Bye Rudy


Well-known member
Rudy's implosion is on a trajectory to rival howard dean's.

The aura of 9/11, and a fablulous evening dress can only get a corrupt new yorker so far, apparently.

Rudy is cratering in national polls, and he's in like third or fourth place in the three first primary states: Iowa, NH, and S. Carolina.
This has been kind of low-key, but it is kind of astounding. He was the presumptive nominee just a few months ago.

The GOP field is still kind of a mystery to me. Huckabee? Romney? It's hard to imagine either as the ultimate nominee, but equally hard to imagine anyone else.

Democrats have never had it so good as far as their chances in '08; what a shame it would be not to make the best of that...
Good he is a colossal scumbag.

I was hoping I was not putting to much faith in the intelligence of republicans by saying he did not have a chance months ago.
Lorax, I might have been wrong about McCain.

The fossil is surging, and GOP voters may well put a geriatric up for the general election.
I agree about McCain. He could shock everyone.

I still think he's the guy that would give them their best shot in the general, too.
I have a feeling Huckabee wins it by pandering to the 'Values' voter. You know, the same people that elected Bush and fucked this country over, they still exist and will vote for the guy who plays the best Christian role. Wait, what am I saying. Ron Paul supporters flood the voting booths and take 50% in every state.
I think the dem nominee crush's Mcain, I hope Rudy doesn't get it cause he's the toughest in a general.
The Republicans (read bible thumpers) are left with the cleanest christian as their nominee who will be thrashed in the General by whatever dem emerges.
Can you picture an Obamma ,McCain race?

The young vibrant man whos a product of a melting pot and good education up against the Old cancer scared guy who sold his soul to the devil for one last chance at the office.

McCain would spiral down in flames.
McCain, Romney or Huckabee would all lose pretty handily to Edwards or Obama, imo.

With Hillary, both McCain & Romney would be a close one. She is a lighting rod for the GOP, and would galvanize the base.
Can you picture an Obamma ,McCain race?

The young vibrant man whos a product of a melting pot and good education up against the Old cancer scared guy who sold his soul to the devil for one last chance at the office.

McCain would spiral down in flames.

lol here we go with the cancer shit again. this is the dem blogs answer to mccain.. bush lite, cancer case.. bla bla bla.

Obama is the only candidate that i would vote for over McCain. Not because i agree with his policies more.. but because i see something more in him.. a true leader.
No the cancer thing is emblematic. He was scared by cancer which reminds you that he is old and that he has a cancer on his soul which is his selling of what people really liked about him (his independence) to Bush for them simply not keeping him from the position with the republican election machine. He sold out to the people who called his beautiful little daughter nasty names and tried to destroy him. He sold out and bears the scars. The cancer happened at the same time. Im gald he survived but he should have never sold out. He wants the office for himself and not because America needs him. Everyone knows this in their soul.

Lorax, I might have been wrong about McCain.

The fossil is surging, and GOP voters may well put a geriatric up for the general election.

I take notice to your oldies bashing...John has about ten years on me...but he can still shake it...unlike the wondering Lassie man!:cof1:
Say what.............?

Can you picture an Obamma ,McCain race?

The young vibrant man whos a product of a melting pot and good education up against the Old cancer scared guy who sold his soul to the devil for one last chance at the office.

McCain would spiral down in flames.

Cancer scared! he has a 4" surgery scare on his left cheek that removed a melinoma...not to mention numerous battle wound scares from his shoot down over N/Vietnam...what scars does Obama have to show? Besides the obvious nose scars from inhaling illegal substances...humm anymore silly comments desh? And Obama sold his soul to 'Allah'...forget about that one?
As far as Edwards goes...he does have a nice hair do...combs his hair like I do...but that won't get my vote!:D albeit I could live with Edwards more so than Obama or Hillary!