Brandon the boob


Pocket lint
A picture is worth a thousand words.

Biden, checking his watch as the bodies of 13 brave soldiers arrive.

His catastrophic departure from Afghanistan resulted in these deaths and many more. Billions in weapons left to the Taliban and Afghanistan is now a terrorist state.

His sleeping on the job is a sign of an old, senile, clueless president who is dangerous and is harming Americans.
As to Maui:

How many dead and missing in Maui?
County officials released an FBI-verified list of 388 people who remain unaccounted for more than two weeks after the deadliest wildfire in over a century tore through parts of the island and scorched the historic community of Lahaina. So far, 115 people have been confirmed dead but the number is expected to rise.4 days ago
What makes your opinions relevant and other's irrelevant?

Mine are reasonable and based in reality.

Yours are just the usual droolbilly Trumper crap.

There are endless possibilities as to why the leader of the free world might have felt the need to briefly glance at his watch, but in typical fashion, the propaganda shitting idiots on the right jumped with both feet onto an opportunity to imply some negative intent, when there is absolutely zero indication or reason to.

And when you watch it in the form of a video, he barely glances at it....

biden-watch.gif fucks post a still frame that leaves the impression that he stood there staring at it for several seconds.

That's just one of many reasons why the right is looked upon as a bunch of sleazy, lying assholes.
OK, so now who's the bigger of the boobs between the two of them?????????

Biden is a senile, retarded, idiot. Trump is just a universe class asshole. Biden fucks everything he touches up, while Trump just makes you hate him for making a correct but highly unpopular decision...