Burn in Hell!: To Kids As they Sing 'God Bless the USA' (video)

The backstory:

( Billy Hallowell) We already told you about the New York City public school principal who banned “God Bless the USA” from a kindergarten graduation program. Now, the same schoolchildren who were forbidden from singing the song at P.S. 90 in Brooklyn were heckled by adults when they performed the song at a protest event held in a nearby park.

Parents, outraged by Principal Greta Hawkins’ decision to ban the song, organized the protest and invited Rep. Bob Turner (R-NY) to attend (he’s running against Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand). But the event, which was assembled to allow the children and families to make their opposition to Hawkins’ stance known, went terribly wrong when some adults chose to shout over the children in protest.

Video of the incident shows boys and girls waving flags and singing Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA.” As they performed, though, some angry adults began swarming and shouting. Turner confirmed that these events unfolded in an interview with Fox News Radio, calling the actions “really bad form.”

Read more: http://www.khow.com/cc-common/news/...ml?feed=104668&article=10214434#ixzz1yR71TBQc
It was a photo op for Turner. Using kids as political pawns will get you political commentary. Nothing to see here.
It was a photo op for Turner. Using kids as political pawns will get you political commentary. Nothing to see here.

Apparently there was a great photo op for his opponent too. Gillibrand supporters seem to be vocal. I think they should tell more kids to "Burn in Hell" so more Democrats can excuse it. I think that is a winning recipe and all Democrats should find some kids to shout "Burn in Hell" to... It makes everybody all warm and fuzzy inside.
Telling someone they will burn in hell is pretty much like telling them they will win the powerball.
Bout the same odds.
I don't approve of what those people did, ruining the occasion for those poor kids.

I also hate that sappy, jingoistic song. As if no other countries in the world are "free" and just as proud of their flags and their heritage.
I don't approve of what those people did, ruining the occasion for those poor kids.

I also hate that sappy, jingoistic song. As if no other countries in the world are "free" and just as proud of their flags and their heritage.

I hate Lee greenwood and hope he gets eaten by a shark.

That said, what would possess you to curse at children like that?
I don't approve of what those people did, ruining the occasion for those poor kids.

I also hate that sappy, jingoistic song. As if no other countries in the world are "free" and just as proud of their flags and their heritage.

You HATE the song.
Just like the majority of the fucking liberal moonbats.
I don't approve of what those people did, ruining the occasion for those poor kids.

I also hate that sappy, jingoistic song. As if no other countries in the world are "free" and just as proud of their flags and their heritage.

They can write songs, and often do, about their flag and country. This one was about the one that Lee Greenwood is thankful he was born in...
I don't approve of what those people did, ruining the occasion for those poor kids.

I also hate that sappy, jingoistic song. As if no other countries in the world are "free" and just as proud of their flags and their heritage.

Other countries are free now. Not many were in 1776, with just a few exceptions like the Dutch...
Apparently there was a great photo op for his opponent too. Gillibrand supporters seem to be vocal. I think they should tell more kids to "Burn in Hell" so more Democrats can excuse it. I think that is a winning recipe and all Democrats should find some kids to shout "Burn in Hell" to... It makes everybody all warm and fuzzy inside.

Which Democrats excused it? Certainly none on this thread.