Bush says we have not won in Iraq yet

Anyway, militarily is one way to face the immediate threat. If we wish to win we must take away their importance. Defeat will come when their card has been played. When oil is no longer a necessity and that region is no longer so vitally important to our continued strength...
Anyway, militarily is one way to face the immediate threat. If we wish to win we must take away their importance. Defeat will come when their card has been played. When oil is no longer a necessity and that region is no longer so vitally important to our continued strength...
but that would diminsh the power of oil in this country too, and we do have oil guys in the WH that want jobs when they get out.
I fully agree with you on this Damo.
I think you have figured out what would be the winning plaf=tform for the democrats Damocles . A big attaboy for ya!