Brown People to Blame for financial meltdown

For those that want to trash the CRA generally go to the link below (pdf). Then, see if the CRA bashers out there have any actual data to support their claims that the CRA caused the subprime mortgage crisis.

I don't think anyone is suggesting that the CRA by itself caused this mess. It was simply the first chink in the armour. By itself... no problem. But then Bush and the Dem Congress took another chink out of it in 1992, followed by Clinton and the Rep Congress in 1995 and 1999.

Even with all of these.... the financial meltdown would not have been this bad had Greenspan and the Fed not kept rates so friggin low for so long.

Yes, lenders and borrowers and some investment banks share in the blame with the idiots in DC.

bottom line... the main point is it is idiotic to blame this on race.
Ok, but in my opinion, keeping homes from flooding the market, especially homes in foreclosure, is good for most homeowners. Listen, for me, it’s fine. I am in a condo, that I am considering buying early next year. I am really happy here. The farther the value falls, the better off I am. But, for people who are in homes already, the more homes flooding the market, the lower your value is going to go. Further, even if you are willing to take that hit, lower home values across the board is bad for the economy. It really hurts all of us.
I am not for the bailout personally, however, if you are going to have it, there is no way to have it for banks only as the R’s wanted. You have to include help for distressed homeowners as well. Also, things aren’t as simple as, you can’t afford it sell it. By the time you’re in that boat, your credit is often destroyed, you can’t even get an apartment, most of these people have kids. You know, I guess I just think that our American system sucks if you want to know the truth. It’s all for the big guys, the rich, and the very well educated can make out ok in that atmosphere too, but that is not the majority of Americans. I’m sick of making excuses because I don’t like to see people thrown out on the street. Did you know that there are tent cities now??? Is that what we want in this country?

this is where I have a fundamental difference with most of the economists and apparently everyone else on the issue. I think it will be a good thing if prices go down substantially (even though I just bought a home). Clearly they are unaffordable and the smart people like you who knew you couldn't afford them when they were at the prices they are now, can move into them. Keeping them artifically high just continues to shut out smart shoppers who waited idly by in the early 2000s.
Not to mention, you can sell the house if the price is low enough, just like these freaking banks could sell their CDOs to a private company if the price was low enough. They are over priced and the market needs to reset itself.
Ok, but in my opinion, keeping homes from flooding the market, especially homes in foreclosure, is good for most homeowners. Listen, for me, it’s fine. I am in a condo, that I am considering buying early next year. I am really happy here. The farther the value falls, the better off I am. But, for people who are in homes already, the more homes flooding the market, the lower your value is going to go. Further, even if you are willing to take that hit, lower home values across the board is bad for the economy. It really hurts all of us. I am not for the bailout personally, however, if you are going to have it, there is no way to have it for banks only as the R’s wanted. You have to include help for distressed homeowners as well.
We have a 10 trillion debt and this is a $700 billion bill, it would go up even more with what you propose. One bad doesn't justify another.

Also, things aren’t as simple as, you can’t afford it sell it. By the time you’re in that boat, your credit is often destroyed, you can’t even get an apartment, most of these people have kids. You know, I guess I just think that our American system sucks if you want to know the truth. It’s all for the big guys, the rich, and the very well educated can make out ok in that atmosphere too, but that is not the majority of Americans. I’m sick of making excuses because I don’t like to see people thrown out on the street. Did you know that there are tent cities now??? Is that what we want in this country?
People living in apartments pay taxes too.
Imagine the justification of saying people in apartments should pay more of their tax money to help out people with houses. I'm sure there are some poorer people in homes, there are far more in apartments and they don't have any capital.
I understand your compassion but this just amounts to keeping classes where they are.
this is where I have a fundamental difference with most of the economists and apparently everyone else on the issue. I think it will be a good thing if prices go down substantially (even though I just bought a home). Clearly they are unaffordable and the smart people like you who knew you couldn't afford them when they were at the prices they are now, can move into them. Keeping them artifically high just continues to shut out smart shoppers who waited idly by in the early 2000s.
Not to mention, you can sell the house if the price is low enough, just like these freaking banks could sell their CDOs to a private company if the price was low enough. They are over priced and the market needs to reset itself.

I agree that keeping them artificially high is bad in general. But that bubble burst. I think that continuing to flood the market with fire-sale homes, would lower home values to artificial levels, and I think that would hurt a lot of people very badly.
I don't think home prices are as low as they should be yet.

apparently the market agrees since they are still dropping.
I agree that keeping them artificially high is bad in general. But that bubble burst. I think that continuing to flood the market with fire-sale homes, would lower home values to artificial levels, and I think that would hurt a lot of people very badly.

I know in my area, they definitely have way more room to fall and should do so accordingly. The prices have come down some, but they still have a significant amount of room to fall until they are inline with 2000 prices assuming a 5-6% growth rate annually.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that the CRA by itself caused this mess. It was simply the first chink in the armour. By itself... no problem. But then Bush and the Dem Congress took another chink out of it in 1992, followed by Clinton and the Rep Congress in 1995 and 1999.

Even with all of these.... the financial meltdown would not have been this bad had Greenspan and the Fed not kept rates so friggin low for so long.

Yes, lenders and borrowers and some investment banks share in the blame with the idiots in DC.

bottom line... the main point is it is idiotic to blame this on race.

Thank you for conceding the obvious, but please explain, specifically, the problem with the CRA and what specifically the CRA had to do with any of the current problems.

What happened in 1992 and how did that lead to the current situation and why did it take 16 years to manifest itself? What specifically happened in 1995? 1999? Do you have any data to support your claims?

I think the "blame the CRA" crowd are right-wingers (and "centrists" that help them along) that refuse to accept responsibility for the results of their disastrous policies and want to shift the blame to liberals and "others."
I know in my area, they definitely have way more room to fall and should do so accordingly. The prices have come down some, but they still have a significant amount of room to fall until they are inline with 2000 prices assuming a 5-6% growth rate annually.

they are down to about 2005 levels right now.

Overall, worse in spot areas.
You, and Coulter, are completely full of shit.

Really? The government didn't try to get lower loan qualifications so lower income people could afford housing? So even though I showed you in the article where several in Congress said the government goal was helping more lower income folk gain home ownership they are just lying? Ok, that's news to me.
I know in my area, they definitely have way more room to fall and should do so accordingly. The prices have come down some, but they still have a significant amount of room to fall until they are inline with 2000 prices assuming a 5-6% growth rate annually.

Maybe so. I still don’t feel comfortable allowing so many to lose their homes. Putting kids in the streets. We don’t even know about the tent cities. Why aren’t the media reporting on this? We live in a society that glorifies militarism and social Darwinism. I have opposite beliefs.

And I don’t feel as if I am being cheated if we help less well-off families keep their homes. I don’t get resentful and feel as if I’m owed something. If they get it, I should get it. Why? I don’t need it. If I ever need it, I hope it’s there for me.
Here's what smart conservatives (i.e. not Cawackoe) are saying about this tripe:

In short, the subprime market is mostly white people by a very very large majority and, to the extent that blacks are overrepresented in the subprime market as compared to their percentage of population generally, it is largely due to discrimination against blacks by steering them into higher priced subprime loans than the traditional prime loans
they actually qualified for.


Whatever dickhead. Where am I blaming black people or hispanics you moron? What the fuck is your problem? Your boyfriend not give it to you good this weekend?
Really? The government didn't try to get lower loan qualifications so lower income people could afford housing? So even though I showed you in the article where several in Congress said the government goal was helping more lower income folk gain home ownership they are just lying? Ok, that's news to me.

Cawacko - If you want to show me where specifically the government required banks to lower their lending standards so that low-income people could get loans please do so. A single Congressmember cannot do that by providing a quote to the New York Times. There has to be legislation to that effect. can you show it to me?
Whatever dickhead. Where am I blaming black people or hispanics you moron? What the fuck is your problem? Your boyfriend not give it to you good this weekend?

Note to cawacko: I didn't say you were blaming blacks and Hispanics, I merely said that you weren't a smart conservative.

By the way, was that a gay joke? Seriously?
Really? The government didn't try to get lower loan qualifications so lower income people could afford housing? So even though I showed you in the article where several in Congress said the government goal was helping more lower income folk gain home ownership they are just lying? Ok, that's news to me.

the govt did it at the request of the finiancial instituions so they could write more mortgages and make more money. Shortsighted dumbasses.
Whatever dickhead. Where am I blaming black people or hispanics you moron? What the fuck is your problem? Your boyfriend not give it to you good this weekend?

To be totally honest Cawacko, mine did, and I still think you’re wrong here, so I am not certain that is the problem?
Darla's boyfriend gave cawacko a pearl necklace!


Note to cawacko: I didn't say you were blaming blacks and Hispanics, I merely said that you weren't a smart conservative.

By the way, was that a gay joke? Seriously?

I don't care if you say I'm not smart but I'm an asshole because frannie and freddie made more aggressive loans in an attempt to get more people home ownership?

Calling someone an asshole is an easy seque (sp?) to a gay comment.
Maybe so. I still don’t feel comfortable allowing so many to lose their homes. Putting kids in the streets. We don’t even know about the tent cities. Why aren’t the media reporting on this? We live in a society that glorifies militarism and social Darwinism. I have opposite beliefs.

And I don’t feel as if I am being cheated if we help less well-off families keep their homes. I don’t get resentful and feel as if I’m owed something. If they get it, I should get it. Why? I don’t need it. If I ever need it, I hope it’s there for me.

What are you talking about? If you can't make the payment they are still going to foreclose. Supposedly, there is something in the bill about renegotiating, but that was always an option. Keeping prices artificially high will not help those who then cannot buy.
I think we should just build 700 billion worth of homes for people and sell them to them for cost.
think of what that would do for the economy and jobs. And the govt would get all their money back.