Brandon the boob

Mine are reasonable and based in reality.

Yours are just the usual droolbilly Trumper crap.

There are endless possibilities as to why the leader of the free world might have felt the need to briefly glance at his watch, but in typical fashion, the propaganda shitting idiots on the right jumped with both feet onto an opportunity to imply some negative intent, when there is absolutely zero indication or reason to.

And when you watch it in the form of a video, he barely glances at it.... fucks post a still frame that leaves the impression that he stood there staring at it for several seconds.

That's just one of many reasons why the right is looked upon as a bunch of sleazy, lying assholes.

And could any president have stopped the deaths caused by a suicide bomber?

OMG! This changes EVERYTHING FOR ME. I never figured that Joe would "check his watch" from time to time in his existence. Gosh...this is going to make people want to vote for the semi-coherent sex-predator treasonous fraud machine that is Trump.

If only Joe had never looked at his watch at any point in time. This is a bridge too far!
A picture is worth a thousand words.

Biden, checking his watch as the bodies of 13 brave soldiers arrive.

His catastrophic departure from Afghanistan resulted in these deaths and many more. Billions in weapons left to the Taliban and Afghanistan is now a terrorist state.

His sleeping on the job is a sign of an old, senile, clueless president who is dangerous and is harming Americans.

All you have to do is blink when a photo is being snapped and it looks like you are asleep. He is actually doing the job, not chasing pissy and golfing.
Can the thread mention Trump - or will someone be "obsessed" if they do that?

I just consider a total reversal or deflection like to one being caught with their pecker in their hand and they immediately resort to denial. You have your pecker in your hand a lot.