Calling out CanadianDik


God Bless America
What province do you live in?

I'm betting Ontario or Newfoundland, because they're the dumbest provinces. (Excluding Quebec)

Winnipeg, MB is also a possibility.
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My reasoning is based on Canadian demographics.

I'd say there is a 90% chance CanadianDik lives in Ontario.

Alberta and Saskatchewan are highly unlikely. I've been to both provinces, and most of the people there are very sensible and pro-American.

Eastern BC is largely conservative as well, but western BC is pretty messed up because of our draft-dodgers and hippies and the like. Still, CK doesn't strike me as being a western Canadian. Maybe I just don't like the thought of him living so close to Washington. :)

Probably only CK will understand why I suggested he *might* be from Newfoundland...

No, I almost guarantee this little bastard is from Ontario - most likely the south-eastern portion. I've dealt with many liberal fucks and commies from Toronto.

You just guessed like 1/3 of all Canadian provinces.

Hey asshole,

There are 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada.

1/3rd of 13 isn't 2, fucktard.
My reasoning is based on Canadian demographics.

I'd say there is a 90% chance CanadianDik lives in Ontario.

Alberta and Saskatchewan are highly unlikely. I've been to both provinces, and most of the people there are very sensible and pro-American.

Eastern BC is largely conservative as well, but western BC is pretty messed up because of our draft-dodgers and hippies and the like. Still, CK doesn't strike me as being a western Canadian. Maybe I just don't like the thought of him living so close to Washington. :)

Probably only CK will understand why I suggested he *might* be from Newfoundland...

No, I almost guarantee this little bastard is from Ontario - most likely the south-eastern portion. I've dealt with many liberal fucks and commies from Toronto.

Hey asshole,

There are 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada.

1/3rd of 13 isn't 2, fucktard.

*insert insult here, along with defense of the noble citizens of Ontario, and damnation of the ignorance of Albertan assholes*
*insert insult here, along with defense of the noble citizens of Ontario, and damnation of the ignorance of Albertan assholes*

LOL... Canada would be bankrupt without Alberta. Alberta accounts for only 10% of Canada's population, but over 20% of Canada's GDP. Per-capita GDP in Alberta is nearly $80,000. Why? Because of free markets - they've realized socialism doesn't work. Saskatchewan is soon to follow.

Unfortunately, the rest of Canada (especially Ontario and Quebec) continues to drain the West like a leach.
LOL... Canada would be bankrupt without Alberta. Alberta accounts for only 10% of Canada's population, but over 20% of Canada's GDP. Per-capita GDP in Alberta is nearly $80,000. Why? Because of free markets - they've realized socialism doesn't work. Saskatchewan is soon to follow.

Unfortunately, the rest of Canada (especially Ontario and Quebec) continues to drain the West like a leach.

Per capita income in Connecticut is the highest in the US. They've realized that socialism works.
Per capita income in Connecticut is the highest in the US. They've realized that socialism works.

Here's a thought, asshole,

Connecticut is also among the highest taxing States in the USA. As a result, cost of living in Connecticut is obscene. Businesses are forced to pay higher wages due to high taxation, a cost which is passed on to the consumer. So does socialism really "work," or does it merely inflate wages and the cost of goods? Try wrapping your sick little mind around that. Also, why don't you address my original challenge, that being Canada's dependence on Alberta.

This is overlooking the fact that Connecticut is not socialist in the sense that eastern Canada is socialist. Technically, neither are socialist, but the latter is much closer.
Here's a thought, asshole,

Connecticut is also among the highest taxing States in the USA. As a result, cost of living in Connecticut is obscene. Businesses are forced to pay higher wages due to high taxation, a cost which is passed on to the consumer. So does socialism really "work," or does it merely inflate wages and the cost of goods? Try wrapping your sick little mind around that. Also, why don't you address my original challenge, that being Canada's dependence on Alberta.

This is overlooking the fact that Connecticut is not socialist in the sense that eastern Canada is socialist. Technically, neither are socialist, but the latter is much closer.

The province with the highest per capita income in Canda is Alberta. The province with the second highest is not Saskatchewan, but Ontario.
The province with the highest per capita income in Canda is Alberta. The province with the second highest is not Saskatchewan, but Ontario.

According to the stats on Wikipedia, as of 2008, you're wrong.

Saskatchewan C$45,718
Ontario C$43,847

Regardless, neither compares to Alberta's C$74,825 per capita (2007). Would you honestly rather live in Ontario? If so, you are insane.

I'd love to see a new country formed out of Alberta, eastern BC, Saskatchewan, southern Manitoba, and some of our Rocky Mountain states.
According to the stats on Wikipedia, as of 2008, you're wrong.

Saskatchewan C$45,718
Ontario C$43,847

Regardless, neither compares to Alberta's C$74,825 per capita (2007). Would you honestly rather live in Ontario?

If I got a job offer that paid more, sure.

Alberta's per capita does seem rather insane considering it's greater than any US states, or any individual nation on Earth, for that matter. It's probably be because of an abundance of natural resources, sort of how Naaru had the highest per capita income of any nation on Earth while the phosphorous was flowing, and now has one of the lowest now they've mined the islands dry.

Neo-liberalism has been tried and failed in many places. See Chile. It's a dubious claim at best to attribute actual economic growth to it.
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Just as I thought. Alberta has a high per capita income because of large oil reserves, not government policy. They supply 10% of all US oil imports. There are certainly governments out there that have far more free markets (no universal healthcare or any other benefits for welfare cheats like the working poor). They are failures.

In fifty to one hundred years Alberta will be as much of a wasteland as all the other in-demand natural resource boomtowns that have emerged over the years. Worse yet, because of their extremely conservative government they will have done nothing to promote sustainability, unlike places like Dubai, which use their wealth to turn the desert into an oasis that will keep the wealthy for a long time from now.
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If the government MUST manage the economy in order for it to be successful, what's to stop them from managing our personal lives as well? And where do you draw the line? If one does not have the right to start and run a business the way he or she sees fit, then we are not a free country.

My belief is that coercion must be avoided, whether it be in the economy or in our personal lives, for that matter. Use of coercion must be limited to keeping criminals off the streets, and defending ourselves or our country when it is necessary. Anything beyond that inevitably leads to the trampling of our rights.

Europe has been slashing its welfare state because it is beginning to see the correlation between socialism and a poor economy (i.e. double-digit unemployment). And, ultimately, the freer the market, the freer the people.

Freedom works. It's a shame you have lost sight of that principle.

Just as I thought. Alberta has a high per capita income because of large oil reserves, not government policy. They supply 10% of all US oil imports. There are certainly governments out there that have far more free markets (no universal healthcare or any other benefits for welfare cheats like the working poor). They are failures.

In fifty to one hundred years Alberta will be as much of a wasteland as all the other in-demand natural resource boomtowns that have emerged over the years. Worse yet, because of their extremely conservative government they will have done nothing to promote sustainability, unlike places like Dubai, which use their wealth to turn the desert into an oasis that will keep the wealthy for a long time from now.

Be that as it may, you have not been to Alberta. I have. I know many people who live there, and live quite comfortably - more comfortably than the average American, for sure.

One of my friends who is only 18-years-old is making $19 per hour. It's pretty common for teenagers in Calgary and Edmonton to start out at $14/hour in entry-level jobs. The economy is booming (not just because of oil) and demand for labor of every sort is high.

Alberta has no debt, and has been running budget surpluses for several years. Much of it has been given back to the people. This isn't wholly the result of tapping oil reserves; it is, rather, the fruit of sound fiscal policy by the Conservatives.

Make all the excuses you want, Watermark, but in the end, Alberta is a great place to live and that isn't going to change in the foreseeable future.
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It'll change quite dramatically once the oil boom ends, thanks to fiscal ineptitude by the conservatives. It has low personal taxes - because of huge taxes on the oil industry. It's a one trick pony economy, and not sustainable in the long run. Just like Alaska, spoiled rich conservatives are running free with the oil tap, and claiming that they got there by something other than luck, and that it was all personal fiscal responsibility. They did not. They have highest per capita spending levels than most other Albertan provinces, just like Alaska has THE highest per capita tax revenue in the US - thanks to the oil.

Alberta was Canada's poorest province before the 50's, before they found the oil, and they will be the poorest again once the rest of the world goes green. They have done nothing to make sure their economy will ever run off of anything but oil. They will live like people in third world countries.
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It'll change quite dramatically once the oil boom ends, thanks to fiscal ineptitude by the conservatives.

Actually, for the past 25 years the Reform Party (now defunct) and Conservative Party have worked to insulate the economy from such a thing. It goes to show you really don't have a fucking clue of what you're talking about. Before you talk Albertan politics, I suggest you do a little research.

Your belief that government can somehow magically create wealth out of nothing, making the lives of its citizens better than those of free market countries, is simply idiotic and delusional.