Bush says we have not won in Iraq yet


Villified User
News for the "mission accompolished" fans.
Bush says we wont leave Iraq till we have victorry in Iraq.

What is your definition of victory Dixie ?
I know it will be different from everyone elses :)
News for the "mission accompolished" fans.
Bush says we wont leave Iraq till we have victorry in Iraq.

What is your definition of victory Dixie ?
I know it will be different from everyone elses :)

I am sure Dixie would say victory is having gone to Iraq in the first place.
Anyone else see the Bush speech, he has sort of gone wonkers it would appear. I think he ate some O'Reily pills or something.
News for the "mission accompolished" fans.
Bush says we wont leave Iraq till we have victorry in Iraq.

What is your definition of victory Dixie ?
I know it will be different from everyone elses :)

What the hell is he talking about. Several bush fans on this board told me "the war" was over in May 2003. We're just reconstructing Iraq now.
I dunno, the speech was pretty crazy. Somehow the entire civilized worlds fate depends on the USA achieving victory in Iraq ?????
Maybe it was Rush in a bush mask ?
Bush Speech Links Iraq War And Nazis
President Says U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq Would Give Victory To Enemies

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SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 31, 2006
President Bush gestures during a fundraiser for the reelection campaign of Sen Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, on Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 in Salt Lake City.President Bush gestures during a fundraiser for the reelection campaign of Sen Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, on Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo)


"The war we fight today is more than a military conflict. It is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century."
President Bush

(CBS/AP) President George W. Bush said Thursday the war against Islamic militants was like last century's fight against Nazis and communists and that a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq would lead to its conquest by America's worst enemies.

"The security of the civilized world depends on victory in the war on terror, and that depends on victory in Iraq," Mr. Bush said ....

For full story goto :
I listened to it as I read and typed on here yesterday. He didn't come across with a stirring type speech this time.

The war against saddam was accomplished in three weeks. The war against islam. which is a lot of what the iraq situation is was just kicking into full swing and I don't think Bush realized what we were up against there.

We have to stick it out for now. There's still a lot of successes going on there that are not reported by the media. The media only reports what can be sensationalized.

The government can do a thousand things right in iraq. But one oh shit wipes out all the attaboys and the news media covers that one item for the next 6 months, and whips it back to life every other month.

Bush has a game plan that he is sticking with inspite of the media. I'm not sure its the right game plan based on what little I know. But he's standing by it and staying his course.
Bush Speech Links Iraq War And Nazis
President Says U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq Would Give Victory To Enemies

WTF is he talking about?

The extremists and al qaeda LOVE us being in Iraq. OBL hoped to provoke this reaction, by attacking us on 9/11. This is common knowledge. He hoped to provoke us into foolishly invading and occupying an arab country, to ignite popularity for the jihaddist cause.

The fact that bush invaded a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 was just icing on the cake for OBL. To many arabs, it simply confirmed what bin ladin had been telling them for years.
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There is no war against Islam, at least I hope not. That sounds like som 15th century shit!

There is a war against Radical western hating Islam...

That would be like if the Civil Rights Movement declared war on all of Christianity because some were segregationists!
I watched some of the key parts of the president's speech and yes, I think the fate of the civilized world hinges on the steps we take to combat terrorism, if not on the Iraq war. We have a serious problem, not with Islam the religion, but with people willing to blow themselves up and die in the name of Islam. It is indeed a troubling time in which we live.
I watched some of the key parts of the president's speech and yes, I think the fate of the civilized world hinges on the steps we take to combat terrorism, if not on the Iraq war. We have a serious problem, not with Islam the religion, but with people willing to blow themselves up and die in the name of Islam. It is indeed a troubling time in which we live.
Poppycock. Terrorism is just a symptom, not the root problem. Hell, it isn't even the worst symptom. It's just white arrows and black arrows on the map, Winston.
What does the war in Iraq have to do with the war against radical western hating Islamic fundamentalists?
So now it is a war on Islam ?
WMD/terrorism, then sadam a bad guy, then democracy, now war on islam....
Fools that stay the course with the fool.
Bush has never said it was a war on Islam itself. That is a misrepresentation.
Bush has never said it was a war on Islam itself. That is a misrepresentation.

When you mindlessly use bumper-sticker phrases like "islamo-fascism, the message is not lost on average people on the arab street. Its taken as a great insult to their relgion as a whole, no matter how much you try to word-parse it and "explain" it.

And, the average arab on the street is quite well aware of how bush's allies - Jerry Falwell, Rush Limbaugh, etc - in politics and the media describe this war. Many, perhaps most of them, don't make a distinction between what Bush's political allies say, and what he himself says.
No, he called it a "Crusade" at the beginning, but was talking about a military crusade not comparing it to the Crusades. He misspoke, knew it, and hasn't used that reference since.

Confusing the two is fundametally disingenuous. Even the best of speakers use the wrong word on occassion and this guy was never accused of being that.

In other context (not with Muslims) using the word "crusade" in a military context would have been appropriate.
Rubbish. Using that phrase is much like saying "Fundamentalist Islamic Groups" just in a shorter term...

Getting all bent is what they want to do. But naming the enemy is important in any war.