Brand New


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Hi everyone. I'm brand new, just registerd. I'm going to look around for a while beofre I make my first board post. Just wanted to say hi.
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( I had to delete your video, sorry: the software thinks I'm trying to post a link )

I have encountered superfreak before. What works much better than putting them on ignore, is just ignoring them.

Thanks for the reply - great video: very funny.
folks here nip at each other.

some are just too stupid to read past a typo.

welcome to the site.

jet 57

your avi looks like toys my four brothers used to play with back in the 60s.

people do nip here

I don't mind that.

I sure do wish the right could figure out what a fact is though
( I had to delete your video, sorry: the software thinks I'm trying to post a link )

I have encountered superfreak before. What works much better than putting them on ignore, is just ignoring them.

Thanks for the reply - great video: very funny.

You can thank Darla for the video, she made it, not the dipshit who posted it, then deleted his post.
folks here nip at each other.

some are just too stupid to read past a typo.

welcome to the site.

jet 57

your avi looks like toys my four brothers used to play with back in the 60s.

people do nip here

I don't mind that.

I sure do wish the right could figure out what a fact is though

The avatar is actually artwork from Big Daddy Ed Roth. He was a concept car designer in the late fifties and throughout the sixties. He did put out scale models of all kinds that are still being sold. I just loved the far out artwork.
The avatar is actually artwork from Big Daddy Ed Roth. He was a concept car designer in the late fifties and throughout the sixties. He did put out scale models of all kinds that are still being sold. I just loved the far out artwork.

I used to collect cards when I was a kid that had artwork on them like your avatar.

I must have had HUNDREDS of those suckers...
I used to collect cards when I was a kid that had artwork on them like your avatar.

I must have had HUNDREDS of those suckers...

I think that the T shirts were the best. I have several of his works as avatars; I like to switch up now and again.
Hi everyone. I'm brand new, just registerd. I'm going to look around for a while beofre I make my first board post. Just wanted to say hi.
Welcome Jet57.

So what side of the political aisle do you fall into?

Are you a red shirted, May Day celebrating, bleeding heart commie pinko liberal?
Are you a brown shirted, jack-booted, Swastika waving, storm trooping nazi conservative?
Are you a no shirted, sit in your under wear, inept, doesn't know how to get anything accomplished, anarcho-libertarian?
or Are you a wishy washy, fence stradling, ran over in the middle of the road like a dead skunk moderate?

Enquiring minds would like to know? :)