hold everyone’s feet to the fire. … We need to get to the bottom of this thing.

“If the IRS gets off scot free, the Benghazi thing is let go and the Justice Department getting into these reporters’ lives is let go, we’re finished,” Daniels concluded. “I mean, it’s just gone: nothing going to be done about nothing, and they can do anything they want to and we’re just at their mercy.”

“I hope that this time he’s dug in deep enough that they’re not going to let it go,” Daniels said of Obama. “If people had any idea what they’re losing in this country, they would be doing something about it.”

I don't think Charlie Daniel's lies are worth anything. He was arrested for child porn in 1978 and has a long history of anti-American activities.

Other than the comments of that rancid little shit Psy, there is absolutely nothing about them which could be construed as "anti-American." If having mainstream, non-conservative views makes that person "anti-American" then let's just start the civil war now, shall we? I notice how all the "real" patriotic Murcans like Sarah "real Americans" Palin are always trying to decide who gets to be considered an authentic country-loving Murcan. Disgusting.

Here's my comments on the list:

  • Psy needs a bullet.
  • Sheryl Crow is absolutely spot-on.
  • The Dixie Chicks deserve criticism for dissing their president abroad, but this doesn't make them "anti-American."
  • The Boss made a cogent analysis of the election and a very thoughtful endorsement of Obama.
  • Moby wasn't advocating anything that real down in the dirt political operations don't do every day.
  • Madonna was being silly.
  • Bette Midler was properly outraged.
  • Barbra Streisand was just advocating.
  • Tom Morello sounds like a mean, ignorant shit. Rand Paul does not have "rage" or hatred against anyone.
  • Kanye West was being ignorant and racist. As much criticism as George W. Bush deserves, he's not a racist. But still, West's comments don't make him "anti-American."
You can boycott yourself for all anyone cares. The question is, other than Psy's comments, what is "anti-American" about them? The title you posted was that "Boycott These Anti-Americans." You are saying that anyone who does not agree with you is anti-American.