Brent i found a competition for you!!!


Junior Member

WATERFORD, Wis. -- Victory may be in the bag for Lori Engel. Engel, an assistant manager at the Waterford Pick 'n' Save, has parlayed years of bagging know-how into $500, a trip to Vegas and a chance to compete in the National Grocers Association's Best Bagger Contest.

Last month, Engel competed in the Wisconsin Grocers Association's state bagging competition in Green Bay, where she finished in first place.

Engel, 39, competed in a field of 18, in two separate categories -- paper and plastic. She prefers paper.

The competition involved filling two bags with a selection of grocery items. Judges awarded points based on appearance and attitude, time, weight distribution and technique.,0,7376140.story?coll=hc-headlines-topnews
I don't know Rob, could you expalin it to me please ?

listen im just trying to be nice... brent could win a trip to vegas and 500 bucks... and he could learn some new bagging techniques to use in his career. I don't really see how this is mean.
what is mean about it?? fer real?? if there were no baggers then i would have to do it, and im not bagging my groceries... not with what the cost of groceries are today..... fer real, and if im buying groceries and i have no bagger i make the cashier do it.

what is mean about it?? fer real?? if there were no baggers then i would have to do it, and im not bagging my groceries... not with what the cost of groceries are today..... fer real, and if im buying groceries and i have no bagger i make the cashier do it.

Dude you are an elitist. Do you actually wait for the groceries to be bagged while the cashier is ringing up your items? Thats really obnoxious.

Me I use the self checkout if I can and I bag my own while the cashier checks them. Its faster and people don't have to wait for me.
how is that elitest?? is the super stop and shop paying me to bag groceries?? thats why they have employees bag groceries and they get paid for it... im not getting paid for it... and by me doing it myself, it allows them to get richer and not have more baggers on the schedule... i mean if everyone bagged their own groceries they wouldn't have baggers period now would they?? if the cashier has an issue maybe she should take it up with the head cashier or store manager... having someone bag your groceries is part of the shopping experience... when i go to gap or American Eagle do they make me bag my new clothes?
Where has Brent been lately? Crafting a new political ideology maybe. Maybe he'll return as a Maoist?

LOL.... that was great.

Grind Presents:

Posting Routine of Brent

1. Announce to the board your new idealolgy

2. Spend a month acting hardcore or very dedicated to said idealogy.

3. Alienate yourself from everybody.

4. Leave hoping people can forget all the crazy things you said, under the pretext of "finding yourself."

5. Return to the Board with new Idealogy.

6. Repeat steps 1-5.
what is mean about it?? fer real?? if there were no baggers then i would have to do it, and im not bagging my groceries... not with what the cost of groceries are today......

stop it! I can't take this, I'm at work. Everyone's really busy, I can't be laughing out loud :p