Bush and Abramhoff connected in face to face contact

Oh really? So you say. With your batting average, I say you couldn’t get his grandma into bed!

So it's like that now huh? You calling me out Darla? You trying to rip on me because the 2000's hasn't been my decade? This is war!
Desh there is nothing cherry picked or anything to make Bush look good. It's simply stating accurately what the report said. To state accurately what the report said does not mean one must like or dislike Bush.

It's obvious Abrahomff was in contact with administration officials. No one here is denying that. You then tried to state Abrahoff (sp) tried to lobby Bush personally which the report states there is no evidence of. You can read Dungheap's post for what they mean but your attempt to claim is wrong. That's a fact. It's not about supporting Bush or trying to make him look good. It's simply about what the facts are in the report.

Bush and Abramhoff connected in face to face contact

this is the name of the thread you little silly boy.

there are pictures.
It is also the conclusion of the report that Abramoff has access to Bush. Read the god damed conclusion on page 36
Bush and Abramhoff connected in face to face contact

this is the name of the thread you little silly boy.

there are pictures.
It is also the conclusion of the report that Abramoff has access to Bush. Read the god damed conclusion on page 36

Desh, because they met face-to-face at a political fundraiser does not mean Abramhoff had access. Because they have a picture together does not mean Abramhoff had access. As Dungheap said Abrahoff could do his dirty work with other administration officials and not deal with Bush which is what looks like happened. I'm sorry you can't understand the difference between contact and access.
There are six pictures of them together.

There are times they met when pictures were not taken.

Bush,s staff sent him resumes of prospective government employees which he then either approved of or did not. People he did not approve of did not get the jobs they were up for.

Do you really think that Bush's intimate staff members sent him resumes all on their own?
some findings of the report in question.

1. White House Offiacials intervened in a State Department decision reguarding extending the employement of a State Department Officail.

2. The White House communicated wioth the Abramoff team in considering candidates for politrical positions in the Administration.

3. Mr. Abramoff influenced decisions about Presidential political endorsements.

4. Unanswered questions reguarding Mr. Abramoff's White House access and influence.
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Trying to cherry pick good things for Bush out of this report shows just how politically bankrupt you are SF.

I did not cherry pick anything Desh. I read the report you provided and corrected your FALSE statement. I posted that to provide you the evidence that you were wrong in that statement.

But YOU are to beholden to your lie to admit you were wrong.
There are six pictures of them together.

There are times they met when pictures were not taken.

Bush,s staff sent him resumes of prospective government employees which he then either approved of or did not. People he did not approve of did not get the jobs they were up for.

Do you really think that Bush's intimate staff members sent him resumes all on their own?

Again, four of those pictures were from receptions.

Show us where the report stated or even suggested that there were times that Bush and Abramhoff met that pictures weren't taken.

Yes, given that the staffers are the ones that were receiving tickets etc. from Abramhoff I would think they were indeed acting on their own.
Oh really? So you say. With your batting average, I say you couldn’t get his grandma into bed!

Ok, I know you are just joking and all, so it was taken with a grain of salt. But one grandmother is dead and the other very ill. So if we could leave the grandmothers out of it.... that would be cool. Thanks.