bushco wants offshore drilling allowed

I also reject, with extreme prejudice, that the United States has been unfriendly to drilling.

There have been more oil wells drilled in this country, than have been drilled on the rest of the entire planet by an order of magnitude.

There's not enough oil offshore florida or california to make a hill of beans of difference in either price, or global production.

The oil companies are already sitting on hundreds of thousands of acres and leases they haven't drilled yet. Why aren't they drilling those?

Its a distraction Cawacko. California and Florida have vested interests in protecting their sensitive areas because the economy is based on tourism in those areas. Rather than stressing out about a relatively small amount of oil that might possible be off the coast of central california and florida, we should be doing more in the way of conservation and alternatives.
I'm not against alternative forms of energy. But from my perspective it does not seem any alternative options are going to spring up overnight. I know lots of money is going into alternative energy options and will hopefully become viable options in the not to distant future. So what do we do in the meantime?

To me it seems there is a disconnect between people not wanting for us to drill for more oil and yet wanting oil to be cheaply priced. In my mind the best way to get people off oil is for it to so highly priced people turn to alternative options. That is what is happening but of course high oil prices have real economic effects on people.
I'm not against alternative forms of energy. But from my perspective it does not seem any alternative options are going to spring up overnight. I know lots of money is going into alternative energy options and will hopefully become viable options in the not to distant future. So what do we do in the meantime?

To me it seems there is a disconnect between people not wanting for us to drill for more oil and yet wanting oil to be cheaply priced. In my mind the best way to get people off oil is for it to so highly priced people turn to alternative options. That is what is happening but of course high oil prices have real economic effects on people.

riddle me this, batman:

cawacko, if you're so postivie that if we open up ANWR to drilling, the oil companies will aggresively drill it, develop it, and we'll be swimming in oil in a matter of years....

then why has it been nearly 10 years since the federal government auctioned off hundreds of thousands of acres at the naval petroleum reserve on alaska's north slope (for pennies on the dollar in classic capitalist robber baron fashion), and yet the oil companies are sitting on this huge and allegedly prolific source of alaskan oil and have barely drilled any wells? They're just sitting on it.

Here's what i think cawacko: the oil companies are very happy with $130 a barrel oil. They don't have a vested interest in flooding the market with huge supplies of new crude. if you're so sure that ANWR is going to be rapidly developed, and will save our asses, I'd like you to explain why the oil companies are sitting on the naval petroleum reserve for ten years.
Yep alaska has been trying to cancel those drilling contracts and give them to someone else who will drill them, but the oil cos are screaming and hitting up trial lawyers.

ANWR when spoken means no more than when Bush talked of a balanced budget.
Yep alaska has been trying to cancel those drilling contracts and give them to someone else who will drill them, but the oil cos are screaming and hitting up trial lawyers.

ANWR when spoken means no more than when Bush talked of a balanced budget.

Oh, man I didn't know that. All I knew is that the federal government auctioned off most of the public lands of the naval petroleum reserve at bargain basement prices years ago, and the oil cos. are just mostly sitting on it.

Which is why the ANWR nonsense is such a distraction. Hannity loves that ANWR stuff, but ANWR is not the magic panacea.

You know what ANWR is really about, I think, USC? I think the rightwing simply wants it to set a precedent that sensitive public lands and federal wildlife refuges, can be auctioned off for hydrocarbon development. In other words, its an ideological football. Not a "solution" to our nation's energy problems.
Oh, man I didn't know that. All I knew is that the federal government auctioned off most of the public lands of the naval petroleum reserve at bargain basement prices years ago, and the oil cos. are just mostly sitting on it.

Which is why the ANWR nonsense is such a distraction. Hannity loves that ANWR stuff, but ANWR is not the magic panacea.

You know what ANWR is really about, I think, USC? I think the rightwing simply wants it to set a precedent that sensitive public lands and federal wildlife refuges, can be auctioned off for hydrocarbon development. In other words, its an ideological football. Not a "solution" to our nation's energy problems.

The thing is, with 67% (top’s # is inflated, much like everything else about him), of the public apparently wanting this off-shore drilling and therefore ripe for this 3-card monte con game McBush is running, how does Obama get this out there? It’s not quite as simple as just being able to scream “they won’t let us drill!” I hope he can do it.
Perhaps Cypress or maybe ANWR is the oil companies magicians trick, keeping us distracted by the ANWR strawman. While they do not even drill 30 yr old leases, but sue when alaska wants to give the leases to someone who wants to drill them ?

Why would big oil really want to increase the supply ?
Of course with big oil being able to stop anyone else from drilling on their leases it is money in the bank for them for the future at $200/bbl.
The thing is, with 67% (top’s # is inflated, much like everything else about him), of the public apparently wanting this off-shore drilling and therefore ripe for this 3-card monte con game McBush is running, how does Obama get this out there? It’s not quite as simple as just being able to scream “they won’t let us drill!” I hope he can do it.

I hear ya.

But, I suspect first, that that 67% number is inflated, as you say.

"Offshore drilling" is a nebulus and undefined term. We're already doing offshore drilling. In the Gulf and in southern Cal. So, I don't trust any poll that uses nebulus, ill defined terms.

I don't think this is something the american people are obsessed about. I think its a gimmick, as you suggest. We shall see.
Perhaps Cypress or maybe ANWR is the oil companies magicians trick, keeping us distracted by the ANWR strawman. While they do not even drill 30 yr old leases, but sue when alaska wants to give the leases to someone who wants to drill them ?

Why would big oil really want to increase the supply ?

You're a smart, and informed dude USC.

Maybe that's why you're almost always right, and rightwingers are almost always wrong?

I totally hear what you're saying, and I agree in principle.