Can any Palin supporter defend this idiocy? Dixie? Anyone?

So Dixie name the last private individual sued for violating the First Amendment rights of another private citizen.
Look, let's stop with the petty name-calling, and get back to the issue of the thread. If your argument over the meaning of the First Amendment were correct, there would be absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever, with prayer in public schools. It's the same thing. Congress is not 'making a law' that school children must pray, so it's not a violation of the First Amendment. Your entire argument against school prayer, is the basis for why Palin is correct in her opinion about the media. The First Amendment does not literally only mean that Congress can't pass a law, it means you have freedom of speech in public places, and it's protected by the First Amendment.
So Dixie name the last private individual sued for violating the First Amendment rights of another private citizen.

*sigh* the First Amendment applies to public discourse, not private citizens vs. private citizens. The news media is not a private citizen, it is an entity regulated by the Federal government. Why are you trying to twist this into an argument you can win, instead of conceding defeat? You're wrong, you've been wrong all along, and changing the parameters of the argument is not going to work now.
Jesus. I don't even know if I have the energy to deconstruct that. If Dixie can't even admit that the first amendment pertains only to the government preventing free speech, not private entities, then this is a lost cause.

By the way Dixie, if the government passed a law forbidding children to pray at schools then it would be a violation of free speech. Kids pray at public schools all the time, dumbass. But the school doesn't sanction it, lead it, or otherwise condone or criticize it.

Hell, my local high school serves as the meeting place for church youth groups.
Jesus. I don't even know if I have the energy to deconstruct that. If Dixie can't even admit that the first amendment pertains only to the government preventing free speech, not private entities, then this is a lost cause.

By the way Dixie, if the government passed a law forbidding children to pray at schools then it would be a violation of free speech. Kids pray at public schools all the time, dumbass. But the school doesn't sanction it, lead it, or otherwise condone or criticize it.

Hell, my local high school serves as the meeting place for church youth groups.

And why is that, dumbass? Why can't a school condone or sanction it? Isn't it free speech? Congress isn't 'making a law' and in your inept arguments against what Palin was saying, you claimed that to be the parameters. My argument, on the other hand, was the same argument you people make about school prayer, that a 'government sanctioned/regulated entity' can't violate the 1st Amendment. This applies to municipalities who want to put 10 Commandments monuments up on public property, it applies to city and state governments allowing people to protest the war, and it applies to newspapers and t.v. stations who want to slander people and claim they were being "negative" when they weren't. It's all the same argument. Dumbass.
There are specific contsitutional restrictions/limitations about the government and religion in the constitution.