Bush and Abramhoff connected in face to face contact

Chairman Waxman and Ranking Member Davis issued a proposed Committee report on White House contacts with Jack Abramoff that concludes that Mr. Abramoff had personal contact with President Bush, that high-level White House officials held Mr. Abramoff and his associates in high regard and solicited recommendations from them on policy matters, that Mr. Abramoff and his associates influenced some White House actions, and that Mr. Abramoff and his associates offered White House officials expensive tickets and meals.
White House OFFICIALS Desh. Not the president. Don't you know that he threw that damned sign away that Harry Truman had on his desk. The buck gets passed in the White House more than a rolled up dollar bill at a cocaine party.
Chairman Waxman and Ranking Member Davis issued a proposed Committee report on White House contacts with Jack Abramoff that concludes that Mr. Abramoff had personal contact with President Bush ,

Waxman proves Abramhoff had access to the president regularly.

"While the committee obtained no evidence Mr Abramoff ever personally lobbied the President or that the President personally directed an action in response to a request by Mr Abramoff, the committee did receive evidence that Mr Abramoff did meet the President and was photographed with him six times. Four of the six photographs occurred at political receptions"

Page 14

The investigation isnt finished is it?

Not that I am aware of. I was responding directly to your assertion ...

"Waxman proves Abramhoff had access to the president regularly"

He had his photo taken with guy six times. Most of which were at political receptions. So no, Waxman did not prove Abramhoff had access to the President regularly. He concluded.....

"While the committee obtained no evidence Mr Abramoff ever personally lobbied the President or that the President personally directed an action in response to a request by Mr Abramoff, the committee did receive evidence that Mr Abramoff did meet the President and was photographed with him six times. Four of the six photographs occurred at political receptions"

Which states quite clearly that they have no evidence (at this point anyway) that the President was lobbied by Abramhoff or that any of his decsions were based on requests by Abramhoff.
Chairman Waxman and Ranking Member Davis issued a proposed Committee report on White House contacts with Jack Abramoff that concludes that Mr. Abramoff had personal contact with President Bush, that high-level White House officials held Mr. Abramoff and his associates in high regard and solicited recommendations from them on policy matters, that Mr. Abramoff and his associates influenced some White House actions, and that Mr. Abramoff and his associates offered White House officials expensive tickets and meals.

because of their own words
Chairman Waxman and Ranking Member Davis issued a proposed Committee report on White House contacts with Jack Abramoff that concludes that Mr. Abramoff had personal contact with President Bush, that high-level White House officials held Mr. Abramoff and his associates in high regard and solicited recommendations from them on policy matters, that Mr. Abramoff and his associates influenced some White House actions, and that Mr. Abramoff and his associates offered White House officials expensive tickets and meals.

because of their own words

You are reading what the author of your article translated and NOT the actual friggin report desh. Mine was directly from their report. Abramhoffs personal contact amounted to having his photo taken with Bush. wow. Breaking story. Again, this does not mean this is over. But it does negate your assertion that ....

"Waxman proves Abramhoff had access to the president regularly"

Having your photo taken with someone six times does not equate to regular "access" to the President. Especially when four of the six pics occured at receptions.
Most of the lines used in that summation are directly from the first link to the documents.

In example Page 4 says:

Mr. Abramoff's Influence inside the WT. The documents show that Mr. Abramoff and his associates influenced some WH actions. In one instance , The Abramoff team persuaded WH officials to intervene to remove from office a State Dept. Official, Allen Staymen" who had advocated reforms in the Northern Mariannas Islands that Mr. Abramoff opposed. In one exchange, Mr Shalapp emailed Monica Kladakis, the deputy associate director of presidential personnel, to ask "how can we do this"? Ms Kladakis responded: " I think we can do something about it, but I'm trying to figure out the best way to go about it.I dont want a firing scandal on our hands". Both Karl Rove , the presidents top political advisor and Stephen Hadley, the deputy national Security Advisor, were informed of Mr. Abramoff's opposition to Mr. Stayman.

The scandals are all connnected buddy boy.
Most of the lines used in that summation are directly from the first link to the documents.

In example Page 4 says:

Mr. Abramoff's Influence inside the WT. The documents show that Mr. Abramoff and his associates influenced some WH actions. In one instance , The Abramoff team persuaded WH officials to intervene to remove from office a State Dept. Official, Allen Staymen" who had advocated reforms in the Northern Mariannas Islands that Mr. Abramoff opposed. In one exchange, Mr Shalapp emailed Monica Kladakis, the deputy associate director of presidential personnel, to ask "how can we do this"? Ms Kladakis responded: " I think we can do something about it, but I'm trying to figure out the best way to go about it.I dont want a firing scandal on our hands". Both Karl Rove , the presidents top political advisor and Stephen Hadley, the deputy national Security Advisor, were informed of Mr. Abramoff's opposition to Mr. Stayman.

The scandals are all connnected buddy boy.

So are you still arguing that he had regular access to Bush?
Go read the conclusion of the report.

It states that Abramoff had access to the President. Six of those times his picture was taken. How many times without pictures taken?
These scandals are all interconnected which is why so many WH emails have just dissapeared so convieniently for the WH.

These people have raped this country in every way they could think of and some of you are still defending them.

I just dont understand how you people can be so self deluded?

Waxman proves Abramhoff had access to the president regularly.

"While the committee obtained no evidence Mr Abramoff ever personally lobbied the President or that the President personally directed an action in response to a request by Mr Abramoff, the committee did receive evidence that Mr Abramoff did meet the President and was photographed with him six times. Four of the six photographs occurred at political receptions"

You are a freekin' joke...I'v venture you have trouble blinking and breathing at the same time.....
And political receptions is evidence of access.....
do you shower in koolade?
"While the committee obtained no evidence Mr Abramoff ever personally lobbied the President or that the President personally directed an action in response to a request by Mr Abramoff, the committee did receive evidence that Mr Abramoff did meet the President and was photographed with him six times. Four of the six photographs occurred at political receptions"

You are a freekin' joke...I'v venture you have trouble blinking and breathing at the same time.....
And political receptions is evidence of access.....
do you shower in koolade?


there are enough legitimate things you can hit Bush with why do you (or she in this case) need to misrepresent, exagerate or lie to try and make a negative point as Desh is doing here?