BrokeBack Mountain star..........

My head, that is. From anger. A vast sea full of anger. That's not wanting to spill out, no, because it's not liquid, and not white, for that matter, it's red like blood and brains, because that's what it is.
So, some guy died of which I saw one of his movies one time and he had a bit part where he argued with his dad about going to war and then took off...

Thank Gawd we report on important stuff like this in the news!11!!1!!

He was actually a really talented actor, and he did a lot more than have a co-starring role in that piece of crap Gibson movie you reference here - though it figures that's the one film of his you saw.

You really need to get out more.
He was actually a really talented actor, and he did a lot more than have a co-starring role in that piece of crap Gibson movie you reference here - though it figures that's the one film of his you saw.

You really need to get out more.
That makes it important! See? I was right... I am soooo glad we dwell on such important issues.

Its an opportunity to talk about suicide with young people.

It matters that people will miss him and that people feel they have been robbed of his future efforts and talent.

I know at a point in your life you have heard so many of these stories it seems trite but for the youth its a new experience. They need to process these experiences and this makes it personal yet keeps it at a safe distance.

Suicide is never the answer.

It is a failure to seek an answer.

The feelings are always temporary.

Suicide is permanent.
Its an opportunity to talk about suicide with young people.

It matters that people will miss him and that people feel they have been robbed of his future efforts and talent.

I know at a point in your life you have heard so many of these stories it seems trite but for the youth its a new experience. They need to process these experiences and this makes it personal yet keeps it at a safe distance.

Suicide is never the answer.

It is a failure to seek an answer.

The feelings are always temporary.

Suicide is permanent.

good post Desh, but the sad truth is that most kids do not lilsten. They have it all figured out. Take the Ron Paul supporters for instance....
He was a talented actor, and it is quite possible that his preparation for the role of the Joker is what ultimately led to his death.

Character acting a crazy person (locked himself in a hotel room for a month alone, wrote in a diary in-character, slept one or two hours a night) can probably make you actually crazy.