Can you believe these people?


I can't understand why some liberials think, the money people make is not their own--but belongs to the community (most likely taught in socialists universities everywhere).

It is insane to think that stealing from somebody to give it to somebody else is OK. Do the socialists liberials that believe that phrase also condone armed robbery for charity?
I fthe money was your own it would not be illegal do deface it.


Good Point uscit!

And it also falls in with "give unto Caesar, what is his".....

But i am with Tiana on this, i am not against any kind of tax cut that (i get to be part of :D), as long as they cut spending to coincide with it, (enough pork to cut without hitting entitlements imho, and the billions unaccounted for in Iraq)!

and good morning!

When was the last time anybody was arrested for burning cash? How about writing a name on a bill?
Im begining to think a certain percent of the R party are nothing but lying sacks of shit who will say and ddo anything to save face for their party.

I have met some who just boggle the mind with their dishonesty.

How very sad.

Good Point uscit!

And it also falls in with "give unto Caesar, what is his".....

But i am with Tiana on this, i am not against any kind of tax cut that (i get to be part of :D), as long as they cut spending to coincide with it, (enough pork to cut without hitting entitlements imho, and the billions unaccounted for in Iraq)!

and good morning!


If they got rid of all pork... that's at most, maybe, 1 or 2 percent of the budget.
So what it is illegal.
Prosecution is an entirely different matter.

I made my point and it is valid.
Laws that are not prosecuted are simply dead. Promoting "It is illegal" is ridiculous.

If such were the case it would be illegal to buy a tub in Nebraska. It isn't.
so having prescription drugs not in their origional conatiner is a dead law ? Oh wait that is selective enforcement. Else most elderly people would be drug felons.
Of course that would cure the SS problem if the law was fully enforced.

Just because a law is not enforced today does not mean it will not be enforced tomorrow.
Illegal is illegal whether prosecuted or not.
But then the republican attitude is that it is not illegal unless you get caught.
so having prescription drugs not in their origional conatiner is a dead law ? Oh wait that is selective enforcement. Else most elderly people would be drug felons.
Of course that would cure the SS problem if the law was fully enforced.

Just because a law is not enforced today does not mean it will not be enforced tomorrow.
Illegal is illegal whether prosecuted or not.
But then the republican attitude is that it is not illegal unless you get caught.

That's certainly my attitude. :clink:
I fthe money was your own it would not be illegal do deface it.

Then come and steal it from me directly. I have the right to shoot you or you end up in jail. Is it OK for a criminal to hire somebody else to steal from other people. No. If you hire a hit man to do your dirty work, and the law finds out and proves it--you go to jail.

What is the difference between a theif haviing somebody else do their dirty work---or a communist lobbying in Washington to steal our money.

A theif is a theif--and you sir condone it.

Do you realize that the statement you made above is 100% communist philosophies, and is considered treason (the act of betraying--in this case--USA)

You sir--are not a free American-In fact, your not American at all--your a communist. We need to start a civil war on our own soil, because it is the goal of all free people to stomp out communisum when it effects them.
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Good Point uscit!

And it also falls in with "give unto Caesar, what is his".....

But i am with Tiana on this, i am not against any kind of tax cut that (i get to be part of :D), as long as they cut spending to coincide with it, (enough pork to cut without hitting entitlements imho, and the billions unaccounted for in Iraq)!

and good morning!


That was not a point of freedom---remember freedom? nope--ya don't.

You have been conditioned well--grasshopper.
Laws that are not prosecuted are simply dead. Promoting "It is illegal" is ridiculous.

If such were the case it would be illegal to buy a tub in Nebraska. It isn't.

But--if somebody in power wants to get you for breaking a law that has not been inforced--they will. We are suppose to be a nation of laws. Sure--there are a lot of silly laws, but a law is a law. If it is in the book, the police do not have the right to decide which laws they will inforce (but they do)---that is up to our court system. Even our Judges choose which laws they will enforce, but it is embarassing to them---so they let a uneducated cop do it.

Silly laws should be stricken from the books so we don't pick and choose which laws we inforce.

And back to the point---communists, like several people here, should be deported for treason.
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So does that mean that land does not belong to you just because you have to pay property taxes?

While defacing money is technically illegal, you are still allowed to hang on to your money until you use it to pay for "any debts, private or public". If no one can take it from you without being in the wrong (legally), I would say it belongs to you.
So does that mean that land does not belong to you just because you have to pay property taxes?

While defacing money is technically illegal, you are still allowed to hang on to your money until you use it to pay for "any debts, private or public". If no one can take it from you without being in the wrong (legally), I would say it belongs to you.

Property tax is a mandatory tax, unlike income tax technically. But that is a point. You never really own your home or your property. If you dont pay those taxes--you lose your property (land and home).

I have a question---has paying property taxes always been impilmented in this country?

We all know a driving force for the civil was was Lincon knowing that a person should reep the benifits of their labor. It is unconstitutional that any money be extracted from your pay check. the 16th amendment was not legally ratified, and it skirts the real issue of you having the right to reep the rewards of your labor.

I have a buddy that has not filed his income with the IRS since 2000. The IRS is after him--but they are at a stalemate--because my buddy is well versed, and they can not proove him wrong.

When cases like these come to a jury court, and the defendant knows his facts--the courts dismiss the case so there is no verdict, and the guy goes free. That is happening more and more as time goes on, as people educated themself with the facts.
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Property tax is a mandatory tax, unlike income tax technically. But that is a point. You never really own your home or your property. If you dont pay those taxes--you lose your property (land and home).

I have a question---has paying property taxes always been impilmented in this country?

But you can do whatever you want on that property so long as you keep up the you still own the land, but you have to pay whatever property tax your area has implemented to keep it, which really is paying for the roads, schools, and services such as that in the area that you have chosen to live in.
But you can do whatever you want on that property so long as you keep up the you still own the land, but you have to pay whatever property tax your area has implemented to keep it, which really is paying for the roads, schools, and services such as that in the area that you have chosen to live in.

Yet they stuff the lie down our throat that driving on a public road is a privedlige, and not a right.

You can't do anything you want with your land. There is zoning, wetlands, building restrictions etc etc.

To keep up our local infrastructure---sure. But man---our roads suck so much here, I am about to street legalize a motocross bike. I would like to see the budget of where that money actually goes---because our schools suck, and our roads suck.