Brazilian Co. Buying US Beef Processors

While China has opened up its economy the government is still very much involved. We've set up several real estate investment funds in China over the past few years and the amount of red tape we've had to go through is anything but Adam Smith's dream.

Real estate yes, I think they just fairly recently made changes in the real estate ownership laws to open it up some. But you would be the expert on that.
manufacturing now is totally different.
Real estate yes, I think they just fairly recently made changes in the real estate ownership laws to open it up some. But you would be the expert on that.
manufacturing now is totally different.

I still don't think we (the U.S.) can own real estate directly there. We've had to set up shell holding groups to put the real estate in.
I still don't think we (the U.S.) can own real estate directly there. We've had to set up shell holding groups to put the real estate in.

I think you are correct, but I think Chinese individuals can now actually own real estate.
I think the laws on that changed last year maybe ?
I think you are correct, but I think Chinese individuals can now actually own real estate.
I think the laws on that changed last year maybe ?

You may be correct on that. It sounds accurate. The ease for foreigners to purchase real estate in the U.S. is one of the reasons we attract so much foreign capital.
Yep selling our country for a handful of sheckels.

but on the bright side everyone owing a piece of everyone else might lead to workd peace or at least closer. Now if we all just would intermarry and send our kids to schools in other countries.
While China has opened up its economy the government is still very much involved. We've set up several real estate investment funds in China over the past few years and the amount of red tape we've had to go through is anything but Adam Smith's dream.

LOL, yeah. It still keeps some of it's old baggage, and it's still totalitarian, but it's not communist in any sense of the word. The labour markets are just about completely open. It's only recently than China required employers to give their emplpoyees contracts.
LOL, yeah. It still keeps some of it's old baggage, and it's still totalitarian, but it's not communist in any sense of the word. The labour markets are just about completely open. It's only recently than China required employers to give their emplpoyees contracts.

Yeah, except for the whole government ownership of industry thing.
Yeah, except for the whole government ownership of industry thing.

The government still owns a majority stake in many companies, but the fact that privates own anything tells you how far it's gone away from communism. I don't even think many of the really big ones the government has majority share.
The government still owns a majority stake in many companies, but the fact that privates own anything tells you how far it's gone away from communism. I don't even think many of the really big ones the government has majority share.

My point, Water, is that the Chinese government has ownership stakes in Chinese corporations and for that reason Chinese corporate buy-outs of US corporations is on a different level than a non-government owned Brazilian firm buying-out a US company. That is all.
This is ignorance.

you too will learn and oneday understand.
We do not tend to bomb a country if our property is there nor tend to make war upon our families if they are extended into another country.
well it is lessened anyway.
This is taking place thru globalization and might be the best benefit of globalization for mankind in the long run.

You take a different view on someone of another race or religion when you child is married to one of them and you grandchildren are a mixed result of that marriage.
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My point, Water, is that the Chinese government has ownership stakes in Chinese corporations and for that reason Chinese corporate buy-outs of US corporations is on a different level than a non-government owned Brazilian firm buying-out a US company. That is all.

What if the Chinese government didn't own the company?
Yep selling our country for a handful of sheckels.

but on the bright side everyone owing a piece of everyone else might lead to workd peace or at least closer. Now if we all just would intermarry and send our kids to schools in other countries.

That's the Thomas Friedman theory in the World Is Flat is that countries that each have McDonald's will not bomb each other. That is one benefit of a global economy is the econmic interaction of each country will hopefully supercede the need for fighting.
That theory is called functionalism (I believe) and is one of the main reasons that, after World War II, France and Germany signed the treaty that would later evolve into the European Union-- because a mutual economic interest would prevent war.
good; maybe the furrin investors will actually bring jobs to this country.

some do. The foreign auto industry for example. but overall it is a net loss for the US since we are so much richer than the rest of the world. Our standard of living will drop some and the rest of the wolrds will rise. It is inevitable.

and no it is not a zero sum game, but closer to a zero sum than not.