Brandon the boob

Does that mean he ended the war?

Yes, he made a deal to end the war, but Biden didn't follow it right.

I guess you don't know about that stuff. :dunno: Biden got 13 military people and 80-90 Afghanis killed unnecesarily.

And that was just from the 2 suicide bombers in one day at the same time, not all the people the shitbag left behind.

I can't find the pic anymore, but I've seen it. 2 circles of solid bodies blown out from the center and each were like 30-50 feet in diameter.

For the 13 service members that died, there were close to 100 Afghanis right next to them. They all died right then and there, and none of that had to happen.
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Yes, he made a deal to end the war, but Biden didn't follow it right.

I guess you don't know about that stuff. :dunno: Biden got 13 military people and 80-90 Afghanis killed unnecesarily.

And that was just from the 2 suicide bombers in one day at the same time, not all the people the shitbag left behind.

13 people? Any loss of life is tragic, of course. But we were leaving an unstable, war-torn country. When has that ever been perfect?

If that's a reason he's the "worst" President - how do you feel about the guy who got us into Afghanistan, and Iraq - which led to thousands of casualties?
And really, take note, anyone who supported the start of both of those wars. That's why war is always a last resort, when all other options have been exhausted. It's messy, and terrible.
13 people? Any loss of life is tragic, of course. But we were leaving an unstable, war-torn country. When has that ever been perfect?

If that's a reason he's the "worst" President - how do you feel about the guy who got us into Afghanistan, and Iraq - which led to thousands of casualties?

Not amicably, but we're discussing Potatohead right now. It was over 100 people, idiot, 13 servicemembers and 80-90 Afghanis all in 2 simultaneous blasts.

Also he left over 1000 people behind for the Taliban to persecute. And then there's the billions of dollars of equipment and the compromising of our military operations in general.

None of the 100 people that died that day was necessary, it could have been avoided, but Biden is an ignorant arrogant dumbfuck.
Not amicably, but we're discussing Potatohead right now. It was over 100 people, idiot, 13 servicemembers and 80-90 Afghanis all in 2 simultaneous blasts.

Also he left over 1000 behind for the Taliban to persecute.
Actually closer to 150 people were killed in the two blasts.
Not amicably, but we're discussing Potatohead right now. It was over 100 people, idiot, 13 servicemembers and 80-90 Afghanis all in 2 simultaneous blasts.

Also he left over 1000 behind for the Taliban to persecute.

Did you support U.S. involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq initially?
I didn't know or read or watch a single conservative in 2001-2003 who didn't support America getting into Afghanistan, and invading Iraq.
Actually closer to 150 people were kill in the two blasts.

It was horrible. You can't find that on the internet now, I don't think. I saw it was very bad. :(

I didn't count the bodies, but it was 2 large circles of bodies blown outward from the center. Possibly a lot were wearing Burkas.
No, but that has not much to do with this, unless you'd like to highlight Biden being all for it.

How does it not have much to do w/ it?

I find it stunning that conservatives who initially supported those conflicts - enthusiastically - are now critiquing how the messes that they helped create got cleaned up.

I'll have to take your word for it that you didn't. But you'd be the only conservative I ever heard of who didn't (though many deny it today).
How does it not have much to do w/ it?

I find it stunning that conservatives who initially supported those conflicts - enthusiastically - are now critiquing how the messes that they helped create got cleaned up.

I'll have to take your word for it that you didn't. But you'd be the only conservative I ever heard of who didn't (though many deny it today).

I do what I want. I knew that the 9/11 terrorists were not from Iraq and all that was lies. I didn't know much about it at the time, just that it was fishy.

Learned a lot about it since, mainly around 2005. My aunt told me how the Bushes used to have Bin Laden over for dinner and showed me an old newspaper.

Showing the Bin Ladens at dinner with the Bushes. In Texas and at The White House.
I do what I want. I knew that the 9/11 terrorists were not from Iraq and all that was lies. I didn't know much about it at the time, just that it was fishy.

I believe you. Good on you. That was a weird time.

I was against both, pretty vocally - and it wasn't easy. Got called a traitor & terrorist-sympathizer quite often.

I've been against every war in my lifetime, and I'm sure I'll oppose the next one also.
I believe you. Good on you. That was a weird time.

I was against both, pretty vocally - and it wasn't easy. Got called a traitor & terrorist-sympathizer quite often.

I've been against every war in my lifetime, and I'm sure I'll oppose the next one also.

There haven't been any just wars in my lifetime involving the US.

I'm no peace freak, but wars need to be just.
I didn't know or read or watch a single conservative in 2001-2003 who didn't support America getting into Afghanistan, and invading Iraq.

I was going to meet n greets from AOL in 2001-2002, then the ex happened. No computer stuff until later on in those days.

Name a worse president, fucktard. Name a president that has been worse for Americans than Biden.

On the whole of US history, Millard Fillmore, James Buchanan, Woodrow Wilson to name three. If you go with "modern" ones (eg., since WW 2), Biden is at the bottom. He's worse than Carter and Carter used to be the gold standard for bad modern presidents.
Inflation was global, and started when Biden took office. It generally takes at least a few months for Presidential policies to have a major economic effect, and usually much longer.

He also ended a war, and 13+ million jobs were added under his admin. Anyone who thinks he is near the worst needs to study history. We've had some really incompetent Presidents in the past.

Biden ended one war in the most disastrous pullout since the fall of Saigon. It was a humiliating defeat for the US. He didn't add 13 million jobs, about 12 million of those simply came back once the lockdowns were lifted. Inflation shot up in the US big time. The fed interest rate has been climbing steadily. You have any idea how disastrous that is for the US debt? US treasury bonds for the first time in modern history and only the second in US history now have a net negative return on investment. That is, the interest earned on treasury notes is less than the inflation that eats into what you earn on them.

Bridem has been a trainwreck for the economy too, particularly in the area of resource extraction. He has driven the price of many raw materials up dramatically. Copper, for example, is out of sight expensive. Go to a home improvement store. They lock all the copper wire and plumbing pieces up because of their value. Bribem's whole greentard push is costing Americans massively.

When you toss in the whole "woke" thing and the growing racial divisions his administration is driving, we have a culture and race war on our hands because of him for the first time since the 60's.

Bribem is also likely the most corrupt politician to ever hold the office of President. On a personal level Bribem and his VP are laughing stocks around the world. They are parodied, lampooned, and just laughed at by people in other nations.

Bribem is incompetent to top all of that off like no other President has ever been. The guy is an utter retard.