British and other NATO troops already in Ukraine

As to how it can end, I made a thread that gets into that too, more recently. You -did- participate in that thread, though very briefly. It's here in case you'd like to take a look at it once more:
The War in Ukraine Must End |

From that post: “ There are only two ways to resolve this situation: restoration of the full linguistic and other rights of the Russian-speaking minority within the borders of the old Ukrainian state or the secession of these regions from Ukraine. Which outcome is realised will be a key subject of the negotiations. Nonetheless, it is clear that any attempt to maintain the Russian-speaking minority within the Ukrainian state while continuing to deprive them of their rights will not succeed, nor will any attempt by Russia to impose another state on the Ukrainian-speaking population of western and northern Ukraine.

All efforts to resolve these issues by military means will continue to be futile and will only result in further intense suffering, above all for the Ukrainian people. These realities will become increasingly obvious if the war continues – which is why it must be brought to a halt as rapidly as possible and negotiations must commence.”

Yet Putin has made clear his maximalist objective of completely subjugating Ukraine by military means.

I've seen no evidence for your assertion. That being said, as I myself wrote in my comments before the start of what I quoted (and you requoted above), "I don't think that Russia will be giving up most if not all of the territory it's gained in the 4 regions of Ukraine that had referendums as to whether they'd like to join Russia and wherein all ostensibly majority voted to join Russia."

There was a time when Russia said they were prepared to do just that, walking away from all the territory Russia gained following their military operation in February 2022. The Russian government has said that the time for that deal is over, but I suspect that they could be persuaded to not take more territory from Ukraine.
Russia has the #1 military on the Earth...their best buds are China...together they make 8 times the military gear the West does....most of it better than ours in quality.

Buckle Up.

Funny how the supposed "#1 military on the Earth" has been getting its ass handed to it for the past two years by a tiny country a fraction of its size.

Russia's been gaining ground in Ukraine despite the fact that all of NATO has showered Ukraine with billions of dollars worth of weaponry. It seems pretty clear to me that Ukraine won't last another year unless NATO countries drastically increase their own troops on the ground. Do you think that would be a wise decision on NATO's part?
The British...who no longer have any proper military to speak of.... are not going to put uniformed military into ukraine.

They are insane now, but not that insane.
The Germans 2 talk a lot of shit....but everyone knows it is all jabber....they let their military rot all the way down to nothing.
My grapevine says that the German missiles are already in Ukraine, and that the Germans will pay a heavy price for using them as the children of Washington are instructing...

China Bloc is NOT fucking around.
I fully respect the right of many Ukrainians to define themselves as such, regardless of how recent an invention the country they associate with is.

That’s good but I don’t think Putin does. (When I say ‘Putin’ I mean the Russian leadership .)

I think that's understandable, given what I wrote right after the quoted sentence above:
"The main problem is that Ukrainians frequently had very different ideas as to what it meant to -be- a Ukrainian."

Take Crimea, for example. No one ever asked the Crimean people back in 1954 if they wanted to be transferred from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SFSR,

It made no difference back then. It was all the Soviet Union.

I wouldn't go -that- far, but I can certainly agree that it made -little- difference back then. Would you agree that it suddenly made a big difference when Ukraine became an independent country in 1991?

Take Crimea, for example. No one ever asked the Crimean people back in 1954 if they wanted to be transferred from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SFSR, but there was certainly a referendum that took place after Euromaidan asking Crimeans if they would like rejoin Russia. The response was almost a unanimous yes

Sorry but ‘almost unanimous’ is unrealistic in a vote like that. Putin will be re-elected almost unanimously, lol.

I'm basing this "almost unanimous" not by what the Russian government says, but on the findings of independent journalist Eva Bartlett when she visited Crimea in 2019. Feel free to take a look at the article she published then if you'd like to see the details:

Return to Russia: Crimeans tell the real story of the 2014 Referendum and their lives since | Mint Press News

I have a question for you. What will become of the 70% of Ukrainians that resisted and fought against Russia if Russia is allowed to overrun their country?

would you mind letting me know where you are getting this 70% statistic from?

Just a guess based on looking at a map of what Ukraine controls.

Ah, I see.

Forget about percentages. Why isn’t there a sizable or even a nominal resistance to the Ukraine government from within Ukraine? I won’t consider the Donbas.

Discounting the former Donbass Republics is like refusing to look at the elephant in the room. Russia would never have started its military operation had the Ukrainian government been so cruel to tis region of Ukraine. I encourage you to take a look at a documentary done by a team of German journalists called Ukrainian agony. It was filmed over the course of around a year well before Russia's military operation. I challenge anyone who follows the mainstream narrative to see it in its entirety. It can be seen here:

Secondly, from where I stand, Russia has made it amply clear for a long time now that all they've wanted is to have an equitable solution to the terrible civil war that had been wracking Ukraine for 8 years while Russia tried to work out a diplomatic solution with western powers who now admit they were lying to Russia and never had any intention of coming up with a diplomatic solution.

Putin only met with Zelenskyy in Paris prior to the invasion and had zero interest in working out an equitable solution.

On the contrary, Russia is the only country who had any serious interest in a diplomatic solution. In the past, this wasn't so well known, but western politicians have now admitted how they lied to Russia in order to buy time to build up the Ukrainian military's forces:

Former German Chancellor Merkel admits the Minsk agreement was merely to buy time for Ukraine’s arms build-up |

Faced with this, as well as NATO's rapid expansion across eastern Europe after the U.S. promised not to go 1 inch east of Germany, I think it's quite understandable that Russia is no longer so trusting of western promises. That being said, Russia still tried to work out a diplomatic solution shortly after its military operation began in March 2022. Their efforts were torpedoed in large part due to Boris Johnson's meeting with Zelensky at the time:

Boris Johnson Pressured Zelenskyy to Ditch Peace Talks With Russia: Ukrainian Paper | Common Dreams

Zelensky could have gotten Russia to leave all the Ukrainian territory they'd taken since their military operation began, but Boris Johnson persuaded him not to.

To date, western powers are still not interested in any serious diplomacy.

Neither is Putin.

On the contrary, Putin has made it abundantly clear that Russia has always been ready to negotiate. You are apparently unaware that Zelensky actually banned Ukraine from negotiating with Russia:

Ukrainian Citizens Banned From Negotiating With Putin, Zelenskyy Orders |

He's reiterated this position more recently as well:
Zelensky Rules Out Peace Talks With 'Insane' Putin: 'It's a Joke for Him' | Newsweek

If they do run out of manpower, weapons, or both, one can expect that they will finally return to the negotiating table and make a deal.

Then they have no bargaining chips.

Sure they do. Their chips are the land they still have and the deals they're willing to make with Russia. Based on Tucker's interview with Putin, it appears the only thing that Putin is asking for that he hasn't already acquired in his military operation in Ukraine is the denazification of Ukraine. And ofcourse he would want a guarantee that Ukraine would never join NATO. As professor Mearsheimer has said, if Ukraine continues to avoid this type of diplomatic settlement, it is quite possible that Russia will continue to take more Ukrainian territory.
Russia's been gaining ground in Ukraine despite the fact that all of NATO has showered Ukraine with billions of dollars worth of weaponry. It seems pretty clear to me that Ukraine won't last another year unless NATO countries drastically increase their own troops on the ground. Do you think that would be a wise decision on NATO's part?

That's all beside the point I made.

The statement I responded to claimed Russia has the #1 military on Earth.

NATO weapons notwithstanding, the supposed "#1 military on Earth" should have been able to steam roll over Ukraine in a matter of weeks.

My point being that the pro-Russian military comment was apparently an overstatement.

As for your question, nobody wants to escalate this conflict past the level it already is.

If Russia succeeds in taking over Ukraine, then we and our NATO allies would likely have to increase our military presence in Eastern Europe especially along all borders with Ukraine, including the installation of long range nukes, just in case Putin decides to start pushing things harder.
Russia's been gaining ground in Ukraine despite the fact that all of NATO has showered Ukraine with billions of dollars worth of weaponry. It seems pretty clear to me that Ukraine won't last another year unless NATO countries drastically increase their own troops on the ground. Do you think that would be a wise decision on NATO's part?

That's all beside the point I made.

The statement I responded to claimed Russia has the #1 military on Earth.

NATO weapons notwithstanding, the supposed "#1 military on Earth" should have been able to steam roll over Ukraine in a matter of weeks. My point being that the pro-Russian military comment was apparently an overstatement.

As you probably know, I didn't make the "#1 military on Earth" claim, but if we're including their nuclear arsenal, only the U.S. would be able to compete.

As for your question, nobody wants to escalate this conflict past the level it already is.

I believe there is plenty of evidence in the article I referenced in the opening post that that's not true.

If Russia succeeds in taking over Ukraine, then we and our NATO allies would likely have to increase our military presence in Eastern Europe especially along all borders with Ukraine, including the installation of long range nukes, just in case Putin decides to start pushing things harder.

I think that Putin and other Russian government officials have made it abundantly clear that they're not even interested in taking over all of Ukraine at this point. Heck, in March 2022, just a month after they started their military operation, they had been prepared to leave all the territory they'd taken from Ukraine since their military operation so long as Ukraine agreed to not join NATO and engage in denazification. Zelensky had been about to agree, too, but then Boris Johnson came to visit him and persuaded him to walk back the agreement.

The real problem, as far as I'm concerned, is that Ukraine's intransigence in coming to a reasonable agreement just keeps on making the situation worse.