Brandon's government at work #1

That has nothing to do with COVID. Sorry you are so confused this early in the AM.
Trump had nothing to do with Covid either.........but the pier was presidential incompetence that can inarguably be laid only at Biden's feet.......not the only one, oc course.....just the first to come to mind......
Odd, reasonable people know that’s FOX advertisers.
Trump had nothing to do with Covid either.........but the pier was presidential incompetence that can inarguably be laid only at Biden's feet.......not the only one, oc course.....just the first to come to mind......

I love how your lord and savior, Donald J. Trump can do no wrong. He is sent from Heav'n above to bring peace and love to all. Except Mexicans, American POW's, American KIA's and the families of those killed in action. Oh yeah and the disabled. But those people all had it comin' I guess.
of course......that's why we support him instead of the fuckwit you support

You support a man who:

1. Has violated every sacred wedding vow he's ever taken
2. Has been found guilty a jury of his peers of 34 felonies
3. Has declared bankruptcy leaving countless creditors hanging out to dry on at least 4 occasions
4. Was found guilty of sexual assault in a civil trial
5. Attacked an American POW (John McCain) for "getting caught"
6. Had a mini war with the family of an American GI killed in the Middle east
7. Mocked the disabled
8. Told a US 4 star general that the dead from WWI were losers and suckers
9. Dodged the draft with a bone spur on a foot he can no longer remember which one
10. Sells everything from vodka to bibles

I can see why you like him! He's effectively indistinguishable from Gandhi and Mother Theresa.

Just curious what is wrong with you. How is this "Biden's Fault"? This is a fast-moving humanitarian disaster and it sounds like there are logistics problems as well as finding a safe way into Gaza for distribution.

Would you prefer that we all just watch as the Gazans starve to death?

What the fuck is wrong with people like you? EVERYTHING isn't a cheap political point for your side.


Trumpers are drooling idiots and knuckle dragging scumbags who don't have an ounce of compassion for anyone who isn't a gun loving POS like they are.