Bush's press conference


New member
Wow - did anyone catch it? I know we bash him a lot here, and say that he's stupid & can't speak...and man, is that all true.

He was incoherent. He was trying to talk about housing & foreclosures, and he was just absolutely lost.

What an embarassment for a President. I hate to say it, but this is what happens when things like sighs, 30-year-old wars & pastors take center stage in a campaign, instead of the economy, foreign policy, healthcare, energy & sheer competence, among other pressing issues.
Wow - did anyone catch it? I know we bash him a lot here, and say that he's stupid & can't speak...and man, is that all true.

He was incoherent. He was trying to talk about housing & foreclosures, and he was just absolutely lost.

What an embarassment for a President. I hate to say it, but this is what happens when things like sighs, 30-year-old wars & pastors take center stage in a campaign, instead of the economy, foreign policy, healthcare, energy & sheer competence, among other pressing issues.

At least I didn't vote for Gore or Kerry! -- Cawacko
At least I did not vote for Bush!

Those who did should feel proud. :usflag: :burn:

I simply don't understand how you can throw your country under the bus, and vote for an absolute incapable and dangerously incompetent boob, just so Paris Hilton's top marginal rate doesn't get jacked up by 5%. And just so CHIPS health insurance isn't expanded.
Sad but true......

The dumbest Conservative is better for the country than the smartest Liberal.....?

That is an amazing and indisputable fact...:tongout:
Sad but true......

The dumbest Conservative is better for the country than the smartest Liberal.....?

That is an amazing and indisputable fact...:tongout:

Indisputable? Do you have any idea where we're at right now?

Let's just review. We're in a quagmire; a quagmire that has strengthened our enemies, and made us less safe. Oh, and it has turned most of the world against us.

We're about to enter a fairly deep recession; the tax cuts didn't work, and we're handing off a huge deficit to the next generation.

Gas prices are out of control, our energy policy is a mess, foreclosures & debt are through the roof (no pun intended), and the dollar is astoundingly weak.

In short, we're f**ked. It doesn't get any worse, hackity. And you can't blame the "Dim Congress"....
I simply don't understand how you can throw your country under the bus, and vote for an absolute incapable and dangerously incompetent boob, just so Paris Hilton's top marginal rate doesn't get jacked up by 5%. And just so CHIPS health insurance isn't expanded.

Good to see you've kept your on-line love affair with Paris Hilton.
to correctly intreptret republicanspeak you have to read it in a mirror while standing on your head. Comprehension comes when you pass out from the blood rushing to your brain.
Indisputable? Do you have any idea where we're at right now?

Let's just review. We're in a quagmire; a quagmire that has strengthened our enemies, and made us less safe. Oh, and it has turned most of the world against us.

I'd rather my county be RIGHT than popular....

We're about to enter a fairly deep recession; the tax cuts didn't work, and we're handing off a huge deficit to the next generation.

tax cuts didn't work? what a fool...the tax cuts are 6 years old and have worked perfectly in those 6 years....they weren't meant to solve our economic problems into infinity, moron...

Gas prices are out of control, our energy policy is a mess, foreclosures & debt are through the roof (no pun intended), and the dollar is astoundingly weak.

If the Dimwit Democrats would have allowed new oil to be discovered and developed, new nuke plants, etc. we would have no problem.... amazing...you cause the problem then complain about it and blame someone else....

In short, we're f**ked. It doesn't get any worse, hackity. And you can't blame the "Dim Congress"....

Of course you can blame the Dim Congress....they block what we MUST and WILL do in the future....they just make us suffer in the meantime...
We will drill in Anwar...we will drill in the Caribbean, and we will drill off the California course eventually ...Thats a promise from the RIGHT....