Can someone answer me this???

I've been watching Barney Frank speak for the past few days... how in the fuck can this man garner enough intelligent votes to win an election? I mean really.... who are these people who have gone to the polls, and made the "informed" decision that... yeah, THIS is my guy! THIS is who I want to represent me in Washington! Can someone explain that?

Also... I have watched Nancy Peolosi... same deal... can someone explain why any sane person in their right mind, would actually cast a fucking vote for her? Furthermore, how in the hell did her colleagues in the House, come to the decision that SHE was the best person to be the leader of her party? Jeesh Louise... is that the best you guys have?

What is the deal here? Because I don't get it! While Republicans haven't been the shining example of wonderfulness lately, we at least have some intelligent bright and articulate people representing us. At least they don't look like they are a sandwich shy of a picnic! Every time I turn on C-span, there's some goofy moron from the Democrat party, looking like they don't have the common sense to tie their shoes.... and I'm thinking... these people make about $200k a year! .....Do the Democrats hold auditions at county fairs, or carnivals, or what? Where the hell did you find so many absolute retards to run for office in the first place... never mind, how the hell you got them elected!
I can't believe anybody would vote for him after his, "FM & FM are strong, there is nothing we need do" crap before election time....
I've been watching Barney Frank speak for the past few days... how in the fuck can this man garner enough intelligent votes to win an election? I mean really.... who are these people who have gone to the polls, and made the "informed" decision that... yeah, THIS is my guy! THIS is who I want to represent me in Washington! Can someone explain that?

Also... I have watched Nancy Peolosi... same deal... can someone explain why any sane person in their right mind, would actually cast a fucking vote for her? Furthermore, how in the hell did her colleagues in the House, come to the decision that SHE was the best person to be the leader of her party? Jeesh Louise... is that the best you guys have?

What is the deal here? Because I don't get it! While Republicans haven't been the shining example of wonderfulness lately, we at least have some intelligent bright and articulate people representing us. At least they don't look like they are a sandwich shy of a picnic! Every time I turn on C-span, there's some goofy moron from the Democrat party, looking like they don't have the common sense to tie their shoes.... and I'm thinking... these people make about $200k a year! .....Do the Democrats hold auditions at county fairs, or carnivals, or what? Where the hell did you find so many absolute retards to run for office in the first place... never mind, how the hell you got them elected!

Funny. I think the same thing every time I hear Cantor and Boehner speak.
These people look like people you would be afraid to speak to at a bus stop, Damo! I'm serious! I just can't fathom how the hell they got enough votes to get elected.... hell, I can't even fathom how they obtained enough signatures to get on the ballots!! But... these are the LEADERS in the Democrat party!!!!!
I've been watching Barney Frank speak for the past few days... how in the fuck can this man garner enough intelligent votes to win an election? I mean really.... who are these people who have gone to the polls, and made the "informed" decision that... yeah, THIS is my guy! THIS is who I want to represent me in Washington! Can someone explain that?

Also... I have watched Nancy Peolosi... same deal... can someone explain why any sane person in their right mind, would actually cast a fucking vote for her? Furthermore, how in the hell did her colleagues in the House, come to the decision that SHE was the best person to be the leader of her party? Jeesh Louise... is that the best you guys have?

This is an argument from ignorance. "I can't understand how anyone would vote for these people, so no one should vote for these people!" The fact that you are ignorant on the subject is irrelevant. You are ignorant on a lot of subjects. This is common knowledge.

So this is fallacy.
what you think of the congressional representation from states other than your own is of zero significance. If you don't like Barney Frank, don't move to his district in Massachusetts. If you cannot imagine being anywhere near people who would vote for him, don't even bother to visit there. Believe me, they won't miss your ignorant racist, perverted redneck ass one little bit.
what you think of the congressional representation from states other than your own is of zero significance. If you don't like Barney Frank, don't move to his district in Massachusetts. If you cannot imagine being anywhere near people who would vote for him, don't even bother to visit there. (redacted insults)

It's not about what I think of them... I am trying to rationalize in my mind, what kind of person would actually make the informed decision to cast their one and only vote, for one of these imbeciles. I mean, I can see you or Waterhead's retarded ass voting for them... yeah... but they obviously had a lot of votes to get elected.... then, once elected... their colleagues had to like... nominate them, right? Then they had to be voted on again, to obtain the positions they hold! How did they goofy-ass nitwits manage to do that? Do they have some kind of magic fairy dust or something? I am not getting it!

Okay.... look... I can see Bill Clinton... I can see Barack Obama (barely).... Hell, I can even see Hillary.... being able to con and manipulate words well enough to fool people into casting a vote for them! I can see that! Diane Feinstein... Older 'diplomatic' type... yeah, I can see the liberal appeal there.... I can see Bill The Tax Cheat Richardson... growing out his beard and looking all Tough-guy... appealing to enough liberal pinheads to get elected.... I can see that! But for the life of me.... SERIOUSLY.... I can't see how Nancy Pelosi or Barney Frank even managed to get enough signatures to RUN!
Hey Waterhead... stop talking to yourself!!

This is dixie's way of saying "I've just been epically pwned and I'm going to pretend like I'm ignoring him as a cheap copout and pretend like I didn't see my own pwning in order to lessen my embarrassment, however, it is a fact that he's ripped me like a dozen new assholes."
It's not about what I think of them... I am trying to rationalize in my mind, what kind of person would actually make the informed decision to cast their one and only vote, for one of these imbeciles. I mean, I can see you or Waterhead's retarded ass voting for them... yeah... but they obviously had a lot of votes to get elected.... then, once elected... their colleagues had to like... nominate them, right? Then they had to be voted on again, to obtain the positions they hold! How did they goofy-ass nitwits manage to do that? Do they have some kind of magic fairy dust or something? I am not getting it!


I have no idea why we allow a state like Alabama in the union. I can smell dixie alone from where I'm sitting right now, not counting all the other individual scents wafting into Mississippi from the great trash heap to the east.
I can't believe anybody would vote for him after his, "FM & FM are strong, there is nothing we need do" crap before election time....

Funny that in the fervor to slap Dixie no one addressed Damo's comment.
It's not about what I think of them... I am trying to rationalize in my mind, what kind of person would actually make the informed decision to cast their one and only vote, for one of these imbeciles. I mean, I can see you or Waterhead's retarded ass voting for them... yeah... but they obviously had a lot of votes to get elected.... then, once elected... their colleagues had to like... nominate them, right? Then they had to be voted on again, to obtain the positions they hold! How did they goofy-ass nitwits manage to do that? Do they have some kind of magic fairy dust or something? I am not getting it!

Okay.... look... I can see Bill Clinton... I can see Barack Obama (barely).... Hell, I can even see Hillary.... being able to con and manipulate words well enough to fool people into casting a vote for them! I can see that! Diane Feinstein... Older 'diplomatic' type... yeah, I can see the liberal appeal there.... I can see Bill The Tax Cheat Richardson... growing out his beard and looking all Tough-guy... appealing to enough liberal pinheads to get elected.... I can see that! But for the life of me.... SERIOUSLY.... I can't see how Nancy Pelosi or Barney Frank even managed to get enough signatures to RUN!

Who cares what you think.

You voted for a fucking Bush to be president twice and look what we got out of it.

Your votes gave us a collapsed economy , wars for the sake of Haliburton , DEAD AMERICANS, crumbling infrastructure and a future of massive Debts to undo what YOU WANTED DONE!

I've had it , I'm angry and the people who think like you and accept NO responsibility for what you caused can fuck off.

The liberals are mad fella and we will never again allow you asswinks to spew your idiocy without having your lies smacked to the ground and your stupid ass mistakes etched into the minds of all the world.

Go to hell you ruined our country.

You are too stupid to ever be allowed to do it again.
Who cares what you think.

You voted for a fucking Bush to be president twice and look what we got out of it.

Your votes gave us a collapsed economy , wars for the sake of Haliburton , DEAD AMERICANS, crumbling infrastructure and a future of massive Debts to undo what YOU WANTED DONE!

I've had it , I'm angry and the people who think like you and accept NO responsibility for what you caused can fuck off.

The liberals are mad fella and we will never again allow you asswinks to spew your idiocy without having your lies smacked to the ground and your stupid ass mistakes etched into the minds of all the world.

Go to hell you ruined our country.

You are too stupid to ever be allowed to do it again.

So if given your druthers, you would forbid the franchise to anyone who voted for Bush twice? Or would they just be forbidden to speak?
will never again allow you asswinks to spew your idiocy without having your lies smacked to the ground and your stupid ass mistakes etched into the minds of all the world.

Talk the shit all you want.

Dont expect to find us trying to be civil anymore when you spew fucking lies and half truths.

Its on like donkey kong forever.
will never again allow you asswinks to spew your idiocy without having your lies smacked to the ground and your stupid ass mistakes etched into the minds of all the world.

Talk the shit all you want.

Dont expect to find us trying to be civil anymore when you spew fucking lies and half truths.

Its on like donkey kong forever.

:):)Thats very very funny desh....It definitely gave me a chuckle...I especially like the "Dont expect to find us trying to be civil anymore" line....that is too too much....implying the dims have been civil even for even a second of the last 8 years is just the "mother of all lies", as the Saddam would have I must salute you.....:321::321::321:
will never again allow you asswinks to spew your idiocy without having your lies smacked to the ground and your stupid ass mistakes etched into the minds of all the world.

Talk the shit all you want.

Dont expect to find us trying to be civil anymore when you spew fucking lies and half truths.

Its on like donkey kong forever.

Whom, I don't remember too many going language wise where you are. Don't see it used towards Obama either, other than by those that can't express themselves civilly. I hear lots about the policies and the fact that he's spending little time working, setting records in that department too. AWOL I believe you all called it.

But he does seem to be getting some practice time in, while at the white house:

It's not about what I think of them... I am trying to rationalize in my mind, what kind of person would actually make the informed decision to cast their one and only vote, for one of these imbeciles. I mean, I can see you or Waterhead's retarded ass voting for them... yeah... but they obviously had a lot of votes to get elected.... then, once elected... their colleagues had to like... nominate them, right? Then they had to be voted on again, to obtain the positions they hold! How did they goofy-ass nitwits manage to do that? Do they have some kind of magic fairy dust or something? I am not getting it!

Okay.... look... I can see Bill Clinton... I can see Barack Obama (barely).... Hell, I can even see Hillary.... being able to con and manipulate words well enough to fool people into casting a vote for them! I can see that! Diane Feinstein... Older 'diplomatic' type... yeah, I can see the liberal appeal there.... I can see Bill The Tax Cheat Richardson... growing out his beard and looking all Tough-guy... appealing to enough liberal pinheads to get elected.... I can see that! But for the life of me.... SERIOUSLY.... I can't see how Nancy Pelosi or Barney Frank even managed to get enough signatures to RUN!

again...why do you think anyone cares about what YOU think about the congressional representation from other areas of the country and from other political parties? You are a well known political hack who dislikes all democrats, except for those who really aren't democrats like your good friend Zell Miller.

I can't, for the life of me, understand why YOU think the things you think or do the things you do, but I realize that trying to understand someone like you is nothing that is all that important to me.... kinda like spending any time wondering why dogs like particular brands of dog food. who cares?
Whom, I don't remember too many going language wise where you are. Don't see it used towards Obama either, other than by those that can't express themselves civilly. I hear lots about the policies and the fact that he's spending little time working, setting records in that department too. AWOL I believe you all called it.

But he does seem to be getting some practice time in, while at the white house:


Alternet universe.

It blows me away that you people can actually belive the crap you spew.

Chatter away about the silly little complaints, we will never let history forget what you stood by and cheered be done to this country. History will leave this petty, silly type of thinking in the dust where it belongs.
Alternet universe.

It blows me away that you people can actually belive the crap you spew.

Chatter away about the silly little complaints, we will never let history forget what you stood by and cheered be done to this country. History will leave this petty, silly type of thinking in the dust where it belongs.

LOL! :clink: