Laughing My Fucking Ass Off...... You gotta be kidding me? Who the fuck else would be hacking Governor Palin's E-mail? Republicans????

Why not? Isn't she the same "maverick" who has "stood against her party" and in doing so "made enemies among Alaskan Republicans"???

Or, is that also, inoperative, this week?
And anyway, it was probably some bored anarchist...a Grind type.

Which email account did they hack? Her official government email account or her yahoo account that she used to conduct official business to avoid public disclosure laws ala Karl Rove?
Laughing My Fucking Ass Off...... You gotta be kidding me? Who the fuck else would be hacking Governor Palin's E-mail? Republicans????
Yeah this from the guy that thinks the Dem Congress is the one that bailed out AIG. YOu should shut the fuck up till you can prove you actually KNOW something.
Yahoo accounts are notoriously easy to hack.

Anyone who uses them to send confidential emails is either an idiot or totally unaware.

But unless there is some proof that the hacker was a Dem, its just pure speculation. There are plenty of people who will hack accounts just to see whats there.
Why don't you kiss my ass, fucktard.
Yeah I am the fucktard. I knew who made the decision to bail out AIG but I AM THE FUCKTARD while you are a fucking rocket scientist for telling us all that the Dem congress bailed AIG out. All hail the great intellect Dicksie.
Which email account did they hack? Her official government email account or her yahoo account that she used to conduct official business to avoid public disclosure laws ala Karl Rove?

It was her yahoo account which she used to conduct official business to avoid public disclosure laws ala Karl Rove, wouldn't you know it.
Yeah I am the fucktard. I knew who made the decision to bail out AIG but I AM THE FUCKTARD while you are a fucking rocket scientist for telling us all that the Dem congress bailed AIG out. All hail the great intellect Dicksie.

Look you fucking retard, if you want to talk about the AIG bailout, and who did what to whom, go to that fucking thread and post there, don't bring your stupidity over to this thread and start a discussion on something totally unrelated to the topic. Are you too profoundly retarded to do that? Apparently so! Apparently, your mother fucked her brother and produced YOU! A simple minded idiot who can't grasp the basic concept of TOPICS!
Uh-oh, the Boss Of The Board, is riled now! Just you better keep your comments to one thread Mister Soc-ro-tease, or I am going to come over there and kick sand in your face!
Look you fucking retard, if you want to talk about the AIG bailout, and who did what to whom, go to that fucking thread and post there, don't bring your stupidity over to this thread and start a discussion on something totally unrelated to the topic. Are you too profoundly retarded to do that? Apparently so! Apparently, your mother fucked her brother and produced YOU! A simple minded idiot who can't grasp the basic concept of TOPICS!
I am from the mountain west. Our brothers and sisters don't fuck like they do in ...hmmm I wonder what state would be a good representative of incest, oh lets start at the beginning of the Alphabet and see if a state comes up there, lets see A. What states begin with A. In alphabetical order first is ...Oh that's right Ala-fucking-get off me pa yer crushin my cigarettes-bama!
I am from the mountain west. Our brothers and sisters don't fuck like they do in ...hmmm I wonder what state would be a good representative of incest, oh lets start at the beginning of the Alphabet and see if a state comes up there, lets see A. What states begin with A. In alphabetical order first is ...Oh that's right Ala-fucking-get off me pa yer crushin my cigarettes-bama!

Easy now, Soc. Some of us Alabamians have never fucked family.

I think there are at least 17 of us scattered around the state.
I am from the mountain west. Our brothers and sisters don't fuck like they do in ...hmmm I wonder what state would be a good representative of incest, oh lets start at the beginning of the Alphabet and see if a state comes up there, lets see A. What states begin with A. In alphabetical order first is ...Oh that's right Ala-fucking-get off me pa yer crushin my cigarettes-bama!


...we're not being fair to Dixie...he comes out here, day after day, and so generously makes a huge jackass out of himself, and all for our entertainment.

Thank you Dixie.