Buy local/humanely treated meat

Dam, if someone ever needs to get laid to reduce stress its Dhula.
How do you not know that's a joke Darla, even if it's a bad one.
A junior high kid knows what a vegitarian is. You could have save the internet air.
all my meat except for some chicken breasts come from very local sources, like my own pastures for instance. I trade beef for Hog meat too.

Yep, mine comes from local sources too. Beef from the pasture, Chickens from the barnyard, Pork from local FFA sales, deer, rabbit, squirrels and turkey from the woods behind my house. Oh yea, fish from the river nearby.
wow the whimpy stuff comes from vegans, I think cypress is/was one to.

I'm a vegiterian too, but not strict. I do eat beaf and pork!!! yum no fish though. How do you tell when fish is bad it's smells like a dumpster when it's fresh.

wow the whimpy stuff comes from vegans, I think cypress is/was one to.

LOL. I never said that. But, I really don't like meat that much, and limit how much I eat. And I think red meat is pretty digusting. Must be from living in Texas and watching those yahoos consume mass quantities of cows.
I love fish...and steak. Good God I love steak. I wasn't thinking the other night and ordered a steak medium-well (usually get it medium or medium-rare) and it ruined my whole night to have to eat that dry-ass piece of shit. I didn't send it back because it was my fuck-up, not theirs.
Yep, mine comes from local sources too. Beef from the pasture, Chickens from the barnyard, Pork from local FFA sales, deer, rabbit, squirrels and turkey from the woods behind my house. Oh yea, fish from the river nearby.

Ummm Crappie season soon.....
Dam, if someone ever needs to get laid to reduce stress its Dhula.
How do you not know that's a joke Darla, even if it's a bad one.
A junior high kid knows what a vegitarian is. You could have save the internet air.

I guess I didn’t know it was a joke because it makes about as much sense as anything else that you write Top! Well, at least it made me laugh, even if I didn’t get the joke.
actuall I stole it from Jim Gaffigan, saw it on comedy channel and the crowd errupted.

Gaffigan said "I'm a vegetarian too, not too strict though - I do eat beef & pork, yum, no fish though"....and the crowd erupted?

Definitely sounds like your kind of crowd, tops...
oncelor are you gay, cause if you are I'll quit the wussie jokes.
If not I'm goin out on a limb and say you never ever played any organized sports right?? come on now!!!
oncelor are you gay, cause if you are I'll quit the wussie jokes.
If not I'm goin out on a limb and say you never ever played any organized sports right?? come on now!!!

I understand your issues now, tops; it's all okay...none of it is your fault.
your in tune with the feminazi dhula that's what makes sense. I bet bet you like to knit lorax and your wife where's the pants in the family.
your in tune with the feminazi dhula that's what makes sense. I bet bet you like to knit lorax and your wife where's the pants in the family.

Just on a serious note - have you tried therapy? Them's some tough circumstances. There is no shame in it...
wow the whimpy stuff comes from vegans, I think cypress is/was one to.

I'm a vegiterian too, but not strict. I do eat beaf and pork!!! yum no fish though. How do you tell when fish is bad it's smells like a dumpster when it's fresh.
"I'm a vegetarian but I eat beef and pork?"

Wow. I can't describe how funny that is to read.
a real man gets it.
Lori gets all feminazi on me and Dhula is as fustrated as all go get. Puts on her school marm dress and explains to me what a vegitarian is viens all popping in her neck.