Breaking News: Evan Gershovich and Paul Whelan Part of a Prisoner Swap

Sounds like Russia is afraid of Trump and wanted to throw the Democrats a bone. So he agreed to the deal to enhance the Democrats image before the election.

The Russians, for their part, are going to get their usual basket of criminals, including Vadim Krasikov, a colonel in the Russian intelligence services who was sentenced to life in a German prison after carrying out a Kremlin-ordered hit on a Russian dissident in Berlin. Moscow’s shopping list also reportedly includes a Russian money launderer now in an American prison and two Russian spies caught in Slovenia.
The Kremlin Gets What It Wants
The release of journalists and dissidents is good news—but the grubby reality is that the Russians have engaged in successful hostage-taking.

The Russian Federation-1

You are daft. Putin and Trump were cut from the same cloth. Trump booted out translators and stenos when he talked to Putin. That is not done, at least it wasn't before Trump. Trump was obviously hiding something. Putin knows Trump would quit helping Ukraine. They used to hang around when Trump was in Russia.
How can you be so wrong, so often?
The Reichwing Propaganda Machine is doing a fine, fine job.
She flaunted Russian Law she was arrested after Evan, and Whelan. She played a role in her own arrest by breaking THEIR law. Evan, and Whelan did nothing wrong.
The word is "flouted" not "flaunted." Gods, the poorly-educated deplorables!

BTW Evan was arrested after Brittany was released.
She flaunted Russian Law she was arrested after Evan, and Whelan. She played a role in her own arrest by breaking THEIR law. Evan, and Whelan did nothing wrong.
Taking Putin's side again? She should have only been fined under Russian law, not be taken hostage with a ten year prison sentence.

If you're so keen on criticising Americans who travel to Russia, Whelan was a petty criminal who was stupid enough to try to befriend retired Russian military officers online and ask them questions about Russian military hardware. Dumb, dumb, dumb. That ensured he would get on the FSB's radar.

Bottom line, Trump allowed American citizens to languish in the gulag.
Are you daft. Putin can't stand Trump but he did endorse Biden.
Trump loves and admires Putin. He talks about how Putin and Kim have total control and wistfully talks about how he would like that too. Putin wants Trump in office because he can handle him like a child. He does not like or respect Trump. Few leaders do. But he can control him That is why he is pro Trump.