Breaking: The U.S. entered a recession in December 2007


Abreast of the situations

Breaking: The U.S. entered a recession in December 2007, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research.
I know this can't be true, because in Dec 2007, and for months after, our resident MBA was still calling Onceler a girllieman, and usc a hih schol dopouut, for claiming that we might be in a recession. And he had some good evidence: There were people in restaurants.
"And he had some good evidence: There were people in restaurants"

They were packed! One of the key indicators that you rarely hear those bookwormy feminine economists talking about.

I remember toppy telling me that the housing market didn't really have any effect on the rest of the economy.
"And he had some good evidence: There were people in restaurants"

They were packed! One of the key indicators that you rarely hear those bookwormy feminine economists talking about.

I remember toppy telling me that the housing market didn't really have any effect on the rest of the economy.

Oh I forgot about the last one - that was a classic.
Investors and business people consider 2qtrs of neg growth a recession. In the article they admittedley go against this point.
I know you two fools don't get this.
Investors and business people consider 2qtrs of neg growth a recession. In the article they admittedley go against this point.
I know you two fools don't get this.

The same investors and business people that got us into this mess and were too stupit to see it coming ?
you people are lame.
Recessions happen
I'm happy to blame Bush and the Nazi republicans along with you.
Lets see Obama cruise over the incredibly low bar Bush set up.
5 moves can make him the best president ever.
you people are lame.
Recessions happen
I'm happy to blame Bush and the Nazi republicans along with you.
Lets see Obama cruise over the incredibly low bar Bush set up.
5 moves can make him the best president ever.

ok.... I'll bite.. what are the 'five moves'?
1. dont the biggest thing to stop racism, decriminalize the wholly herb (800,000 mostly brothers stay employed)
2. GTF out of Iraq
3. GTF out of Afghany while your at it.
4. Cut military/Prison idustrial complex budgest by 70% each
5. Free Healthcare and college tuition.
1. dont the biggest thing to stop racism, decriminalize the wholly herb (800,000 mostly brothers stay employed)
2. GTF out of Iraq
3. GTF out of Afghany while your at it.
4. Cut military/Prison idustrial complex budgest by 70% each
5. Free Healthcare and college tuition.

You know, for all toppy's faults, that's really not a bad list. It's girlie & chick-like, but it's a pretty good start...
1. dont the biggest thing to stop racism, decriminalize the wholly herb (800,000 mostly brothers stay employed)
2. GTF out of Iraq
3. GTF out of Afghany while your at it.
4. Cut military/Prison idustrial complex budgest by 70% each
5. Free Healthcare and college tuition.

1) I agree, should be decriminalized, all those convicted of non-violent MJ charges should be released and put on probation

2) Already happening. The agreement is in place to withdraw by 2011. So over the next two years that will occur and Obama will not change that.

3) Will be real interesting to see what develops between Pakistan and India as that could affect the war in Afghanistan. If that doesn't escalate, then I see Obama increasing troops there to go hard after Bin Laden (assuming he is still alive) and clean up the taliban.

4) Never going to happen. They may see some cuts, but nowhere near 70%.

5) Never going to happen on either. Neither are ever "free". If you mean nationalization of colleges... that won't happen. For nationalization of healthcare... I would imagine they push that issue hard and may actually succeed in bringing it about in some form.... which will put yet another program that we can not afford into the system.
Whatever, I turned turbo lib about 2 yrs ago. Thanks in part to the intervention/conversion by the liberals on this board. I don't really give too shits about the stock market (I didn't say that did I).
I'm now into being deppressed by the Nazi like oppression by the american corp puppetiers.
So make that Medical Marijuana/social activist who can't spell for fuck who happens to have an MBA.
Whatever, I turned turbo lib about 2 yrs ago. Thanks in part to the intervention/conversion by the liberals on this board. I don't really give too shits about the stock market (I didn't say that did I).
I'm now into being deppressed by the Nazi like oppression by the american corp puppetiers.
So make that Medical Marijuana/social activist who can't spell for fuck who happens to have an MBA.

But you hate us for it! That's so weird.
it is true that this definition of recession differs then our historic look at what a recession is. under these guidelines the recession of 2000 would have been like 3 times longer.