Bush assasinated....in movie

Sadly .. I think this is an attempt at hoping for a life immitates art outcome. Its happened before ... a little subliminal suggestion going on ...
Really? I think Cheney's way more of a Conservative than Bush is, hell we might actually see the veto pen get used and some spending cuts.
Perhaps, but I think Cheny is the main guy on the Iraq war. Remember he was filtering the intelligence reports that Bush saw. And this is certainly not a low budget war.
I haven't heard a single outrage from any leftie. They produce documentaries that are nothing but lies and half truths and fictional movies about global warming. All designed to influence and stir people up. Its a british made movie which takes the pressure off hollyweird. Probably a anypigiron production. Its another lets inspire the weirdos movie.

Chaney is a lot more conservative so the libs better be careful what they wish for.
I just want to keep seeing Bush and his supporters suffer foir his mistakes Gaffer, not death. As I stated earlier I would hate to see the real president (Cheney) step up to the podium :)
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I think Chaney is a rightwing conservative without the evangalist christian part. I like that. He's a lot more hardcore than Bush which is why I don't buy the Chaney's running the country theory.
He is also not the so anti-gay, uber-religious type of R... And he doesn't plan on running in the future...
The Libbies started this myth about Cheney running the country, way back... when they discovered how flawed their logical arguments were about Bush's devious neocon plot to rule the world, despite his inability to articulate an intelligent thought. There is no way to have a brilliantly masterminded plot, pulled off by a complete imbecile, so the only logical conclusion is, Bush is a figurehead puppet, controlled by Cheney. Of course, Cheney is a drunkard who can't tell his hunting buddy from a damn bird.... so.... this is why our country is so fucked up, according to the Libs.
He is also not the so anti-gay, uber-religious type of R... And he doesn't plan on running in the future...
Well, that's just realism. He's unelectable as president.

Cheney embodies everything that most Americans distrust and dislike in "Big Business" plutocrats.
Shamefull how the libs put out this hate crap and then accuse conservativies of Hatemongering! But that is all they have, slime, distortion and hate.
The Libbies started this myth about Cheney running the country, way back... when they discovered how flawed their logical arguments were about Bush's devious neocon plot to rule the world, despite his inability to articulate an intelligent thought. There is no way to have a brilliantly masterminded plot, pulled off by a complete imbecile, so the only logical conclusion is, Bush is a figurehead puppet, controlled by Cheney. Of course, Cheney is a drunkard who can't tell his hunting buddy from a damn bird.... so.... this is why our country is so fucked up, according to the Libs.


Hate to break the news to you, but some promient conservatives think bush is a dunce:

"Is Bush an Idiot?"
Scarborough Country w/ Joe Scarborough

While other presidents have been called stupid, Scarborough said: "I think George Bush is in a league by himself. I don't think he has the intellectual depth as these other people."
Bush assassinated...in movie!

The reaction to this bit of fiction is funny, FoxNews finally has their very own version of the JonBenet Ramsey Killer, which to their credit they covered far less than the other news channels did, if only because early on Roger Ailes realized that there was little Bush poopaganda potential in a ten-year-old murder of a six-year-old beaty pageant winner from Boulder, Colorado. But not so with this film. Nothing seems to activate the Base like the possible assassination of the feckless leader, and since there has been no real assassination attempt, well a fictional one may be the next best thing. Did Rupert Murdock secrecretly fund this film? FoxNews is seemingly concentrating on this item to the near total exclusion of all other news.

In fact they already have the President being shot by someone who gets the idea to kill him from the film. And they are running with it. Peter King, Long Island's own Republican fire brand, is on and foaming at the mouth far more than ususal. Yes, as one woman said, even if the film is banned in America, people will just go across the boarder to see it in Canada. And after, since "life imitates art," someone will come back and decide to kill Bush. Personally, I think the movie was made by the White House, to generate discussions, such as this one, about assassinating the President. When it comes time for the round up of dissidents before Bush publicly decides to take Rocky Vaccerella's advise and run one more time, they will start with those who praised this film or defended it. So be careful how you respond to this, it's a trap!
Naah ,not a trap , and I doubt many will cross the border just to see it. Perhaps when they cross into canada to buy their cheaper drugs though ?
I wouldn't mind seeing Cheney in the oval office. The media hates him,so he must be a decent guy:) ;)

I of course woulnd't like to see him there because something awful happened to G.W. tho :(
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I wouldn't mind seeing Cheney in the oval office. The media hates him,so he must be a decent guy:) ;)

I of course woulnd't like to see him there because something awful happened to G.W. tho :(

I wouldn't mind seeing Cheney in the oval office.

Here, I totally agree with you krisy.

Cheney's personal approval rating is aroung 18%. I can't think of a better way to completely discredit the failed republican agenda.
Cheney also know as Darth Vader by the WH permanent staff a nice Guy ?
pass that over here krisy I could use a toke :)
And libs wonder how anyone could call them unpatiotric when they support the killing of the President of the US because they don't like his politics! Hummmmm wonder why?