
No wait---the bitch offers welfare and higher taxes---how can anybody but the elite grow from that?

That people---is what Hillery is about.

She reciently said "I am going to give poor people money that don't have heat in their homes and to to help out the economy."

OK--I don't want to see anybody suffering, and I am no economist. But I am pretty sure giving money away for citizen utilities is not going to do anything for the economy. She has no idea what she is doing. It is one goofy plan after another. She is probably menopausal---who knows--she just is not right.
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No sense of humor, eh?

No, they are the "myth" created everytime someone proposes "privatization of SS" or changes to medicare/medicaid. It is fear based bullshit.

works both ways SF, how do we know privitization of SS will work. has anyone even presented a plan to privitize SS into congress ?

and could that be because the privitization supporters cannot figure out how to maKE IT WORK ?

Still suppositions and assumptions based on some untried thing.
She did?

Could you please give me the link. T/K

For this quote asking how Hillery (and all Dems) are proposing higher taxes and welfare.

I know--you only believe links wrtten by either side hiding their tracks.

If you don't have the common sense (and you don't--your too young--and have not experienced income taxiation yet) to understand that a national health care system is welfare--and raises taxes at the same time---I don't know what else to say to you accept---don't vote yet---your not experienced enough personally.

Can I ask you one more personal question? Are your folks rich and take care of you in any way, or do you have to work right now to support yourelf---like most people that have honor.

Not baggin on you---my folks let me stay with them until I finished a degree--and then I moved on. I was a bit older than you when I moved out and was totally supporting myself on a single income---I had to have room mates back then though.
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