Breaking News: Arizona Challenging French Election!

The Arizona review board and a group of Right Wing Putin activists are going to conduct a French recount. Tre Manifique!

They are sure there are shreds of bamboo in the paper, and maybe some ballots under a Louis IVX desk.

why is Jarot dumber than a box of bamboo shoots?......
The Arizona review board and a group of Right Wing Putin activists are going to conduct a French recount. Tre Manifique!

They are sure there are shreds of bamboo in the paper, and maybe some ballots under a Louis IVX desk.

You joke, but...where is Rudy the Drunk? I'm sure he's on this.
They have said by mid year, now do Durham :laugh:

No idea on Durham. His commission doesn't run out with the election. I suspect the Jan 6 committee will time things to try and sway the election in a last-minute reveal, but it'll be the same nothing burger everything else they've done has been.
No idea on Durham. His commission doesn't run out with the election. I suspect the Jan 6 committee will time things to try and sway the election in a last-minute reveal, but it'll be the same nothing burger everything else they've done has been.

Durham has been at it three years now and to date has produced next to nothing other than occasional feeders for right wing media innuendo. I believe he caught some minor figure on some minor procedural charge which has already come and gone. Then again, he was never appointed to find anything

The January 6th Committee is continuously moving forward, they anticipate having live TV hearings either some time this summer or in the early Fall, as I said earlier, should be interesting watching the likes of Jordan, Meadows, and the Trump siblings on the other side of the panel. Upon conclusion they will release a lengthy report of their findings that will monopolize all media attention for probably weeks heading up to the November election

The jury will be the American public, and it might not effect much in the Congressional races but sure as hell will present another hurdle for Trump to confront when he runs in 2024
Durham has been at it three years now and to date has produced next to nothing other than occasional feeders for right wing media innuendo. I believe he caught some minor figure on some minor procedural charge which has already come and gone. Then again, he was never appointed to find anything

The January 6th Committee is continuously moving forward, they anticipate having live TV hearings either some time this summer or in the early Fall, as I said earlier, should be interesting watching the likes of Jordan, Meadows, and the Trump siblings on the other side of the panel. Upon conclusion they will release a lengthy report of their findings that will monopolize all media attention for probably weeks heading up to the November election

The jury will be the American public, and it might not effect much in the Congressional races but sure as hell will present another hurdle for Trump to confront when he runs in 2024

And nobody will watch, and the report will go unread. Jan 6 is now a nothing burger and it was just a three (3) hour riot.
Sorry, you are wrong, the majority of Americans still support the 1/6 investigation.

Your not sorry, you're pathetic! Aside from that barb, you'd be wrong. America has moved on from Jan 6 even if the Left (aka Democrats) haven't.

It might be in the committee’s best interest to stick to that timeline, as the fate of the committee is uncertain if the GOP takes over control of the House next year. Moreover, many Americans want to move on from investigating the events of Jan. 6. A recent Navigator Research poll found, for instance, that 39 percent of registered voters thought the House committee investigating the attack was too focused on the past, compared to 49 percent who said the committee was doing important work. And a January poll from the Pew Research Center found that Americans were pretty divided over whether too much attention was being devoted to the insurrection: Thirty-five percent said “too much” attention had been paid to the attacks, while 33 percent said the “right amount” and 31 percent said “too little.” That said, in another January poll (this one from Quinnipiac), 44 percent of Americans thought it was time to move on, while 50 percent thought that the attack should never be forgotten.

Across the board, and across a broad spectrum of polling, Americans are now in the minority in even caring about the Jan 6 committee and whatever it's doing. Only the Left gives a shit, and I'd say that's mainly because everything else they're involved in is so fucked up they haven't got anything else to go with.

Even barely a plurality (53% with a +/- spread of 3%) even follow what the Jan 6th committee is doing. There's no interest in it, and there's less support for it.

So, while disapproval of what happened on Jan 6 remains high (about 2 out of 3 Americans), there is no interest in pursuing some drawn out investigation into it. America has moved on, even if the Left hasn't.
No Trump is only guilty of Jan 6 treason,insurrection, manslaughter, attempted overthrow of an election and invasion of the United States Capital!

Your not sorry, you're pathetic! Aside from that barb, you'd be wrong. America has moved on from Jan 6 even if the Left (aka Democrats) haven't.

Across the board, and across a broad spectrum of polling, Americans are now in the minority in even caring about the Jan 6 committee and whatever it's doing. Only the Left gives a shit, and I'd say that's mainly because everything else they're involved in is so fucked up they haven't got anything else to go with.

Even barely a plurality (53% with a +/- spread of 3%) even follow what the Jan 6th committee is doing. There's no interest in it, and there's less support for it.

So, while disapproval of what happened on Jan 6 remains high (about 2 out of 3 Americans), there is no interest in pursuing some drawn out investigation into it. America has moved on, even if the Left hasn't.

How do you move on from treason?
Your not sorry, you're pathetic! Aside from that barb, you'd be wrong. America has moved on from Jan 6 even if the Left (aka Democrats) haven't.

Across the board, and across a broad spectrum of polling, Americans are now in the minority in even caring about the Jan 6 committee and whatever it's doing. Only the Left gives a shit, and I'd say that's mainly because everything else they're involved in is so fucked up they haven't got anything else to go with.

Even barely a plurality (53% with a +/- spread of 3%) even follow what the Jan 6th committee is doing. There's no interest in it, and there's less support for it.

So, while disapproval of what happened on Jan 6 remains high (about 2 out of 3 Americans), there is no interest in pursuing some drawn out investigation into it. America has moved on, even if the Left hasn't.
Sorry, you’re wrong, America is tired of nothing happening to politicians who do criming. We know and fully have come to expect that politicians protect each other. We the little guys are the only ones who are punished for our crimes.