Brent i found a competition for you!!!

the truth is that i was a cashier, and a bagger but in any event i think its a big joke and them making fun of themselves by having a bagger competition.... making it sound like its this 'art' or specialized skill...
You know there is some guy out there who takes it just that seriously... You met him on break, all he talked about was how he bagged that lady's groceries with skill and dexterity that you would never find in a normal human! Then he went home to roll dice and have a pretend life fighting wizards.
LOL, part of the cost is paying the bagger.
Where I shop groceries are cheaper and you have to bag yourself, you also have to either pay for bags or you can use the boxes for free (which saves them more money and allows them to sell you cheaper again).

Maybe they should have a competition for Home Depot cashiers where you have to identify the thingamajig's price the quickest. Would you enter?

I don't know why you make fun of him when you did labor work too...
Nothing wrong with that.

Oh please dano... i make or have made fun of you just as much for working at McDonalds, and even made fun of myself for working at Home Depot.

The truth is that normal people (not retarded people or people who are limited) for the most part shouldn't make that their career... i mean didn't you once talk about someone who did 'something' to the shortening there which is vile and nasty... and im sure you know what im talking about...
Bag boys???? They employ people specifically to bag up groceries?????

Why can't you bag your own groceries?

There is nothing like the pleasure when you get home and discover you have bagged your tinned goods on top of the fresh strawberries you were going to bribe the missus with.....
;) Yep and you only have yourself to blame AOI. Better to let them bag it so you can blame someone else...
Shoot, at WalMart they bag it for you... The cashier does it while they ring it up it all fits in a bag carousel. I didn't realize that all those Brits in Britlandia were so backwoods-hick-third-world country types who bag their own groceries and wreck their bread.
If it's true what the Danold says here and that is at this point, given his recent track record, highly questionable, it sounds like working smarter to me! But maybe he thinks everyone should stand at work all day like it is widely reported that Donald Rumsfeld does. Just for the sake of expending extra energy by standing..
If it's true what the Danold says here and that is at this point, given his recent track record, highly questionable, it sounds like working smarter to me! But maybe he thinks everyone should stand at work all day like it is widely reported that Donald Rumsfeld does. Just for the sake of expending extra energy by standing..

wow good point.. dano i sit at my job all day.... why shouldn't cashiers???

are they not worthy of sitting down?