Brown People to Blame for financial meltdown

Oh really? Massive failure concentrated in SoCal, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Miami. Why should we be so quick to dismiss the idea when the subprime loans were most prevalant in the 'minority' communities?
I'm not a fan of Ann Coulter. I think she's an attention whore who takes away from legitimate points she makes with her style of writing. In her column though she hits on issues that really happened. I don't believe she is attempting to blame the entire financial crisis on these relaxed mortgage standards in an attempt to help more poorer folk and minorities gain home ownership. But it did play a role.

Here is a good article on the trouble Fannie and Freddie were in in 2003 and the response by people claimed the mortgage giants weren't in trouble. The last quote in the story references attempting to get more poorer minorities into home ownership.

""Significant details must still be worked out before Congress can approve a bill. Among the groups denouncing the proposal today were the National Association of Home Builders and Congressional Democrats who fear that tighter regulation of the companies could sharply reduce their commitment to financing low-income and affordable housing.

''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''

Representative Melvin L. Watt, Democrat of North Carolina, agreed.

''I don't see much other than a shell game going on here, moving something from one agency to another and in the process weakening the bargaining power of poorer families and their ability to get affordable housing,'' Mr. Watt said."""
Notably, the timing is also much better for my sensible theoary, rather than your fanciful, illogical theory, because glass-steagle was dismantled in 2001, while the CRA would have had to have taken forty years to finally cause the gloom and doom racists had been predicting if we allowed teh darkies to have homes.
Oh really? Massive failure concentrated in SoCal, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Miami. Why should we be so quick to dismiss the idea when the subprime loans were most prevalant in the 'minority' communities?

I'm pretty sure most sane people are blaming the meltdown on lack of government oversight, corporate greed, and an inadequate regulatory environnment....and not on brown people.
I'm pretty sure most sane people are blaming the meltdown on lack of government oversight, corporate greed, and an inadequate regulatory environnment....and not on brown people.

Yeah but clearly around half of voting america is not same. We Reelected Bush.
There was pressure to bend the rules for minorities. ANd yes deregulation didn't catch it. I don't blame "blacks" let's blame the program and the irrationality of compassion based lending. Or at least make the mortgages honest so third parties won't invest in these compassion based mortgages.

"I, Shaquilah, promise to pay maybe something on this house sometime, when my momma can fedex me some money, and I don't need to get a carton of Kool 100s, other then that, talk the hand, mr. banker man. ...."
There's no fucking way this meltdown can be laid at the feet of brown people. That's just flagrant stupidity and bias.

Did some people of color get in over their heads with mortgages? Yeah, so did millions of white people.

Predatory lending is a well established and researched market phenonmena. Yes, there are dumb people. There's well intentioned people who make mistakes too.

The whole point of having regulations and government oversight is to prevent this kind of shit, to reign in profiteering, and to have a way to balance national interests against the interests of short sighted robber barron pillage.

Otherwise, why even have a freaking government? Why not just be a libertarian?
This is such bullshit. Mortgage lenders want to sell mortgages, and once the regulations were dropped they went to town. This has nothing to do with race. I would urge people to read Sinclair’s “The Jungle” written one hundred years ago. What happened here is documented there, and it’s a swindle. And there is nothing new about it, and it was never dependent on black people to work. Works just as good on whites. I said that I would urge people to read the book…if I thought any of you willfully ignorant people would even bother. There’s nothing like good old racism to get you the through the day. That’s what they depend on you know. Whites, especially but not solely economically disadvantaged whites blaming the blacks, blaming the Chinese coolies, blaming the Irish scum, the Mexicans, there is always someone to blame. So stupid.
There's no fucking way this meltdown can be laid at the feet of brown people. That's just flagrant stupidity and bias.

Did some people of color get in over their heads with mortgages? Yeah, so did millions of white people.

Predatory lending is a well established and researched market phenonmena. Yes, there are dumb people. There's well intentioned people who make mistakes too.

The whole point of having regulations and government oversight is to prevent this kind of shit, to reign in profiteering, and to have a way to balance national interests against the interests of short sighted robber barron pillage.

Otherwise, why even have a freaking government? Why not just be a libertarian?

Nobody's "laying anything at anyone's feet".

An ARM is predatory lending.

The program of ignoring general standards of creditworthiness is to blame.

This issue was politicized and irrationalities resulted.

I don't blame the brothers and sisters for wanting to get a place to stay at.
Notably, the timing is also much better for my sensible theoary, rather than your fanciful, illogical theory, because glass-steagle was dismantled in 2001, while the CRA would have had to have taken forty years to finally cause the gloom and doom racists had been predicting if we allowed teh darkies to have homes.

wrong... glass steagall started being dismantled in 1992, continued in 1995 and was killed in 1999. Not 2001.

1977 was the start. But the rest of the breakdown had to occur before the meltdown could happen. But more importantly, even with the breakdown of regulations, this still would not likely have occurred if interest rates were not kept artificially low from 2001-2005.

It was the low interest rates that allowed people to 'qualify' for loans using I-onlys and low introductory ARMs.
This is such bullshit. Mortgage lenders want to sell mortgages, and once the regulations were dropped they went to town. This has nothing to do with race. I would urge people to read Sinclair’s “The Jungle” written one hundred years ago. What happened here is documented there, and it’s a swindle. And there is nothing new about it, and it was never dependent on black people to work. Works just as good on whites. I said that I would urge people to read the book…if I thought any of you willfully ignorant people would even bother. There’s nothing like good old racism to get you the through the day. That’s what they depend on you know. Whites, especially but not solely economically disadvantaged whites blaming the blacks, blaming the Chinese coolies, blaming the Irish scum, the Mexicans, there is always someone to blame. So stupid.

I agree, it has little to do with race. It has to do with income.
I'm not a fan of Ann Coulter. I think she's an attention whore who takes away from legitimate points she makes with her style of writing. In her column though she hits on issues that really happened. I don't believe she is attempting to blame the entire financial crisis on these relaxed mortgage standards in an attempt to help more poorer folk and minorities gain home ownership. But it did play a role.

Here is a good article on the trouble Fannie and Freddie were in in 2003 and the response by people claimed the mortgage giants weren't in trouble. The last quote in the story references attempting to get more poorer minorities into home ownership.

""Significant details must still be worked out before Congress can approve a bill. Among the groups denouncing the proposal today were the National Association of Home Builders and Congressional Democrats who fear that tighter regulation of the companies could sharply reduce their commitment to financing low-income and affordable housing.

''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''

Representative Melvin L. Watt, Democrat of North Carolina, agreed.

''I don't see much other than a shell game going on here, moving something from one agency to another and in the process weakening the bargaining power of poorer families and their ability to get affordable housing,'' Mr. Watt said."""

You, and Coulter, are completely full of shit.
Wow. People are actually considering this may be a viable arguement?

#1) Minorities WERE NOT the only ones over extending themselves. To even suggest that this crisis even may be on the backs of minorities, is racist ignorant and a crock of $hit.

#2) Where's hte blame on the stupid banks that gave people mortgages that they could not afford?
I agree, it has little to do with race. It has to do with income.

I'd argue it has to do with borrowing. I'd also be willing to bet the income of a lot of these borrowers hasn't changed much. Its the fact that they have over extended themselves.