Brand New

Welcome Jet57.

So what side of the political aisle do you fall into?

Are you a red shirted, May Day celebrating, bleeding heart commie pinko liberal?
Are you a brown shirted, jack-booted, Swastika waving, storm trooping nazi conservative?
Are you a no shirted, sit in your under wear, inept, doesn't know how to get anything accomplished, anarcho-libertarian?
or Are you a wishy washy, fence stradling, ran over in the middle of the road like a dead skunk moderate?

Enquiring minds would like to know? :)

It's another troll, Bobbin Mark II.
So where are Bobbin and Jet57 now? You don't find suspicious that they announce their presence and then piss off?

Not really.

If I got here and people immediately started in hounding me and making assumptions about who I was, I might not have stuck around either.
Hi everyone. I'm brand new, just registerd. I'm going to look around for a while beofre I make my first board post. Just wanted to say hi.

Welcome to the board. Everyone's personal battles aside it's a great place. Hope you stick around and join in the conversation.

I know you responded to one thread and I asked your opinion in return. If you have a chance I'd love to hear your response.

More importantly though, welcome to the board.
Hi everyone. I'm brand new, just registerd. I'm going to look around for a while beofre I make my first board post. Just wanted to say hi.

welcome to the insane asylum

i tend toward social progressive and fiscal conservative, however, i have been seriously ill of late, but i wish you love joy health and happiness and have fun
Welcome to the board. Everyone's personal battles aside it's a great place. Hope you stick around and join in the conversation.

I know you responded to one thread and I asked your opinion in return. If you have a chance I'd love to hear your response.

More importantly though, welcome to the board.

Gosh; I know I've seen it: where was it?